The Best Roblox East Brickton Gameplay Trailer

If you’re new in East Brickton and need a tutorial of how to play this game easily, you definitely can take advantage of watching the East Brickton gameplay trailer. You can find the trailer of East Brickton gameplay in numerous YouTube channels, but official East Brickton Media Channel is the right option.

On East Brickton Media channel, you will find a number of East Brickton gameplays to ease you at playing this game. In East Brickton, you’re allowed to do any actions such as getting a gun, earning money, finding a job and many more.  Then, if you watch some tutorial videos of how to do it, we think you will get good in East Brickton.

The Best Roblox East Brickton Gameplay Trailer

You may wonder what is the best East Brickton gameplay that you should watch first on East Brickton Media channel. No worries! This post will show you a list of best East Brickton gameplay from the highest views to the lowest views. Let’s see the explanation below!

5 Best East Brickton Gameplay Trailer

You can know the best gameplay trailer of East Brickton on East Brickton Media channel from the amount of views. We can conclude that the highest views of East Brickton gameplay means what a lot of people are looking for.

To know  the highest East Brickton gameplay views, you surely have to visit East Brickton Media channel here.  Of course, you will see a number of videos for East Brickton gameplay. You can also sort of the videos from the most popular videos. So, the most popular videos of East Brickton gameplay which have been watched by a lot of viewers means the best East Brickton gameplay trailer.

To make it easier for you to know the best East Brickton gameplay, this post will list East Brickton gameplays from East Brickton Media Channel, based on the highest viewer count. Here are they:

    1. [RRP:2] How To Get A Gun License

This is the first East Brickton gameplay which has the highest views, after the Roblox East Brickton Gameplay Trailer video. This East Brickton gameplay video has been viewed by more than 60 views with 743 favorites. This video was uploaded on August 10, 2017.

This gameplay video shows you on how to get a gun permit in the game. The video informs you that to get a gun license in East Brickton, you should get a membership first. To get membership, you can join Gun Club on Discord here. After you have received your membership, you have to wait 2-3 days before applying for a permit.

If you already have a gun permit, you need to purchase a permit. It may take around 5-15 minutes to buy a gun permit. You can also purchase the gun permit at East Brickton Gun Store. Watch the video here!

    1. [RRP2] How To Get A Gun In RRP2

A video from East Brickton Media channel entitled [RRP2] How To Get A Gun In RRP2 ranked second position as the highest views. This video has been viewed by more than 33 views with 191 favorites. This East Brickton video was uploaded on August 7, 2017.

From this video, you can get a tutorial of how to get a gun in RRP2. The video informs you that you should be a gun dealer if you have access to guns or go find a gun dealer. Then, another way to get a gun in RRP2 is by purchasing a legal gun and a gun permit. Watch the video here!

    1. HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN EB [ROBLOX: East Brickton]

After the gameplay of how to get a legal gun and a gun license, the highest East Brickton gameplay views is a way on how to make money in East Brickton. This video was uploaded on December 22, 2019 which has been viewed by 21K views with 260 favorites.

The video informs you that you should sell the Bloxr. Need to know, Bloxr is an exclusive East Brickton item which lets you move faster once used. Generally, the Bloxr is sold by players in three sizes. A single block in a card and then 40 blocks in a crate. The Bloxr commonly costs $25 for block by block. So, by selling the Bloxr, you will earn more money. Watch the video here!

    1. How to Get Supplies + a Turf for Your Faction on East Brickton

A video from East Brickton Media channel entitled How to Get Supplies + a Turf for Your Faction on East Brickton shows you a way of how to get Turf. In fact, you can create and join factions to get official status and receive a turf with a weapon or items. In East Brickton, you can also join either legal factions (the East Brickton Police Department) or illegal factions (mafia gangs).

This tutorial video was uploaded on February 23, 2020. It has been viewed by more than 17K views with 304 favorites. Certainly, this video gets a lot of positive comments from the viewers, as they know a great way of getting supplies or turf for your faction in East Brickton. Watch the video here!

    1. How To Join The East Brickton Police Department

The next East Brickton gameplay video with the highest views is a way of how to join the East Brickton Police Department. This video informs you that if you want to join the East Brickton Police Department, you need to be first in the official EB Police Department discord. You can join the Discord here.

If you join the East Brickton Police Department on the discord, you will get the information when the next Academy class is open. Of course, you need to pass a test based on the basic East Brickton’s rules and information from the East Brickton Police Department handbook.

After you pass the exam, you will be put in a class where you will be trained and tested on your knowledge to see if you are reliable for the force. This gameplay video was created on May 15, 2020 which has over 12K views and 203 favorites. Watch the video here!

Okay, those are 5 Best Roblox East Brickton Gameplay that you can watch on East Brickton Media channel.

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