Roblox Wild Savannah Map

Flood Escape 2 (FE2) is a game which was created by Crazyblox Games where it is the second game which has been created in the series. In this game, there is Wild Savannah which is a hard map created by rareheaddress. In this map, there are 5 standard Buttons and now it can be played in Flood Escape 2.

The Design of The Map

As explained on the Flood Escape 2 Fandom Wiki, Wild Savannah is a long and hard map. As stated by its name, the location of this map is in a hollow, established savannah. In this map, there are some trees, bushes, boxes, metal platforms and more. You will also see the grass and the leaves of the trees which are yellow ochre in color the same as a real savannah.

Roblox Wild Savannah Map

If you press the 3rd button, the large metal door will open and it will lead to a big cave with a lot of crystals with many colors. Besides, there is also a lava on the bottom. Inside, there are also more boxes and metal and wood platforms are far from each other which can be hard to most players as described on Flood Escape 2 Wiki.

The second part of the map is like a volcano. It is because of the lava and there is a glowing hole which can be seen on the ceiling and it looks like a crater.

Trivia About Wild Savannah Map in Flood Escape 2

Here are a number of trivia about the Savannah Map according to the Flood Escape 2 Wiki.

    • It was very hard not to die if you fell into the acid while trying to jump to the truss bridge or the Wall Jump onto the ladder. As explained on the Flood Escape 2 Wiki, it was nerfed later.
    • After the third button is pressed, there is a truss which can be found beside the 1st button that will permit players who do not want to do the parkour to swim from the spawn place to the door into the final room.
    • This map is one of the three hard maps in the game which does not have group buttons in the regular game mode. The other maps are Snowy Peaks and Fallen.
    • Wild Savannah is one of the three hard maps where the flood does not begin in its lava position. The other maps are Crystal Caverns and Snowy Peaks.
    • In the past, this map was played in FE2 Community Maps where the name was Gloomy Manor. The name of an Insane map was also created by rareharddress and then rareharddress fixed it.
    • This map also has the same ID with Decrepit Seas, Sky Sanctuary, Snowy Peaks, Gloomy Manor, Lost Desert and Omitted Temple.
    • The last button is the most difficult button to press. It is because of the small planks which have to be crossed and a wall jump to be used.
    • There are a lot of players who consider this map as the hardest Hard map because of a lot of long, risky jumps. However, the pacing is slow enough in the map because the door closes slowly and the lava in the second section rises late.
    • Because of the size of the map, there are only a few players who know that they spawn at an arch, the gate which leads to the second room has three wall stubs above it and it represents the 3 buttons that need to be pressed to open the gate. Besides, there are only a few people who know that the land in the first button is a small island.
    • In the map, there is one enormous invisible brick and it covers the whole map below it.
    • This map is one of the maps which had a different BGM before its soundtrack was published. Initially, the BGM for this map was Dragon Valley 1 where it is from the hit Indie game, Freedom Planet.
    • In the previous version of the map, it was called Savannah.
    • In the Agility Update, the map obtained a little bit nerf. In the beginning of the map, you are able to zipline for faster and safer travel and now you need to slide under an obstacle on your way to the second button. The truss for people who are not successful in the first wall-jump was also moved closer to the wall-jump.
    • Let’s say that you activate a rescue mission on this map. If so, the escapee will be on a platform after the first wall-jump.
    • During a Lost Page Map Event, you can find the Lost Page behind the large metal door with a warning symbol on it. If you want to get the page, you have to firstly press the third button and you need to wait for the door to open.

What Are Hard Maps?

As explained earlier, Wild Savannah is one of the Hard Maps in Flood Escape 2 games in Roblox. However, what do Hard Maps mean? According to the Flood Escape 2 Wiki, Har Maps are defined as the third hardest group of maps in Flood Escape 2 and they are targeted to players who have passed basics and want to go for a challenge. In the Hard Maps, players also start to know the mechanics of sliding, walljumps, ziplining, and air bubbles.

In the list below, you can read Hard Maps in Flood Escape 2 Roblox.

    • Lava Tower
      Lava Tower
      Creator: Crazyblox
      Number of Standard Buttons: 4
      Number of Group Buttons: 1
    • Crystal Caverns
      Crystal Caverns
      Creator: FloodEscaper1
      Number of Standard Buttons: 7
      Number of Group Buttons: 1
    • Snowy Peaks
      Snowy Peaks
      Creator: Rareheaddress
      Number of Standard Buttons: 5
      Number of Group Buttons: 0
    • Dark Sci- Forest
      Dark Sci- Forest
      Creator: Crazyblox
      Number of Standard Buttons: 6
      Number of Group Buttons: 3
    • Graveyard Cliffside
      Graveyard Cliffside
      Creator: Crazyblox
      Number of Standard Buttons: 6
      Number of Group Buttons: 3
    • Wild Savannah
      Wild Savanah
      Creator: Rareheaddress
      Number of Standard Buttons: 5
      Number of Group Buttons: 0
    • Sedimentary Temple
      Sedimentary Temple
      Creator: Jindijim
      Number of Standard Buttons: 7
      Number of Group Buttons: 1
    • Sunken Citadel
      Sunken Citadel
      Creator: AnimalGamerTest
      Number of Standard Buttons: 5
      Number of Group Buttons: 2
    • Relic Valley
      Relic Valley
      Creator: 1Blindy
      Number of Standard Buttons: 4
      Number of Group Buttons: 3
    • Poisonous Forest
      Poisonous Forest
      Creator: Hawxybird
      Number of Standard Buttons: 5
      Number of Group Buttons: 4

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