XYZ Homework Access Code

In order to access XYZ Homework, you will need access code. After entering your access code, you can then log in or create a new account in XYZ Homework. However, some students still do not know where to get their student access code.

If you also cannot access the XYZ Homework tool, since you have not entered your student access code, you need to find your student access code first. Thankfully, this post will show you a guide to find your student access code to use XYZ Homework tool. Let’s see our post below!

Where to Find Your Student Access Code?

Your Student Access code that you can use to access XYZ Homework tool can be found on the inside front cover of a new textbook or inside the All-Access Pass Package that you can find at the bookstore.

If you buy an all-access pass, it will give you 1 full year of complete access to all of Homework’s online content including MathTV videos, eBooks and XYZ Homework. It is really free with every new print textbook or $45 when bought from official XYZ Homework with roughly $25 as a renewal.

XYZ Homework Access Code

With the All-Access Pass, you will be able to get access to all of XYZ Homework’s eBooks that are supported by responsive and knowledgeable customer service. If you purchase All-Access Pass, you will get some following online content:

    • QR Code Access
    • All XYZ ebooks
    • MathTV video tutorials for every single example in every book
    • All supplements (digital), including worksheets
    • XYZ Homework (if it is required by your instructor)
    • Responsive, knowledgeable customer support

Here’s a list of book price:

    • Free: $0 with the first chapter of any eBook.
    • eBook: $45/ year with All-Access Pass (1 year Access)
    • Textbook: $68 (average price) with Printed Textbook and All-Access Pass (1 Year Access)

However, if you still need more time to decide between a printed book or eBook, the first chapter of XYZ Homework’s eBooks is always free. You definitely can see any of them in the catalog that you can access here.

You can browse any of the books and search them by title, author or ISBN. There are a bunch of newest books available in the XYZ Homework catalog that may be interested to buy, here they are:

    • College Algebra and Trigonometry by Revathi Narasimhan: $60
      College Algebra and Trigonometry
    • Trigonometry by Charles P. McKeague: $50
      Trigonometry by Charles P. McKeague
    • Introductory Algebra: Concepts and Graphs 2e by Charles P. McKeague: $68
      Introductory Algebra
    • Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Graphs 2/e by Charles P. McKeague: $68
      Intermediate Algebra

How to Redeem Your Student Access Code?

If you already have your student access code for XYZ Homework, you can then redeem the access code. To redeem your student access code, you can visit the Redeem Code page here. You can then enter your student access code at the available Student Access Code.

After entering your student access code, you can then click the’ Validate Code’ button. If your student access code is validated, you can then log into XYZ Homework or create a new account.

To log into the XYZ Homework tool, you can visit the official XYZ Homework site here. Once you are at the official page of XYZ Homework, you can then click on the ‘Login Now’ button. At the login page, you will be required to enter your email and password that you’ve set when creating your account. After creating an account on XYZ Homework, you will automatically get your class roster.

After you log in, you can then enroll in a course by entering your Course ID that can be obtained from your instructor. Right now, the Course ID here is a 2 digit number that you can view from your administration screen. Later, the number will be a 3 and then 4 digit number ad infinitum as more courses and classes will be added.

How to Take an Assessment in XYZ Homework?

After you are included into a course, you will be able to take an assessment from your instructor. Perhaps, what you will be doing most in XYZ Homework is your homework. Well, the way you can do your homework in XYZ Homework is through assessments.

To take an assessment, go to your course page. From there, you can just scroll down until you get to a course item with a pencil icon beside it in order to find an assessment. If you click on it, you will enter the assessment. However, an assessment will look slightly different depending on how your teacher wanted it to operate.

Overall, the process to take an assessment is always the same. You will see the instructors from the instructor at the top of the assessment. If you do not see the instructions, you should click on the Show Instructions link to the right.

After you have read the instructions carefully, you will be able to click on any of the questions on the left to see and answer them. That’s great as you can answer the questions in any order you want. You definitely can answer number 1 followed by number 5 and then 9 and 3. When taking an assessment, you will need to read the specific instructions to that problem and write your answer in the text field.

If you want to ask another question, you can click the ‘Try another similar question’ link that is really similar to the last. You can click on it to get another question. Because of the settings of this homework assignment, the answer really improved your grade. So, you will be encouraged to practice more.

On other assessments, if you are allowed to take extra questions in the first place,  you may not be able to improve your score with a practice question. If you never got the question, you would have received a red ex and no credit.

When you’ve completed your assessment, you will receive a message that says ‘You’re done and you’re able to check your final score in your grade book.’ After that, click on the button to show your results including which questions you obtained full or partial credit. Then, scrolling down. Then, you will have the options to return back the course page or retake the assessment.

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