Since the first time it was released in 2011, Snapchat has become one of the most popular things that is loved by many. To be able to repay the good feedback, the team always tries their best to offer the best things for the users. One of the best things that is offered by Snapchat for their users is streaks. What are streaks on Snapchat?
The term streaks on Snapchat are used to refer to Snapchat streaks, which are also known as Snapstreak. This one is described as a process of sending and receiving a picture every day through Snapchat with someone you like and making a streak. Basically, it happens when two friends, such as you and your friend, message each other on the social media app known as Snapchat within 24 hours for three or more consecutive days. Streaks refer to how many times you and your friend have been sending snaps to each other on a consistent basis. If a snap is sent every day, your streak will be longer. If you still do not get it, these examples might help you to understand Snapstreaks better.
Example 1:
Do you remember in school when you’d give your mates your snap password whilst you was on holiday to keep your streaks
-@emmalouise6756, august 5, 2020
Example 2:
For some users, their streaks are a huge accomplishment and signify the seriousness of their friendships through the app. Some people even have streaks that are hundreds of days long … Keeping a streak, however, is a bit more complicated than simply sending a Snapchat to a friend once a day. There are some rules around the streaks that users hoping to hold onto theirs should be aware of.
-Nina Godlewski, Newsweek, September 5, 2018
Example 3:
Snapchat should have a single button to continuously view all the snaps I have unopened cuz I’ve too many streaks and it’s tiring to open them all
-@jedi_tej, August 1, 2020
Example 4:
2018 soon approaching and Snapchat still doesn’t have an option to send all streaks at once
-Lexus Hollins (@lexus_hollins) August 28, 2017
Example 5:
I could send out a Snapchat saying that I got engaged and all I would get back is a black screen that says “streaks”
-HILARIous (@hilaripaige) September 6, 2017
After you and your friend message each other every single day for three consecutive days, the fire emoji will be shown next to you and your friend’s names. You and your friend will be the only one that is able to see that emoji. Aside from you two, no one will be able to see that emoji. Even if someone from your contact list wants to see the streaks and its details, there will be no way for them to tell it. Not only the fire emoji, there will also be a number that indicates how long you two have been on fire, on a messaging streak. This kind of thing is known as Snapchat streaks or Snapstreak.
You can tell if a streak is about to end if you see the hourglass emoji close to the name of your friend. When the message is sent, the fire emoji will make its comeback. If you and your friend manage to have a streak that hits 100 days, you two will be able to see the hundred points emoji.
Here is the list of the known emojis in Snapstreaks:
- Fire: You will be able to see the fire emoji alongside the name of a person’s emoji if you have been taking the Snapstreak for three straight days.
- 100: This one is the symbol that will be shown after you have been on a Snapchat streak of 100 days.
- Hourglass Emoji: The hourglass emoji will show up beside the name of the person you are with while you are in the Snapchat streak that is set to close.
- Mountain Emojis: The mountain emoji is similar to a unicorn. According to a lot of users of Snapchat, they have encountered it when taking a very long Snapstreak. However, this emoji has not been mentioned by Snapchat in its official documentation. Since there is no confirmation, it is unknown if it is real or fake.
It will be needed for you to send a snap to your friend within 24 hours of getting the last snap to be able to keep the streak going. If you fail, the Snapstreak will be lost and both the fire emoji and the number of days will no longer be seen. As it is two ways communication, it will not only rely on you. Just like you, your friend also has to reply if they want to keep the streak.
It is worth noting that sending messages or pictures to your Snapchat friends over the chat feature will not be able to keep the Snapstreak alive. Another thing that will not keep the strike alive is sending snaps from memories or from Snapchat Spectacles. Remember that the only thing that will keep the strike alive is sending a good old fashioned picture or video directly to your friend.
Talking about the Snapchat streak or Snapstreak, it will help your Snapchat score, which also does nothing. As Snapstreak is all about numbers, you might be wondering who has the longest Snapchat streak record. Since there is no leader board or tracking system for Snapchat streaks across all users of Snapchat, it is hard to tell what is the longest Snapchat streak ever. However, people on the internet think that the longest Snapchat streak record is held by Mia S from Oslo, Norway with a 901 day Snapstreaks. On October 20, 2017, the girl shared that she had broken the previous record of 900 days. It was when she had a Snapstreak with a friend named Shaestn for 901 days. The record is amazing. To think that she and her friend managed to snap for almost two and a half years is truly amazing.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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