WS-37469-9 PS4 Error Code and How to Fix

You may find that there is an error which is happening in your PS4 where it shows error code WS-37469-9. This error can happen because of network-related issues. This error can also happen if the servers are down. How to fix the WS-37469-9 error code?

Fixing WS-37469-9 Error Code

According to the PlayStation site, you can fix this error by following the steps below.

    • You have to check the PlayStation Network status page.
    • You have to turn off your router and then wait for at least 5 minutes. After that, you can restart it.
    • You can also try again later.

According to the Latest News FreshersLive site, here are the methods that you can try to fix this error.

    • Checking PlayStation Network Status
      Same as recommended by PlayStation site above, you have to try checking PlayStation network status when you experience this error on your PS. It is because sometimes, this error happens because of the official servers down. You are able to check whether there is a problem by accessing the official website. Usually, the servers are taken down to install new updates or make some security changes. If this is the case, the information will be shown on the page.
    • Restarting Your PS4
      Another method that you are able to do to fix this error code is to restart your PS4. Usually, restarting the console can fix common issues and usually this method is the first method that people do when they find any errors. This method can be done if you have checked the PlayStation Network statues and you find that there is no server maintenance. If so, the reason for the error can be because of some issue on your side. So, you are able to restart your PlayStation where it will be able to clear unwanted cache files and free some memory.
    • Changing Wi-Fi Bandwidth to 5 Gigahertz or 2.4 Gigahertz
      To fix this error, you can also try to change the Wi-Fi frequency bands from automatic to 5 gigahertz. After changing your Wi-Fi bandwidth, then you are able to see whether it can fix the error code or not. If you find that this method does not work, you are able to try to change it to 2.4 gigahertz. However, if you have changed it to 2.4 gigahertz and nothing happens which means that the error code still appears, you can revert to automated mode.
    • Changing DNS Settings (For U.S. Users Only)
      If you are U.S. users, you are able to try fixing this error by changing DNS Settings. You are able to change the primary DNS to and the secondary DNS to It should be able to help reduce and fix the error.

WS-37469-9 PS4 Error Code and How to Fix

Fixing PS4 Error Code WS-37397-9

You may not face error code WS-37469-9, but you may be facing error code WS-37397-9. If you are facing WS-37397-9 error code, as explained on the Appuals site, it can happen when PSN offline or your IP address has been blocked for violating PS Network’s terms and conditions.

The characteristics of this error are explained below.

    • You cannot connect to the PS Store.
    • You cannot manage your account information including wallet charges and voucher entry.
    • You cannot browse your download list.
    • You cannot activate or deactivate your system.
    • You are not able to browse your trophies.
    • You are not able to use Remote Play via the Internet.

How to fix this error code? Here are some methods to fix this error according to the Appuals site.

    • You have to check the status of the PlayStation Network.
      To check the status of the PlayStation Network, you have to use your browser and access Then, you have to choose your country or region to check the network status of your area. There, you will see all the services which are provided by PSN and its status. If you find that the services are running, but you still have the error, you can try solving it by applying the other methods below.
    • You can try rebuilding the database.
      To rebuild the database, you are able to follow the steps below.

      • The first thing that you have to do is to turn off the PlayStation 4. It can be done by pressing the power button and releasing it after you heat two beeps which indicates that it is completely off.
      • After that, you have to boot into the Safe Mode by holding the power again for another 7 seconds.
      • Then, you have to connect the DualShock 4 controller via USB and then you have to press the PS button on the controller.
      • Now, you have to scroll down the list of options and choose Rebuild Database  and you have to press the X. After the process is done, the PS4 will restart.
      • At last, you are able to go to Settings and then go to Network and choose Test Internet Connection to run the Internet connection test.
    • You can use Google DNS.
      Another method to fix error code WS-37397-9 is to use Google DNS by following the steps below.

      • The first thing that you have to do is to go to Settings and then choose Network and you have to choose Set Up Internet Connection.
      • After that, you have to choose WiFi or LAN depending on how your PS4 is connected to your router.
      • Now, you have to choose Custom and use the parameters below.
        IP Address Settings:  Automatic DHCP
        Host Name: Do Not Specify
        DNS Settings: Manual
        Primary DNS:
        Secondary DNS:
        MTU Settings: Automatic
        Proxy Server: Do Not Use
    • You can change your IP address.
      If you change your IP address to a new one, it will give you a new connection and give you access to PSN.

      • You have to change your router or modem.
      • You have to contact your ISP to change your IP address.
      • Let’s say that your ISP offers dynamic IPs. If so, you have to wait for a few days and then you are able to try to reconnect.

Well, that’s all the information about the characteristics and also the methods to fix error code WS-37397-9 according to the Appuals site.

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