Where is the Policy Number on Wellcare Insurance Card

Wellcare is the Medicare brand that has offered a range of Medicare products for over 20 years. The Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (PDP) are examples of Wellcare products. Wellcare offers affordable coverage beyond Original Medicare.

Just like other insurance companies, if you register as a Wellcare member, you will get your own policy number that you can see on your insurance card. Since it does not read ‘Policy Number’ on the insurance card, it may be hard to find your policy number. If it happens, we’ll help you identify your policy number on your Wellcare card. Let’s see our post below!

How to Find the Policy Number on a Wellcare Insurance Card?

WellCare provides an eight-digit policy number on the member’s insurance card. The Policy Number is actually available on the card that reads ‘Member ID’. The policy number on your WellCare insurance card is such a proof that you really have coverage.

The policy number is basically used by insurance agents and healthcare facilities to verify your coverage. Since the policy number is always available on your WellCare insurance card, finding the policy number on a WellCare card is pretty easy.

Let’s see the WellCare insurance plan below!

Where is the Policy Number on Wellcare Insurance Card

Just like most insurance card, WellCare card also contains the member’s information which is unique to you and your policy, here they are:

    • Member contains your first and your last name.
    • Member ID is your Policy Number
    • Plan contains the code number of your insurance plan
    • Primary Care Provider (PCP) is your healthcare practitioner who will see whether or not you have common medical problems.
    • PCP Phone is the phone number of your healthcare practitioner
    • RxBin is the prescription drug information that is commonly used to process prescription drug claims
    • RxPCN is the prescription drug information that is commonly used to process prescription drug claims
    • RxGRP is the prescription drug information that is commonly used to process prescription drug claims

For more information, WellCare has changed their Medicare Member ID cards for the 2020 plan year where the new layout is a larger font, making it easier for their members to read. WellCare also removed information found on the current ID cards to allow space for the enlarged font.

The information that is not available on a WellCare insurance card can be easily gotten through their secure Provider self-service portal. Certainly, this portal will make sure that the most current member information is actually used each time when the member visits your facilities for services.

The new WellCare insurance card started to launch in the mail beginning in November and throughout December of 2019 and it has been effective as of January, 2020.

Quick Guide for New WellCare Member

To easily access any information regarding your insurance coverage, bonus, the status of your policy, WellCare members are highly recommended to start creating a new account on the official site of WellCare. By creating a WellCare account, you will get the Member Portal, allowing you to access any information about your insurance plan.

To create a new WellCare account, you just simply visit the official website of WellCare here. You may need to choose your state to get started. After that, you can click on the ‘Login/Register’ button.

On the drop-down menu, you need to choose ‘who you are’, your state and your plan. Once choosing them, you can then click on the ‘Register for an Account’ link. The link will take you to the registration page where you need to fill out your personal information including your member ID, your first name, your last name and your date of birth.

To continue for registration, you can then click on the ‘Next’ button. On the following page, you will usually be required to set your own password. To make your password, you may need to combine lower case letter, upper case letter, number and even symbol or punctuation.

After submitting your registration, you will usually receive a confirmation email. What you should do is to open the email and click on the information link. You may also need to set your security question and answer.

Congratulations! You successfully register for a new WellCare Member Account. Once making it, you can start to access member portals and explore WellCare insurance plans and what you want to do within WellCare.

To use your new WellCare Plan, you may need some helpful tips.

    • Checking your ID Card
      You can begin by checking your ID card. However, your ID Card contains the information that you will need including your member ID number, your primary care provider (PCP’s) name and contact information, as well as the member services phone number. Make sure to always carry your WellCare insurance card at all times.
    • Getting to know your PCP
      In insurance terms, PCP is your partner in health. You may need to see your PCP during your first 90 days as a member. Well, this way is a great thing to do for your health.
    • Signing up for an online account
      After you sign up for a new WellCare account, you can then access the member portal to change your PCP, order a replacement member ID card and set-up your communication preferences.
    • Downloading the WellCare App
      To make it easier for you to access your WellCare member portal, downloading the WellCare app is perfect for you. This free app allows you access the information about your benefits and more when you’re on the go. The WellCare app is available on Android and Apple devices.
    • Checking the Preferred Drug List
      You definitely can check the preferred drug list to find which medicines are covered by your insurance plan. It would be better for you to talk to your PCP if you take any medications which are not covered.
    • Taking Advantage of the Extras
      If necessary, you can take advantage of the extras benefits such as the Healthy Rewards Program which rewards you to complete healthy behaviours and WellCare’s OTC benefits earn you up to $10 worth of products that will be mailed right to your home each month.

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