Why Reel is Not Showing in My Instagram Account?

There are some Instagram users who report that their Instagram reels are not showing. By the way, why is the reel feature not showing on Instagram? Well, in this page, we are going to inform you the reasons and solution to fix Instagram reels not showing.

Why is Reel Feature Not Showing in My Instagram Account?

There could be some reasons why the reel feature is not showing on your Instagram account. It could be that you have not updated your Instagram app in a while. Also, the accumulation of app cache could be another reason why reel is not showing on your Instagram account.

Why Reel is Not Showing in My Instagram Account

How to Fix Instagram Reels Not Showing?

Here are some methods to fix Instagram reels not showing:

Method 1: Update Instagram App

If you cannot find the Reels option in your Instagram app, you might have forgotten to update your Instagram app. Need to note that the outdated version of the Instagram app could be the reason why the Reels option is not showing. For this case, you are able to update your Instagram app from Google Play Store if you are an Android user, or on the App Store if you are an iPhone user.

To update Instagram app from Google Play Store:

    • Firstly, you are able to open Google Play Store on your Android phone.
    • After that, type Instagram in the Search bar and hit enter.
    • Then, choose the Instagram app and tap on the Update button.
    • After the Instagram app is updated, just open it and go to the search section.
    • Please scroll up and down 4-5 times and reels shown in the app.

To update Instagram app from App Store:

    • On iOS, you are able to update the Instagram app by launching the App Store.
    • After that, search for “Instagram.”
    • Then, you are able to tap on the ‘Update’ button.
    • After an app update has been installed for the Instagram app, simply you are able to open it and look for the Reels feature anywhere inside the app.

Method 2: Report Problem if Reels Not Showing on Instagram

If your Instagram app is already updated and still Reels not showing, then the issue is not in your phone or app versions. This might be occurring because your Instagram account is not blessed with the reels feature. In this case, you have to report a problem to Instagram. After you raise a complaint about this issue, soon the Instagram technical team will check and fix it for you.

Here is how you can do:

    • At the first step, you are able to open the Instagram app and login to your Instagram account.
    • After that, go to your profile by tapping on the profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
    • Then, you have to tap on the three dots icon at the top and choose the Settings.
    • Please scroll down and tap on the Help button.
    • The next step, tap on the Report a problem.
    • Now, you are able to type a message in the message box. Also, you are able to upload screenshots if you want.
    • Afterwards, tap on the submit button.
    • Within 48 hours the reel feature  started showing.

You are able to type a message like this: I cannot find the Instagram reels option even after I updated the Instagram app to the latest version from Google Play Store. Please enable the Reels feature in my Instagram account as soon as possible. Thank You.

Method 3: Join Instagram Beta

If you are still unable to see Reels inside your Instagram app, then you are able to choose to install the Beta version of Instagram to obtain the feature on the Instagram app. Updating the app to its beta version might bring in Reels. Joining the Instagram Beta program will give you a chance to use the app’s latest or upcoming feature at or before its launch date.

For joining the Instagram Beta program, you are able to follow these steps below:

    • At the first step, go to Google Play Store.
    • After that, search for Instagram and tap on it.
    • Please scroll down and tap the Join button under Join the Beta section.
    • For confirmation, you are able to click again on Join.
    • Next, you have to update the Instagram app to use the beta version.
    • Now, Google will enroll you into Instagram’s beta program. It might take several minutes before an update to Instagram’s most recent beta version is available for you.
    • Once available, just tap on the ‘Update’ button inside the Instagram screen on the Play Store app to install the latest Instagram Beta version on your device.
    • When the update has been installed, you are  able to open the Instagram app and check if Reels has been made available to you.

Method 4: Sign In and Out Your Instagram Accounts

If you are using some Instagram accounts on the same app, then this method is best for you. Even if you updated and joined the Instagram Beta program, you cannot view the Instagram Reels feature. Now, you are able to try to sign out of your Instagram account and then sign in to it once again.

Method 5: Clear Cache

In several cases, if a temporary cache and data get accumulated over time, then it might clash with the proper functioning of that app. Thus, it is advised to remove these data from time to time. In the case of Instagram, your data is stored in the clouds. So, you would not lose any data after removing the cache.

Here is how you can do:

    • Please open the settings on your device.
    • After that, scroll down and go to Manage Apps.
    • Then, search and tap on the Instagram app.
    • Now, hit the Clear Data option.
    • Afterwards, click on Clear Cache or All Data option.
    • Next, click on OK to confirm your request and complete the process.
    • The Instagram team will fix it soon, and then you will be able to access the reel feature again.

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