If this is your first time holding a UCare Card, you may not know where to find your policy number on your card. However, it’s so normal, many insurance holders also have difficulty finding their policy number on their insurance card.
The Policy Number is known as a unique ID number that can be used to verify coverage and arrange payment for services. So, where to find your policy number on a UCare Insurance card? If you really need the guide where your policy number is located on your card, let’s see our post to find the guide!
Where is the Policy Number on a UCare Card?
Each individual who is covered by a health insurance plan will have a policy number. After knowing your policy number, you can use it to check the status of your policy to get the information regarding your insurance coverage, bonus and other benefits.
The policy number is always available on your insurance card and is commonly found on the front of the card. However, each insurance issuer will display their member’s policy number in different terms such as ‘Policy No.’, ‘ID’, ‘Member ID’ and others.
On a UCare Card, you can also find your policy number on your insurance card that commonly reads ‘ID’. The number commonly lives under your name. In general, as a policyholder, the last two digits in your policy number will be 00, while on the policy may have a number ending in 01,02, etc.
Let’s learn on UCare Card make it more understandable for you to identify what information your insurance card contains, here they are:
Here’s for the explanation:
- ID is the policy number/ member ID as the unique number that is assigned to each UCare member.
- PMI number is the unique number that can be used to identify a person’s eligibility under the Minnesota Health Care Programs.
- Name/ covered member is the name of the insurance holder and sometimes date of birth of the member.
- RxPCN and RxGrp is the prescription drug information used to process prescription drug claims.
- SVC Type and Care Type is the services type/care including the coverage’s type either medical or dental and also name of the specific UCare plan.
- Group number is the number to identify the specific UCare plan.
- Copays are the copayments that are required for specific services, but it is not always available on all insurance cards). PMAP and MSC+ have sliding scale copays.
- Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage icon is used to signify that the member has Medicare drug coverage.
- Health Club Savings/SilverSneakers® icon is used to signify that the member is eligible to receive reimbursement for attending a fitness club a set number of times per month or member has a SilverSneakers membership. This icon may be placed on any locations of the UCare insurance card.
- Claims information contains the information where to submit claims for different services. Covered services will vary by product.
- The Provider Assistance Center number is the phone number to call as you need assistance working with UCare.
How to Register for a UCare Member Account?
Signing up for a UCare member account is pretty straightforward. To start making an account, you will need an email address and your UCare Member Identification (ID) number ready. Here’s how to make an account on a UCare Card!
- First, visit the official UCare’s website here.
- Once you are at the page of UCare, you need to look for the blue ‘Login’ box located in the upper right corner and click on it.
- When a pop-up window appears, you can click on the ‘Login’ box.
- After that, you can click on the ‘Sign Up’ link.
- Here, you need to fill in your email address, your password, your UCare ID number, your name, your birthdate and your zip code.
- In the case of making your password, you must have at least 8 characters, one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one number and one of the following characters: ” ! # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~\
- You can then submit your registration.
- Afterwards, you will get a confirmation email. You need to open your email and click on the information link.
- In this step, you will be prompted to set your security question and answer. If you have to reset your security question, UCare will ask you this question again.
That’s it! You successfully sign up for a UCare Member Account. After making it, you can start exploring UCare insurance plans and what you want to do within UCare.
How to get a new ID card? If you really want a new physical ID card, you can make a request for it. To do it, you can click on the ‘My ID Card’ and then ‘Request Physical Card’ in your member account. After that, UCare will send you a new ID card.
To get an electronic version, you can click on ‘My ID Card’ and then ‘Download & Print’. After that, you can show it to your providers just like you do with your physical card. Practically, you can print it to bring with you.
What Products Are Offered by UCare?
Working in partnership with health care providers and community organizations, UCare offers a variety of health coverage and services across Minnesota and Western Wisconsin. As an independent, nonprofit health plan, UCare actually provides:
- Medicare Plans
- Individual & family Plans
- Medicare Group Plans
- Assisted Living/ Nursing Home Plans
- Medical assistance programs
Furthermore, UCare also serves individuals and families choosing health coverage through MNsure, medicare-eligible individuals, individuals and families that are enrolled in Minnesota Health Care Programs and adults with disabilities.
So far, UCare definitely offers a health plan that is designed for you. To offer a health plan, UCare has teamed up with partners specifically designed for Medicare-eligible adults living in a nursing home, assisted living or memory care facility.
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