In Roblox, coding can be defined as the process of creating instructions for computers to follow. Roblox uses the coding language called Lua where the lines of Lua code are held in scripts. Those Roblox scripts can be used to create trap, health parts or even a rain of beach balls.
Of course, every player in Roblox is required to know the scripting and coding which will help them to play any Roblox games easily and correctly. Sure, there’s a concept for scripting both a few dos and don’ts.
Sure, if you are new in Roblox scripting, it’s better for you to learn about the Scripting basics to know the variables, functions and data types. Thankfully, this post will inform you of some basics of scripts, code of scripts, and more. Let’s find out below!
Here’s a List of Roblox Script Code!
Strings are surrounded by double quotes, “, or single quotes , ‘. The strings can also be surrounded with [[ and ]] to create them span across multiple lines.
Tables can be created by combining these scripts below. Table in Roblox provides lists which can have named ‘indexes’.
{“My array”, “is cool”} — I’m like an object but my indexes are numbers in order! I don’t skip gaps.
{[“My object”] = “is cool”} — I can have indexes with any value! I can be an array but I might not be one! Just like squares and rectangles |
In Roblox, Booleans are true or false concept. They are not much more, however, they offer a lot of use in programming. If you compare values in programming languages, you definitely will obtain a Boolean! Here are the codes:
1 < 3 — One is less than three, so true
4 == 2 — Four doesn’t equal two, so false 6 > 7 — 6 is less than 7, not greater than, so false again |
In Roblox, numbers can be saved in different ways. In this case, Floats can effectively store non whole numbers. They are basically scientific notation and integers are whole numbers. Doubles are another way to place numbers that are similar to floats. Well, Lua numbers contain decimals. Then, you can represent them as a fraction through division: 1/5 = 0.2.
Variables and Functions
Variables in Roblox are a simple way to save a value. However, they can contain anything and are one of the most essential features in all programming languages. Variables can be local, it means that you can use them where they are created or global meaning they can be used anywhere.
Here’s for the script code:
variable = “My string”
local localVariable = “My other string”
do — I don’t do anything special, but I have my own set of locals! That’s called a scope. print(abc) — I can’t see the variable yet! local abc = 123 — I only exist inside of the do statement and I can only be used after this line! — Everything past here can see abc! print(abc) — prints 123 end print(abc) — you’ll see nil when this prints. Nil means no value.
Then, functions can run the same code multiple times. They can even be local, see the codes below!
local function myFunction(a, b, c) — These are like variables! They’re called arguments
return a, b, c end print(myFunction(1, 2, 3)) — You should see “1 2 3”! local myFunction2(a, b, …) — … Is like a variable but can only be used here! It represents multiple function arguments print(a, b) warn(…) end myFunction2(1, “b”, 2, “d”, 3, “f”) |
Statements can make up the code. However, there are different types of statements. For example, the if statement. In this case, the ‘if’ statement executes the code, ‘if’ a condition is true. If statements use Rooleans.
Here’s for the code:
if true then
print(“It ran!”) end if false then print(“You won’t see me because the condition is false!”) end |
While Nils acts like false and all values other than false and nil act like true. See the code below!
if nil then
print(“I won’t execute!”) end if not nil then print(“Not nil is true! See? “..tostring(not nil)) end if 2 then print(“Number!”) end if {} then print(“Table!”) end |
Then, if the statements also have else and elseif clauses. Here’s for the code:
if thing1 then
elseif thing2 then else end |
In Roblox, Loops are a very important thing where they let you choose items in an array or dictionary or repeat things a select number of times. Loops can also repeat forever or until a condition is met. There are 3 main types of loops, they are:
- While and repeat loops. Here’s for the script code:
while myCondition do — These loops repeat while a condition is true! This condition works the same way as if statement conditions
— Stuff end repeat — These loops are like while loops but they repeat *until* a condition is true. They are the opposite of while loops. — Stuff until myCondition — Repeat loops can also be represented in a while loop: while not myCondition do — This is exactly the same as the repeat loop above! These loops exist in these two forms just as a personal preference thing. Whichever loop you think makes more sense you can use! — Stuff end |
- For loops,
There are two main types of for loops There are these loops, which “count”. You can use them to repeat something any number of times! Here’s for the script code:
for i=1, 10 do — i is a local! It represents the current “index.” It can be named anything you want!
print(i) — The index gets printed! You should see the numbers from 1 to 10 end for i=1, 10, 2 do — For loops like these also have a third option. This is the “step” option. It represents how much to add to i each loop! print(i) — You should see the odd numbers from 1 to 10! i = i + 100 — You can also add to i and it won’t effect the next loop. Warn (“I added 100 to i! “..i) end — The second main type of for loop are these loops! These are also known as “foreach” loops because they loop for each of every item in an array or dictionary local tbl = { [“abc”] = 123, [1] = “abc”, “def” — This actually has index 2! It’s like writing [2] = “def” [3] = “I am number 3!”, — That means that you don’t need to write [3] here! “I am number 4!”, “I am number 5!”, nil — This is nil! Watch out for this later! “I am number 6!”, [{My=”table”}] = “I have a special non-string index!”, [{My=”table”}] = “I have a special non-string index too! Notice how I didn’t overwrite the previous index! \ All complex data types (non-strings, non-numbers, non-booleans, non-nil, etc. Tables, Instances, Vector3s, and all others are complex!) are always unique even if their content is the same.” — This string also spans multiple lines! Using \ before you press enter will make sure it stays there similar to a long string. You can also write \n and it will become a new line just like if you press enter! } for index, value in pairs(tbl) do — This loop will loop through table giving you each index and the corresponding value! This condition is always true: tbl[index] == value. print(index, “=”, value) — Using commas in print, warn, or error will add a space between each item. I prefer to use commas sometimes because it types faster and is sometimes easier to read. — You should see every index and its value! end — But there are also these loops! for _, value in ipairs(tbl) do — If you change the _ to any variable name the value of that variable will be the numeric index. _ has some functionality in loops and function parameters. — It represents “no variable.” Setting _ to something will truly create a variable with the “_” name but when used in loops and function parameters it doesn’t create a variable. — That means that there’s no variable to clean up later which can ever so slightly improve performance and reduce memory usage but it’s not something to worry about. This is simply considered a “good practice” even though it doesn’t offer much benefit. print(value) — This only prints “array-like” values. “array-like” values have an integer index from 1 to infinity. If you have an integer index set to nil *anywhere* in your table it will stop iterating. — You should see all of the values up to index 5 because there’s a gap at index 6 which is nil! end — And finally, function based for loops and next loops: for index, value in next, tbl do — The “tbl” value is passed to next as its first argument! Then the arguments that next returned previously are passed after it! end local function iteratorFunction(my123Value, lastKey, lastValue, …) — This is exactly like the function pairs returns! It isn’t represented in lua though so it’s faster! It’s called by the for loop internally and it gives us all of the values returned previously and any extra values! print(my123Value) — Will always print 123 since we pass it in our loop! return next(tbl, lastKey) — This returns the index and value after lastKey! If lastKey is nil than the first item in the array is returned! These are the values used in the for loop and we can return as many as we want! end for index, value in iteratorFunction, 123 do — This uses the iterator function we created to get an index and a value! It passes 123 as the first argument and then index, value. print(index, “=”, value) end |
Well, if you want more scripts for any Roblox games, you can visit the Pastebin site to get more. Access the link
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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