Roblox Particle Effects ID List

Have you ever used the Particle Effect when creating a new object in Roblox Studio? Or even you do not know how to use the Particle Effect, do you? If you really don’t know how to use the Particle Effect in Roblox Studio, it’s commonly normal, as it’s a bit hard to do, especially if you’re not a game developer.

Using the particle effect in Roblox Studio requires the particle’s ID. You may be able to find the ID of particle effects in some forums, YouTube videos or also gaming blogs. No worries! This post will show you a list of particle effect IDs that we got from some sources. Let’s dive into our post to find them!

Roblox Particle Effects ID List

List of Particle Effect IDs

Of our little research, there are only a few sources that provide a list of Particle Effect IDs. The following Particle Effect IDs are obtained from a YouTube video owned by Chels is#1 Channel. This video shows the list of Particle Effect IDs for some objects. Even though this video was uploaded in 2018, it’s really helpful for many players (as we viewed in the comments).

Here’s a list of Particle Effect IDs that you can use when creating a new object in Roblox Studio:

  • Cupcake
    Using this code ‘137302419’ to add the Cupcake.
  • Music Symbols
    Using this code ‘168314095’ to add Music Symbols.
  • Costa Coffee
    Using this code ‘348378444’ to add Costa Coffee.
  • Wings
    Using this code ‘554128889’ to add Wings.
  • Fire Crossbones
    Using this code ‘47563275’ to add Fire Crossbones.
  • Jake
    Using this code ‘75029057’ to add Jake.
  • Speedcoil
    Using this code ‘167171159’ to add Speedcoil.
  • Wwe
    Using this code ‘49068711’ to add Wwe.
  • Creeper
    Using this code ‘382702559’ to add Creeper.
  • Real Doge
    Using this code ‘334065007’ to add Real Doge.
  • Café
    Using this code ‘148705425’ to add Café.
  • Smoothie
    Using this code ‘645804421’ to add Smoothie.
  • Mc Zombieface
    Using this code ‘137580691’ to add Mc Zombieface.
  • Japan Flag
    Using this code ‘65602505’ to add the Japan Flag.
  • Smoke Particle
    Using this code ‘122434485’ to add Smoke Particles.
  • Red Particle
    Using this code ‘300899516’ to add a Red Particle.
  • Orange Particle
    Using this code ‘300899453’ to add Orange Particles.
  • Yellow Particle
    Using this code ‘300899419’ to add Yellow Particles.
  • Green Particle
    Using this code ‘300899374’ to add Green Particles.
  • Blue Particle
    Using this code ‘300899323’ to add Blue Particles.
  • Leaf Particle
    Using this code ‘330779576’ to add Leaf Particles.
  • Many Color Particles
    Using this code ‘149274647’ to add Many Color Particles
  • Explosion Particle
    Using this code ‘569507469’ to add Explosion Particles.
  • Random Particle
    Using this code ‘12419512’ to add Random Particles.
  • Vortex Particle
    Using this code ‘341277531’ to add a Vortex Particle.
  • Plasma Particle
    Using this code ‘528280825’ to add Plasma Particles.
  • Wacky Particle
    Using this code ‘286247624’ to add Wacky Particles.
  • Zonetan Particle
    Using this code ‘555319080’ to add Zonetan Particles.
  • Magma Particle
    Using this code ‘554713699’ to add Magma Particle.
  • Lazer Particle
    Using this code ‘560935846’ to add Lazer Particle.
  • Lightning Particle
    Using this code ‘569507523’ to add a Lighting Particle.
  • Weird Purple Particle
    Using this code ‘576551165’ to add Weird Purple Particles.
  • Feather Particle
    Using this code ‘242842525’ to add a Feather Particle.
  • Brown Leaf Particle
    Using this code ‘244982565’ to add Brown Leaf Particles.
  • Shock Particle
    Using this code ‘291643237’ to add a Shock Particle.

Okay, that’s a list of Roblox Particle Effect IDs. So, you can use the IDs above to add any certain particles to your new object.

How Does Roblox Particle Effect Work?

According to Roblox Wiki, particle effect is something that has visual and sound effects that can be added into an object in Roblox. In other words, particle effect is such an additional feature in Roblox that delivers the special effect to an object. With the use of particle effects, the object you’re creating will be more attractive and beautiful.

In Roblox games, particles will be used to make a wide range of effects. There are at least three elements/ effects that make the objects having the special particle effect including fire, smoke and sparkles. The particles will also help you bring your game world to life. Aside from that, they also provide precious visual feedback for you players.

It’s important to note, not all objects in Roblox can be added with the special particle effects. The category ‘Accessories’ found in Roblox catalog is the one of the objects that can be added with the Particle Effect. However, Roblox gear is not included into this category, so you can not add special particle effects to Roblox gear.

What are the Types of Roblox Particle Effect?

There are two basic particle effects in Roblox, they are Particle Emitters and Emission. Let’s see each explanation below!

Type 1: Particle Emitter

To create a sparking effect around an object, you will need to use a Particle Emitter object. When parented to a part or Attachment, this type will emit particles from its position. The particle Emitter comes in 2D images which always face the camera.

According to the emitter’s properties, the particles will move or change color. You definitely can make an incredible array of different effects by changing just a few of these.

Here’s the example of making sparkles in a model of a gold nugget:

  • First, you need to create a MeshPart in the Workspace and name it GoldNugget.
  • Then, adjust the Meshid property to rbxassetid://2903918852.
  • Adjust the Material property to Neon and the color property to 255, 180, 0.
  • You can then insert a ParticleEmitter object into the part.
  • After you add the emitter, the white stars will start emitting from the part automatically.

Type 2: Particle Emission

According to the EmissionDirection property, the particles will emerge from one face of the part that are generated randomly throughout the entire volume of a part. It defaults to Top, which means the top surface of a part. Well, the direction that the particles will be emitted from will change randomly if you rotate the part. When you resize the part to be bigger, the particles are emitted over a wider area.