The Meaning of “When the Following Button is Green” on Instagram

When you visit someone’s Instagram profile, you may see that there is a green following button. However, when you visit the other Instagram profile, they have a normal following button without having the green color. So, what does it mean?

The Meaning of Green Following Button on Instagram

If you find that the following button on Instagram is green, the meaning is that you have added that person to your Close Friends list. If you do not add the person to the Close Friends list, he or she will not have the green following button. Instead, he or she will have a normal following button like others.

The Meaning of Green Following Button on Instagram

What will happen if we tap on the Close Friend section on the account which has been in the Close Friends list? If you do that, you will remove them from your Close Friends list. If you want to make someone to be your close friend on Instagram, you have to visit the profile of the account and then click on the Following button. After that, there will be some options and at the top of the options there is an option saying ‘Add to Close Friends List’. Just tap on it to add your friend to your Close Friends List. If you have added the person to your close Friends List, the section will  change into Close Friend. And then, the ‘Following’ text will turn into green which means that the account is on your Close Friends List.

Steps to Make Someone To Be In Your Close Friends List

Steps to Make Someone To Be In Your Close Friends List

If you want to make someone to be in your Close Friends List on Instagram, you have to make sure that you follow the person first. If not, you cannot add them to your Close Friends List. If you have followed them on Instagram, then you have to tap or click on the Following button and then there will be some options. The options include Add To Close Friends List, Notifications, Mute, Restrict, and Unfollow. Since you want to add them to your close friends list, the option that you need to choose is Add to Close Friends List.

After you added them to your Close Friends List, you will see that the Following button of the account will be changed to green. It means that the person is now your close friend on Instagram.

If you want to make someone to be added to your Close Friends List, but when you try to follow them they set their account as private, you need to wait for them to accept your follow request. After they accept your follow request, then you are able to add them to your Close Friends List.

After you add someone to your Close Friends List, the stories that you post will be exclusive to your close friends. So, the accounts on your Close Friends List will be able to see a green ring around your story when you post something that you aim for your close friends.

The Meaning of Following Button on Instagram

If the green Following button means that the account is added to your Close Friends List, now how about Following button without green color? The Following button means that you are following that account on Instagram. So, you will be able to see their posts and stories on your feed and timeline.

Before you follow them on Instagram, the button that you will see is not a Following button, but a Follow button. And then, after you follow them, the Follow button will change into the Following button. What happens if we tap or click on the Following button? If you do that, there will be some options including Add To Close Friends List, Notifications, Mute, Restrict, and Unfollow. You are able to choose any option that you need. For example, if you want to add them to your Close Friends List, just tap on the Add to Close Your Friends List option. If you click on this option, the Following button will turn into green.

The Meaning of Green Dot on Your Friends’ Instagram Profile

If the green Following button means that the account is added by you to your Close Friends List, now how about a green dot on your friends’ Instagram profile that you can see in the Direct Message? Well, this small green dot is a part of the activity status update. By the existence of this green dot, we will know when someone is online. This green dot can be seen in the Friend’s list and also in the Direct Message inbox.

This small green dot works a little bit differently on Instagram which sometimes makes the users confused. Let say that some users have a green dot at all times, while others do not seem to be online. Why? It is because it takes more than just a following to be able to know when someone is active.

If you want this green dot to work, you and the person must follow each other. If you follow them on Instagram but they do not follow you, you will not see this small green dot which tells you when the person is online. In addition, you also need to have exchanged some messages with them to be able to see their online status. For your information, this small green dot is introduced in the middle of July 2018.

The Bad and Good Things of This Small Green Dot

The existence of this small green dot can be good and even can be bad. It is good when you need them to reply to your messages as soon as possible since you know that they are online. Usually, they will reply to your message soon because they know that you see they are online through this dot. Also, since this feature will appear if two people follow each other, then for a public figure who has millions followers, the followers will not see this green dot when the public figure is active since they are not followed by the public figure. The bad thing is that when your friends see that you are online, you may have to reply their messages soon since they know that you are online.

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