In Roblox Audio Library, there are a number of songs or audio that you are able to use. You may be looking for the Roblox ID for Savage Love. If you are looking for the Roblox ID for this song, you are able to find it here.
Roblox IDs for Savage Love
If you access Roblox Audio Library and you search the song Savage Love, there are a number of results because there are some versions for this song.
- Jason Derulo – Savage Love
This song was uploaded by TroxerX where it was updated on January 7th, 2021. This song has been favorited more than 1.6k times and the Roblox ID is 5458852845.
- Jason Derulo – ‘Savage Love’ ft. BTS
This song was uploaded by TheSpringDays and it was updated on May 21st, 2021. As of September 9th, 2021, this song has been favorited 7 times. The Roblox ID is 5880313247.
- Jason Derulo – Savage Love
This song was uploaded by dhavassy and it was updated on June 9th, 2021. As of September 9th, 2021, this song has been favorited 32 times. The Roblox ID is 6720012369.
- Savage Love (Remix)
This song was uploaded by Tiny NightMares and it was updated on September 23rd, 2020. It has been favorited more than 140 times and the Roblox ID is 5708562833.
- Savage Love – Slowed (Jason Derulo)
This song was uploaded on DemonAngelv and it was updated on July 21st, 2020. This Savage Love song has been favorited more than 120 times. The Roblox ID is 5159685738.
- DJ Savage Love 2020 FTH Rimex
This song was uploaded by Penjumshoot_sejati and it was updated on August 10th, 2020. It has been favorited more than 30 times and the Roblox ID is 5531356971.
Some Other Roblox Song IDs
In the list below, you are able to see the Roblox ID for some other songs.
- Ariana Grande – Thank You, Next (Remix)
This song was uploaded by JSoto136 and it was updated on April 14th, 2021. It has been favorited more than 40 times and the Roblox ID is 6675147727.
- Ariana Grande – Thank U, Next (Neovaii Remix) Full
This song was uploaded by Yy_XRC and it was updated on January 14th, 2019. This song has been favorited more than 50 times and the Roblox ID is 2744928016.
- BTS – Butter
This song was uploaded by WonyoungMinnie and it was updated on May 21st, 2021. This song has been favorited more than 500 times and the Roblox ID is 6843558868.
- How You Like That – Blackpink (Remix Ver.)
This song was uploaded by HalfMickeyboy and it was updated on June 9th, 2021. It has been favorited more than 30 times and the Roblox ID is 5742083987.
- How You Like That Blackpink
This song was uploaded by Puppy Studio’s Official Group and it was updated on January 7th, 2021. It has been favorited more than 370 times and the Roblox ID is 5505739950.
- [Mulan] Reflection Show Full [Second Version]
This song was uploaded by A_driiaan and it was updated on May 22nd, 2015. This song has been favorited more than 20 times and the Roblox ID is 185991995.
- Pokemon Remix
This song was uploaded by 1xR_WaH and it was updated on June 29th, 2020. This song has been favorited more than 10 times and the Roblox ID is 5254384185.
- Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver – Title Theme
This song was uploaded by Princessdragonkitten and it was updated on October 25th, 2014. As of September 9th, 2021, this song has been favorited 10 times and the Roblox ID is 184005306.
There are still more audio that you are able to find in the Roblox Audio Library. To access it, you have to login to your Roblox account and then access Roblox Audio Library.
Uploading Audio on Roblox
If you are a new user in Roblox gaming platform, you may wonder why the songs above are available in Roblox Audio Library. Well, actually the songs are uploaded by Roblox users. Anyone can upload audio to Roblox and the process is like this.
- First, Roblox users need to log into their Roblox account.
- After they log in, then they have to click on the Create which can be found in the blue bar at the top of the screen.
- After that, they click on Audio.
- In this step, they will have to click on the Browse and then choose an audio file.
- After they choose an audio file, they have to click on the Estimate Price. It is done to determine the Robux cost that they have to pay for their upload.
- After they make their selection, then they are required to click on the Purchase for XR$ to end their purchase.
It is important to note that the audio that will be uploaded must be less than 7 minutes. It also must be smaller than 20.0 MB clear and easy to understand. It means that the audio is not able to be sped up, slowed down or had its volume altered excessively.
As explained above that you have to pay for uploading audio to Roblox. So, how much Robux do we have to pay for uploading an audio? It depends on the length of the audio that you upload. You are able to see the list of the prices below.
- If you upload an audio of 0 – 10 seconds, the cost that you have to pay is 20 Robux.
- If you upload an audio of 10 – 30 seconds, the cost that you have to pay is 35 Robux.
- If you upload an audio of 30 seconds – 2 minutes, the cost that you have to pay is 70 Robux.
- If you upload an audio of 2 minutes to 7 minutes, the cost that you have to pay is 350 Robux.
So, if you want to upload audio, you need to have enough Robux in your balance. Also, make sure that you upload a positive audio and not a negative audio. Never ever break the rules of Roblox if you do not want to be banned by Roblox.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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