In this page, we are going to share the keyboard shortcuts or Hotkeys which are available by default in the Roll20 game. Apparently, There are more shortcuts available. However, they have to be activated under the Settings Tab.
Will make the measurement line visible until you discharge with secondary click, or by creating the new measurement
Shift while measuring
Will recall your last measurement line after it has been dismissed
This command will draw snapped to a grid including the straight lines, polygon tool points on the squares, edges, etc.)
Moving, Rotation and Resizing
Alt+Mouse Wheel
Ignore grid snapping
Ignore grid snapping
In the specified direction, this command will moves a selected token one grid unit.
←, →, ↑ or ↓
In the specified direction, this command will moves a selected token three pixel.
Alt+(←, →, ↑ or ↓)
This command will rotates a selected token by 45-degree/ 30-degree increments. It depends on your grid type
E+Mouse Wheel
This command will rotates a selected token by one degree at a time
Alt+E+Mouse Wheel
Right Mouse Button +Drag
Will shows a larger version of that object in a modal popup
Pressing “Z” with an object selected
Will shows all players the larger version of that object. Remember that only players and DMs that are on the same page as the selected token will be able to see the modal pop-up
Pressing Shift+Z as the GM
This command will open the character sheet that the token represents
Holding Shift and Double Clicking a token
This command will see the environment as that token would once Dynamic Lighting/Advanced Fog of War is enabled on the current page.
Pressing Ctrl +L with a token selected (as the GM)
This command will center everyone’s field of vision. It is known as shift-pinging.
Hold down your Left Mouse while holding down Shift Button
This command will choose only objects classified as drawings.
Holding down Alt while doing a multi-select
This command will allow you view your character (as player), if you have two or more characters in your possession.
Pressing Ctrl + L
Advanced Hotkeys
According to the research, Advanced hotkeys are a new feature in Roll20 for the users that gives an extremely extended set of keyboard shortcuts from the standard. Under My Settings tab, you will be able to turn on advanced shortcuts. After that, you are able to check the box next to option; Use Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts.
Those advanced shortcuts are the simple Keystrokes. Most do not utilize modifier keys such as Ctrl or Alt. Some of them are sequence shortcuts. For instance, the shortcut for the Shape Tool is “f r”, that means pressing the “F” key followed immediately by the “R” key one after the other.
Also, you have to note that those shortcuts are only active once you are not typing in a text field. You will be able to press “Esc” at any time to cancel any active text boxes.
Switch to Map or background layer
Switch to objects or tokens layer
Switch to GM info layer
Switch to Dynamic Lighting layer
Will move selected object(s) to Map or background layer
l m
Will move selected object(s) to Tokens layer
l o
Will move selected object(s) to GM layer
l k
Choose tool
Shape Drawing
f r
Freehand Drawing
f f
Polygon Drawing
f g
Text Tool
f d
Measure Snap to Center
q 1
Measure Snap to Corner
q 2
Measure with No Snap
q 3
Measure Hidden from Others
q h
Measure Show to Others
q s
Fog of War Reveal
r r
Fog of War Polygon Reveal
r g
Fog of War Hide
r t
Show Turn Tracker
Add Turn for Selected Token(s)
Show Dice Rolling GUI
Show/Hide Page Toolbar
This command will zoom view selected graphic
This command will show zoom view of selected graphic to all players.
Right Sidebar
Show/Hide Right Sidebar
Chat Tab
Focus Chat Input
c c
Art Tab
Journal Tab
Focus Journal Search Box
Pause All Jukebox Tracks
N p
Collection Tab
Settings Tab
De-Focus Active Textfields
Roll20 WebRTC Voice Chat
Toggle self-mute
Talking about keyboard shortcuts or Hotkeys in Roll20, we remind about Hotkey in Windows. So, on this page, we will also share how to make a Custom Hotkey for your Favorite application or folder.
Then, find the application in the All Programs menu.
Next, right-click the desired program file and select Properties.
In the Properties dialog, you are able to find the text box labeled Shortcut key.
Click in the text box and then enter a key that you want to use in your hotkey. Automatically Windows will place Ctrl + Alt + in front. If you select a function key or a numeric keypad key, only that key will be used, and Ctrl + Alt + will not be added.
Just click “OK”
Set a Hotkey to a folder/file not in the All Programs menu. Here’s guide.
Firstly, make a shortcut file by right-click dragging the desired target file or folder to the Desktop and select “Create shortcuts here” from the right-click menu.
After that, right-click the new shortcut file and select Properties.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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