Sold Exclusive Japanese Stutter Roblox ID

In Roblox, you will find the library that contains a number of audios. You can use Roblox audios for any purposes in the game; playing as your background music, inserting to your own game and your sound effect. You can also choose Roblox audios that you love from Roblox library.

Roblox library also contains a few Stutter songs including Sold Exclusive Japanese Stutter. This is one of the popular audios that you can select in Roblox. To use Japanese Stutter in Roblox, you need to know its ID code. If you are looking for the Sold Exclusive Japanese Stutter ID code, you can find its code in our post below!

Sold Exclusive Japanese Stutter Roblox ID

Here’s the ID Code of Sold Exclusive Japanese Stutter!

Japanese Stutter was originally composed by Prod. Suave Lee (Loud Freyzinn). Reportedly, this song was ranked 50076 in a total library of 70,000 Roblox audios. If you want to listen to Japanese Stutter audio, you can watch on the Suave Lee YouTube Channel that you can watch here.

If you want to listen to Japanese Stutter audio in Roblox, you will need the ID code to enable the audio to automatically play. The ID code of Japanese Stutter is 7072646024. After getting the ID code of Japanese Stutter, you can then play the audio while playing your favorite Roblox game.

To listen to Japanese Stutter in Roblox, you will need a Golden Boombox that can be found in the catalog of Roblox. After you find the Golden Boombox, you can then click on it. By doing so, there will be a GUI window appear on your screen that prompts you to enter the ID code that you can listen to.

Here, you need to enter ‘7072646024’, as you want to listen to Japanese Stutter audio. By clicking the ‘Play’ button, you can start listening to Japanese Stutter audio in Roblox while playing your favorite games.

In addition to using Golden Boombox, you can also play Roblox audios with the admin command. It’s important to note, this way can only work for an admin who has a game. If you are not an admin, you cannot play Roblox audios with the admin command. If you want to use the admin command, you can press the ‘CTRL + V’ key to paste it in your music ID. Now, you can enjoy listening to Japanese Stutter audio in Roblox.

How to Use Japanese Stutter As Background Music in a Roblox Game?

With the ID code of Japanese Stutter, you can use this audio for many purposes. One of them is to use this audio as background music in your own game. If you are a game developer, you may want to add music as background to your game to make it more attractive.

If you want to use Japanese Stutter, you may have to locate its Asset ID. To get it, you can go to Roblox Studio and then login with your account. You can use the Toolbox on the left to open the Marketplace in order to find the Asset ID of Japanese Stutter. After that, you need to look for the asset ID of Japanese Stutter audio.

As an alternative way, you can narrow down your search by looking for a creator of also setting duration by choosing the available filter. Then, you can right-click on your choice and choose ‘Copy Asset ID’.

You can now use Japanese Stutter audio into your game by going to Roblox Studio. You can then click the ‘View’ tab and choose ‘Explorer’ and then ‘Properties’. You may also want to insert an object. To do so, you can click the (+) icon and select the ‘Sound’ option. Then, add the Japanese Stutter Asset ID onto the ‘Soundid’ section and hit ‘Enter’. You can click on the ‘Playing’ option to check if the audio is played.

How to Use Japanese Stutter as a Sound Effect in Roblox?

In addition to using Japanese Stutter as background music in your own game, you can also use this audio as Sound Effect in Roblox.  In order to use Japanese Stutter audio as a sound effect, you may need to use the audio model for interactive GUI objects. You can hook it up to the ‘Activated’ event listener for the GUI button to play this audio immediately,

To add the GUI sounds, add a new ‘ScreenGui’ in StarterGui. Then, you need to create a new ‘TextButton’ within it. (To get more tutorial, you can read more basic information at

After that, you can choose a new button and attach a ‘LocalScript’ and clear out all contents on the script bar. Then, you can start to paste the the following scripts:

Local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)



— Require audio player module


local AudioPlayer = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“AudioPlayer”))



— Set up sounds




            [“SimpleClick”] = 3061551819




— Reference the button


local textButton = script.Parent



— Function activated when button is pressed


local function onButtonActivated()







After you have inserted the script, you can play and test the game first. We think you will successfully use this audio as a sound effect if you perform the guide step-by-step correctly. Then, the sound effect will be ideally heard  specified in the bold line of this script:

— Function activated when button is pressed


local function onButtonActivated()








More Roblox Audios ID Codes

Since Roblox has millions of audios with different genres, you may also want to know more Roblox audios that can be played in the library. Here’s a list of popular Roblox audios that you can listen to while playing Roblox games:

Audio ID Code
twenty one pilots – Ride 5957523438
BLACKPINK – “Crazy Over You” [FULL] 5964232207
Axxturel – {{166}} all eyez on me 5966015771
With My – C2D! 5960310962
twenty one pilots – Chlorine 5957732251
Lazy Flow By ImDontai 5957979550
Webi Wabo (Hecho por Mo y9_x) 5961704537
Unravel X Gurenge ####### ###### Remix] 5957537100
the new sweet groove 5957515031
WOODZ (조승연) | Different [FULL] 5957528529
ヒロアカHero tooミュージックビデオ(MV)雄英高校ヒーロー科1年A組僕のヒーローアカデミア4 5957546207
ZEROTWOOOOO 3951847031
SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS (100,000+ sales) 160442087
Louis Vuitton – Original 4935996782

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