Which is the Number One Meme in Roblox?

Today, memes are becoming more popular due to modernization. Everyone loves to make vines and enjoys watching funny content on the internet. This thing has an amazing impact on playing the games too. Everyone experiences a special vibe once the meme sound or vines suddenly start playing in their games. The players in Roblox platform play these kinds of sounds and memes all the time.

What is “We are number one” song code?

There are many Meme Roblox Ids that you can use to play. One of them is “We are number one” song. By the way, what is “We are number one” song code? We are sure that you come to this page to find out that information. Do not worry, here we are going to reveal that information. Need to know that “We are number one” song code is 606853854.

Which is the Number One Meme in Roblox

Meme Roblox Codes [2021]

Meme Roblox codes are the set of the codes which can be used to play the meme sounds. With the help of the codes given in this page, you will be able to play funny music and troll around your friends along with playing the game. This freedom gives a great chance for all Roblox players who play the game to have just fun.

On the internet, so far, there are thousands of memes. However, we will cover only famous meme sounds in this Roblox game. Using their IDs will give you the ability to play them while playing your game on the Roblox platform.

What is Meme Roblox Codes?

In Roblox, you are only able to play the audio files if you know their corresponding ID Code. Without Meme Roblox codes, you will not be able to play them in your game. All those numeric IDs are unique identifier numbers for every meme audio uploaded on Roblox. Ensure that you check all of the lists to discover your favorite meme Roblox audio on this page.

Meme Roblox Codes List

Below is the compiled list of all Meme Roblox audio and their Codes. Please use these codes properly to make some funny moments in Roblox platform.

Here is a list of Meme Roblox codes:

    • Afk Meme: 456384834
    • Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That: 130776739
    • Ladies And Gentlemen We Got Him: 2624663028
    • Deja Oof Meme: 1444622447
    • Astronomia: 5180097131
    • Windows Xp Boot Meme: 5371528720
    • Old Man Laughing: 621995483
    • We Are Number One: 606853854
    • I am Fine: 513919776

AFK Meme

Roblox code: 456384834

Need to know that AFK is away from the keyboard. It is mainly used in the messaging or texting language in the conversation between people. On the internet, the AFK arena of memes has 6145 people as followers. The page has a big number of stupid and funny relatable memes that make people laugh and enjoy.

Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

Roblox code: 130776739

The video of artist Kimberly Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That went viral on the internet. The popular game video collected by Sweet Brown had lots of appearances on television channels. Officially, the video went on air for the public on 08 April 2012. The video was of 42 seconds duration for the people. The video was from the United States and was in the English language.

Ladies and Gentlemen We Got Him

Roblox code: 2624663028

The song is one of the best Roblox memes which was evaluated from the year of 2018. This meme song was related to Paul Bremer who is America’s chief administrator in Iraq.  He went to the popular place as rostrum in Bagdad. There was a press conference where he said the words ladies and gentlemen we got him, and there were cheers assembled in the hall.

Deja OOF Meme

Roblox code: 1444622447

Officially, Deja OOF is taken from the Roblox platform. Moving through the song information, the Roblox code of the song is 1444622447. Globally, it has a total of 5270 favourites among the players of Roblox. Deja OOF Meme is one of the songs that is available for the players of Roblox. It makes for an immersive gaming experience. There are lots of Roblox players who enjoy this song feature on the Roblox platform and enjoy the game.


Roblox code: 5180097131

The Dutch electronic duo Vicetone and Tony Igy came with the song Astronomia on 09 July 2014. The song is the remix version of Igy’s song that was released in 2010 with the same title. The original version of the song was officially launched in Russia in 2010. The song is unprofitable and niche. For your information, the song is launched under the Sony Label.

Windows XP Boot Meme

Roblox code: 5371528720

Apparently, the Microsoft company launched the music theme for Windows XP. This theme was featured in the operating system on a PC (Personal Computer). In October 2001, Windows XP  launched this song for the public and also included it in their signature song. Many memes are made on this Boot song. The popularity increased every day. The users are able to discover lots of funny related memes on the world internet and mainly on YouTube.

Some Other Meme Roblox Codes

In addition, here we will also share some other meme Roblox codes. Here are they:

    • 130791919 (Do A Barrel Roll)
    • 131226014 (Happy Birthday Song)
    • 627722878 (Revenge)
    • 1521794845 (Your Reality)
    • 454451340 (Cringe Recorder Song)
    • 2190410631 (Cut My Hair Meme)
    • 130778839 (Everybody Do The Flop)
    • 6042935040 (Oh Santa)

How to use Meme Roblox Codes?

Actually, using Meme Roblox Codes is similar to that of using any other Roblox Code. To use meme Roblox codes, simply you are able to follow these easy steps below:

    • At the first step, you have to log in to your account and then launch any game you want to play.
    • After that, you have to bring out the Boombox from your inventory and click it.
    • Please enter the code in the blank space of the window. Next, press Enter.
    • This is going to start the respective audio file to start playing the song in your Boombox.

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