How Do You Know if an Inmate Blocked You on JPay

When you have sent an email to an inmate, but your inmate has not responded to you for quite a while. You may think that an inmate has blocked you, so you do not get a reply message. When it happens, you may wonder how to know if an inmate blocked you on JPay.

Is it true that an inmate can block you on JPay? Considering this problem is still a debate, it’s better for you to find out the true fact from some sources. No worries! We also have taken a little research to get the answers whether an inmate can block people outside or not. So, take a look at the results of our research below!

How Do You Know if an Inmate Blocked You on JPay

Can an Inmate Block You on JPay?

In fact, the problem related to whether an inmate has a right to block people’s messages is still a debate. However, there are a lot of threads on prison forums that discuss this problem. Some people emphasize that an inmate does not have a right to block people outside on JPay, but others reveal that inmates can block people. So, which one is true?

From our little research that we also got from people’s opinion on some forums, we actually get two answers.

Result 1: Why your email is blocked

If you often send an email to an inmate and he/she respond you email quickly, but if you try to send them email, but you get a notification that says:

Send Mail Blocked

“We are sorry, but the offender you selected is currently unable to receive mail. Please contact our Customer Service department using the “Email Us” form found here for more information.”

If you get this notification, you do not ever think that he/she blocks you on JPay. However, he can also be on lock down for doing something the prison deemed punishable. Some people also think that it can also be a covid lock down, even though most prisons do not really care about inmates’ health.

The notification is also possible to inform you that your inmates can be suspended from JPay/ blocked using the service for a set amount of time. In fact, some people told their story where they found inmates who had been suspended from using JPay and could not send messages through JPay until the end of the year.

It is known that inmates in prison cannot block people outside on JPay, as they do not have the options for it. Otherwise, people have an option to remove or block an inmate on JPay. So, it’s almost clear that inmates cannot block you on JPay.

To know whether your inmate is blocked or not on JPay, you can try to send a Videogram. If you cannot send a Videogram, but you can still send Emails and Snap n’ Sends, it means that your inmate is on JPay restriction.

Result 2: Inmates is seen block you

If your email is blocked and cannot be sent to an inmate, the first thing that comes to your mind is that he/she blocks you on JPay. As we’ve proved above, an inmate basically does not have a right to block you on JPay, but it is known that inmates still have an option to block you, so you cannot send them an email.

From our little research, inmates can still block you, but they need to do some extra effort. If an inmate does not want to be disturbed by certain people outside, they have an option to send an email to JPay and tell them that he/she wants to block certain people so that they cannot send messages.

It commonly takes two weeks. Sure, they are still on your contact list, but  if you send them an email, there will be a notification where you do not have permission to email that inmate. So, if you get this notification, it may happen that your inmate already sent a message to the JPay team to block you.

The point is, inmates cannot directly block you on JPay, but they still have an option to block you by sending the JPay team to block you.

How to Delete Your JPay Account?

Because of some reasons, you may want to delete your JPay account. However, deleting your JPay account is pretty easy, it does not take time to do at all. In this case, you should know if the reason you want to remove your JPay account is because of your emails you get from JPay, you actually can unsubscribe and stop receiving updates from JPay easily.

Here’s how to delete your JPay account!

    • First, go to the JPay site here.
    • After that, log into your JPay account by entering your email and password.
    • After you login, you can click on the ‘My Account’ button.
    • Here, you need to scroll down to ‘Payment Methods’ and click on it.
    • Last, select the ‘Delete’ button.

Aside from that way, you can also remove your JPay account by following some steps:

    • Click this link:
    • Then, fill in your first and last in the proper fields when you register on JPay.
    • Put your email address.
    • Tell in the message field where you want to delete your JPay account.
    • Last, click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Alternatively, you can also delete your JPay account by sending an email to the JPay team. Here’s how!

    • Open your email that you have registered with the JPay app or website.
    • Compose an email by telling them that you want to delete your JPay account.
    • You can then enter the email address to
    • Type ‘Request to delete my account’ in the subject section.
    • Now, you can write an email that requests them to delete your account from their database. Tell them to also wipe all your information with them.

Okay, those are some ways that you can do to delete your JPay account.

Well, if you have deleted your JPay account, you will no longer receive emails from them. You cannot also use your JPay account anymore. So, make sure to consider before you delete your JPay account.

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