Where is the Policy Number on Highmark Insurance Card

When talking about the insurance companies, you cannot exclude Highmark. This one is known as a non-profit healthcare company and Integrated Delivery Network. The insurance company is based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.

Highmark is really a big one in the United States and it operates a few non-profit subsidiaries. These subsidiaries include a dental insurance called United Concordia Companies, Inc., a provider of managed care vision benefits called Davis Vision, a vision retail provider that offers frames, lens, and accessories called Visionworks of America, and a reinsurer that provides stop-loss, limited benefit medical plans, worksite, life, disability, and administrative services called HM Insurance Group.

Highmark Health Plan aka Highmark Inc.:

    • Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield (Western PA)
    • Highmark Blue Shield (Central PA)
    • Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield West Virginia
    • Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware
    • Highmark Health Options (Delaware)

Allegheny Health Network:

    • Allegheny General Hospital
    • Allegheny Valley Hospital
    • Canonsburg Hospital
    • Forbes Regional Hospital
    • Grove City Medical Center
    • Jefferson Hospital
    • Saint Vincent Hospital
    • Western Pennsylvania Hospital
    • Westfield (NY) Memorial Hospital

Diversified Businesses:

    • United Concordia (Dental)
    • HM Insurance Group (Health-related Insurance)
    • HM Health Solutions (IT Services)
    • The Highmark Foundation
    • HM Home and Community Services

For every customer of Highmark insurance, you will be given a card. As there are a few plans offered by the company, the types of the cards may also be different. On the Highmark insurance card, you will be able to find some information. One of them is the policy number. What is the policy number on the Highmark insurance card? Where is this number located?

Where is the Policy Number on Highmark Insurance CardWhere is the Policy Number on Highmark Insurance Card back of card

The policy number on the Highmark insurance card is. Instead of the policy number, on the Highmark insurance card, this identification number is named ID#. Sometimes, it is also written as a member ID. Just like any other policy number, this one is also located on the front of the insurance card. For the alpha prefix, it varies by employer group or account. Keep in mind that it is not applicable to Medicare Advantage products.

Apart from the policy number that is named ID#, there are some other things shown on the Highmark insurance card. All of them are important. Here is the list of the other information included on the Highmark insurance card (the BlueCard program card is used as the example):

    • Product name, logo and/or program description: This is the kind of thing that will help you to determine which network rules to follow.
    • Rx group number and pharmacy log: This one will be on the ID card every time a Highmark prescription drug program is included.
    • Suitcase logo: This one indicates a member of the BlueCard® program. If you want to know more, please refer to Chapter 3, Unit 5 of the Office Manual.
    • Name of the subscriber: This one is the individual under whose name the coverage was established.
    • Name of the member/patient: This one is the individual that is covered by the policy. It will be needed for you to verify that you have the card that corresponds with your patient and not that of another family member/dependent.
    • Group number: Usually, this will be a number assigned to the group. In some cases, it will be an alpha prefix followed by a number.
    • Copay: PCP, specialist office, office visit, and or emergency room copayments may be included on the list. As for the pharmacy co-payments, they are not listed. It will be needed for every participating pharmacy to verify co-payment amounts online. It is possible that the specialist co-payments may not be the same for behavioral health care services, or therapies and or diagnostic services. You might be able to find such co-payments via NaviNet. Not only that, you can also call the phone number on the back of the ID card.
    • Network code: This one is the number that represents the corresponding network.
    • BS Plan: This one represents the corresponding Blue Shield Plan.
    • LSRO: This one only shows up on Western Region Medicare Advantage HMO cards to identify members of the Deluxe Option.
    • *PCP: If a valid PCP is selected, the name of the PCP will show up in this field.
    • *Phone: It is the main PCP’s office telephone number.
    • *PCP effective date: This one is the date the member became effective with the PCP under the group number shown on the card.

Once again, the policy number or the ID# on Highmark insurance card is located at the front of the insurance card. It is located under the name of the subscriber and the name of the member or patient. It should be easy for you to find the policy number on the Highmark insurance card, especially since it is located at the front of the card. If you want to ask something about this number, you can try to contact the customer service of Highmark at 1 (800) 241-5704. Aside from that, you can also try to contact them on social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and so on.

Talking about the Highmark Blue Shield, before getting the actual insurance card, you can get it by printing it from the official website of Highmark Blue Shield. It is really easy to do that. If you want to know how to do it, check out the following guide:

    1. The first thing that you need to do is to visit the official website of Highmark Blue Shield at myhighmark.com. It will be needed for you to register in case you have not registered before. For those who have already registered, you can just enter your Login ID and password before clicking on LOGIN.
    2. Then, click on the ID symbol.
    3. The next thing that you have to do is to choose the family member from the drop down to be able to change the name shown on the temporary ID card.
    4. After that, click on Print this ID Card in order to get a temporary ID card until your real card is sent through the US mail.

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