What is Roblox Video Stars Program in Roblox? As explained on the Roblox Wiki, it is a Roblox program where certain video celebrities are recognized by Roblox. You may want to know about the list of Roblox Video Stars.
According to the Roblox Wiki, as of March 8th, 2022, there are 645 known Video Stars and those are listed below.
12345roxyhi12345 23Sebee 440HP AGirl_ItzzMelisa ANIELICA01 AaronDRonin AatikahKashif AbsintoJYT AcenixElMejorYoutube AlanConejito_7u7 AliineGamesYT Alonezinho_x2 Alopek Alvin_Blox Amberrry Angelazz Ant_Antixx ApplyingTM Aquaerria Atlas0Zero AvocadoPlayzOfficial Axiore Ayzria Ayzvure B4ESM BIANOBETER0 BONNlEBUILDS BREN0RJ7 BaconHairGGOP BamItsLimey BandiRue Bandites BeautifulBubliie BeautifulTinyTurtle BebeAdriYT BebeMiloAmiwito Bensonheimer Bereghost Betroner BianoBetero BibibloxYTB BielHenriikOficial BigBst4tz22 Bighead_StarCode BiiiaGamerYT BitSquid BluxxyGaming Bodacious_Abzz BramPeeee Britt_Blox BuBreezy BumiReal BunniYT BuurmanTenus ByDerankOFI CallMeGodstatus CammyxBoba CaptainCapii CaptainJackAttack101 CaptainTate21 CaptainYesYes CarbonMeister Carihyper Cee_berry CelestialPiggy Cerority Cerso93 ChillzCx Chocoblox_93 ChrisOurFire ChrisPurKittiess ChristsuYT Cinderbelle ClausOFC CleanseBeam Clip2bitYT ComfySunday ComplexConniee ComplexJason Conor3D CookieCutterYT CoolRanch_24601 Craxelss CrazyErzy7u7 Cringley Crisminegirl CristiSukiYT CryptedPoppy Cryptize CrystalSims CurtifiedYT CuteCookieGaming05 DAVIPLAY_14 DDomss DJMonopoli DVwastaken Da_PandaGirl Daffa_super2 DandanPH DanielGTReal DannyJesdenYT DatBrian DaylinsFunhouse DeeterPlays DefildPlays DefinitelyNotBaxtrix DeiakZ DenisDaily Detona_Anderson DevounTV Devovorya DigitizedPixels DigitoPlaysThis DigoPollos Dogbon62 DollasticDreams Dominus_CA Dr_laba DrizzMcNizz DuduBetero DylanTheHyper E1ite_E EYYCHEEV EmperadorMaxiOFICIAL EmpireBloxOficial Ephicsea ErikCarrKZ ErnieC3_YouTube Est3vA0 Estelacoutin EthanGamerTV EuriWings Evanbear1 FGTeeV FakeE1emental Fanaticalight FanyBloxYTB Fera0ficial FernandaTreta FiniJuega FishyBloxYT Flebsy Flexer97YT FoamyBubbIes Foncri Foolzy Fraser2TheMax Fritentacool3M FunHouseDadWasTaken FunkyJustVibin Funnehcake FuturaYT GHOKSZIN GOLD3NGLARE GPR3 GabyGamerrOficiall GallantGaming GamingwithVYT GhostInTheCosmos GoingLimited |
GroovyDominoes52 GrumpyGravy Gsleigh GuiHenriikOficial GustTv HW5567 HappyThreePro HelloItsVinh Heorua Hexapod_xD HeyCrafted HeyRosalina HeySunsetSafari HyperCookiie IAmPrincessRoyale IBananaYT IMMIKEYDOOD IM_Celestial IamComplexRoblox IamRoBuilder Iamchynagaming ImBenni ImNotThinknoodles ImperiaIDoom Inemajohn Infernasu ItsDraconiteDragon ItsNotSiena3 ItsRoyaleDiorYT ItsToriTimeYT ItsZulyYT ItzVexo_STARCODE JJ_Waike JUAUMZONES J_Buggo JackieMineBlox11 Jacobboogerdooger JakeGlobox JakeZPudding Jamiethatgirl JavaCoded JavaCreates Jeancof JeeffBlox Jesua_Cunnigham JieeVideos JoJocraftHP Joao_joaooficial Joey_Albanese JonesGotGame JuanchoAcostado Juegahora_STAR JuliaMinegirl Junewuuu JuniorGuimaraes JustHarrisonYT Jxssivca JymbowSliceYT Kapolar1 Kate9071 Kavra KaykBlox Keisyo Keke_KerenYT Kelvingts KepuTheCat KidsToysPlayChannel KindlyKeyin KingLuffy_YTsub2me KittyJanet KodakOF KraoESP KrystinPlays L0GinHDi Laksharth LaniiPlayzzz LankyBoxGamesAdam Laughability LcLcO1 LeArmenti LegolazYoutube LiaBlossoms LiegeNorth LimaMosca Linkmon99 Lokazo86 LonssGamer Lorrd_ofc LouDaREALGamer LovelyEla98 LudBloxYTB LukyBloxYT LumaBloxYTB Luna4Dangelis Lunar3clispe LydiaGa_mes Lynitaa Lzablxx MATSbxb MIANNNGAMER MOBY3W MackenzieTurnerYT MagicbusYT MagnumStormus MahadinoorPlayzRBLX Maislie Majojocl MakotoYoutube ManucraftYT MasterGraser MathFacter360 MatrixPlaysRB MaybeItsMyFault MedTwYT MegaSquadMo MelLovesBunnys MelzinhaMelGames MiaZaffyt MicroGuardian Mimi_Rainha Miya7372 MoFlare Modeldog8197 MonkeyVsRoblocks MooseCraftRoblox MoroSamy MrPankeyk MrSeniac Mr_Booshot Mrpresident1302 Mud_Playz MuneebParwazMP MxghtyJxstin MyUsernamesThis Myster0y N00B_Mast3rXD NO_DATA NanoProdigy NatashaPandaaYT Nathy_SuperGamer Natsuki_Sel NeziPlaysROBLOX NicoleMaffi Nicole_Kimmi Night_foxx Noangy Noclypso NotFakerUp NotFusionZGamer NotJamesRBLX NotLeah NotOmegaNova NotThnxCya OMBgamingYT OMG4LAV ONESIEHOARDER308 ObliviousHD OfficialDfield Ominousssssssss OneSpottedFriend P0gMasterZ |
PGHLego1945 PHMittensSTARCreator PandaBoss3_0 PaulaUrbaez PeetahBread Penguinanchor PeterToys Phoeberry PinkFateYT PlechitoYT PliqueYT Pokediger1 PrestonPlayz PrezleyOfficial Prime_Furious Princesa_Alicinha Prxtonn Qaluuo REAL_ItsAshleyPlayz RELLvex RODNY_ROBLOX Raconidas RafaBetero RainbowsYT RainsterYT RamblingRamul RandomYoutuber0202 RaxBLX RazorFishPengi Rbellomello ReaISeer RealFancySmash RealJeen RealSubZeroExtabyte RealYouTube_AlphaGG Real_ScooterSmash0 RedKill24YT Rektway Remainings RenLeaf RiusPlayYTYTYT RobinHoodGamer10 Robstix RogerBloxYTB Royalee_R RufflesPlaysMC RussoTalks S2millyS2 SDMittens SGC_Shane STARCODEE_GUN S_Viper SabrinaBrite SantinoTossi03 ScriptedMatt SeeDank SelloutStreamerBtww SgGamersDad SharkBL0X SimasGamer SimoneBetero SkippyPIaysYT SlEGHART Smurfzineo_YT SnickerHoops SnowRBX_Youtube SonsofFun_YT Sontixito SoyBluee SoyCatFer SoyKiron SoyMandy2020 Spagzox SrFrancesYT SrtaLuly03 St4Tick StarCode_Animal StarCode_RealKreek StarCode_kitt StarSquadMolly Starcode_RealisticG StronbolYT SubToMiniBloxia SubscribeToCPTNLY SugarCoffee123 Suliin18YTT SullyPlayys SweePeeRBLX THEREALCYBERNOVA THYEDGAR_YT TW_Dessi TanqR Tapparay Telanthric Temprist Terrisaurus TexWillerHS ThatGuyTG TheBugBlue TheDimer TheGreatAced TheJessEmma TheMeganPlays Thexz ThumbsUpFamily ThunberGames TigreTVOver TinenQa1 TitanHammerYT TotallyNotO1G TrafTheOpest TroyanoNanoReturns TurtlesWearRaincoats TussyGames TwistedPandora TxcIes Uncle_Kizaru Unlimited_Resources UrsulaCandyGuima UseCodeRAZORFISH UseCode_ROBLOXMuff UseCode_Rainway UseStarCodee_JOEY Valen_Latina VarietyJay_Real VeD_DeV Vickycasti_laPro VictorNuclear ViewYT VikingPrincessJazmin WikiaColor_s XLAWLIEETX XanderPlaysThis Xegot XericPlayz Xpie101gamer YAYIXDCHANGU YTFadedPlayz YT_Argo YT_ItsMatty YT_RoxiCake YT_SnugLife YT_ZaiLetsPlay YTshaylo YoSoyLokiYT Yokai_YT ZacharyZaxor Zepyxl Zerophyx Zilgon akeeshaaaaa anamineblox11 andrhevn21 audreyradio augusvidal baby_ahrizona beatrizkawato betogamer_01 bianqui_nayi123 biggerdadt bluecosmiic |
bubblestoxic builderboy100009 byRovi23 cKevvv caaroltv cakemiix californiaeve callmehhaleyx carakuchi catypink15 cazum8 cheopower chrisatm claudiacraudete co_rny codeeunicorn cortesgo cqqp da_dania dragonplatinum ebruulein elitelupus ethanolodj faeglow flashiilindo fminusmic forstaken french_rxses fudsim furi0us_jumper godenot hannnahlovescows haramics hashir109 hayiIaaa heysant2018 iAirRon iBugouzinho iDatchy iFresblxx iGuzGames iJackeryz iKotori iTownGamePlayYT iamAnix ianut99 ibemaine iiGamerKawaiiYT iiLariGamer iiLaurapaoYT iiLuuy iiPietra_GamesYT iii_Amandinha iluvgilm0regirls inquisitormaster itsAshleyosity itsForeverSparks itsakeila itsdeathvanessa jatatochip javie12 jayingee jdotgov jenstine jenstinex jiravich jokerkid5898 jpplayst judounicorn11 jupapile jvnqYT kaan_xy2 karimjuega karola20YT kawaii_kunicorn lauroala lenay_ROBLOX lifetimeobcman123 lmaGamerGirI locus200k lokis9340 marcossmm marianavasco mayrushart micandeloro michineyley mikedrop937 moodyunicorntwin moonfallx mrflimflam mxddsie nicks543 noekje notBeaPlays notiamsanna notive ododahs okgamerman oofficialnoobie ourfire palsitive pedroletsplayroblox peepguyx pixiedust423 premiumsalad pretzel_etzel prosiduzao purxpllee real_mkyt realroses realshadownetwork redbirdcool2007 ruby_rubeYT ryguyrocky sambhaji12 saoli11 sese64 skoonks snapple43 snowi_fox sofiatube7 soposhadow steven111234 stream_CA strikerl80x superdog_tyler supersonshadow17 tapwat4r teenagerpaul th3c0nnman tharbakin toftof2019 toreject truffios trxmila tsetfed uKingzaum v0_1t valadin1 vanessamaffi vitoriamineblox11 vrcia xEnesR xHandNx xMarcelo xXenoTy xdarzethx xoFlxral xouzin7 xxBolzxx yGiianBlox yTowakGb yammyxox yeat_twizzy39 yode1 yt_SATSHAJUEGA yt_graceek zBriannaGamez zOnwley |
Roblox Video Stars Program Requirements and Content
As explained on the Roblox Help page, all Roblox video in Roblox Video Stars Program need to be in accordance with the Roblox Terms of Use and Roblox Community Standards. It is also explained that video creators are invited to take part in the program based on video viewership and audio engagement and they need to meet the criteria as explained below.
- They must have 10,000,000 cumulative Roblox video views.
- They must have 25,000 average views per Roblox video.
- They must have 100,000 followers or subscribers on channel.
This program is only available for content creators who create videos in the languages such as English, Portuguese, Spanish, German and French.
The Benefits and Perks of Roblox Video Stars Program
As explained on the Roblox Help page, Roblox Video Stars will get tools and resources which can help them engage with their fans and also build their businesses. Those are listed below as cited from Roblox Help page.
- You will earn Commission with the Star Code Affiliate Program.
- You will get Roblox Premium 2200 Membership.
- You will be able to get early access to select items, features, and events.
- You will be able to get video promotion from official Roblox channels.
- You will have limited access to the UGC Beta Program.
- You will have exclusive Video Star Badge.
The Way to Join Roblox Video Stars Program
According to the Roblox Help page, this Roblox Video Stars Program is by invitation only. It means that if you meet the criteria mentioned earlier and want to be considered, you are able to contact Roblox team at videostars@roblox.com. When you contact them through email, you have to provide links to your Roblox profile and your channel. After you send the email, it takes around 2 to 3 weeks for the team to review your submission.
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