Roblox East Brickton Forums

If you’re a newcomer to East Brickton, you may not already know the gameplay of this game. When playing any games in Roblox, you may want to be a good player. Certainly, to get good in Roblox games, at least you have understood the rules, the main goal and also the amount of points you should reach.

When you’re playing East Brickton, you will be looking for the guides to lead you playing the game as well as possible. In case of looking for the East Brickton gameplay guide, we recommend you to diligently join gaming forums, especially Roblox community. The forums will usually share a lot of tips and tricks to play a specific game in an easy guide.

So, how to find forums for sharing East Brickton gameplay? Thankfully, this post will show you a bunch of forums that you can join in order to get some tips and tricks to play East Brickton. Here you go!

  1. East Brickton Forum

There is currently a forum which provides a place for discussing and sharing East Brickton gameplay. You can access this forum here. You are required to sign up if you want to join this forum.

East Brickton Forum

For signing up, you need to enter your email address, password, your forum name, your date’s birthday and your gender. After that, the site will send you a verification link after you fill in your personal information. Click on the verification link to start logging into the forum. Then, you will be taken into the East Brickton forum.

On the forum, you will find a lot of threads which discuss a specific topic. There are some menus that you will find on this forum, they are Home, Help, Search, Members, Profile and Messages.

To find out the threads related to what you are looking for in East Brickton gameplay, you can search for the topics from the list of discussions. There are a bunch of threads which discuss East Brickton including Board Info, Factions, Out of Character, Report Section, Legend and Forum Information & Statistics.

After finding the topic on the threads related to the information you need, you can click on the thread and see if there’s the information available on this thread. If not, you can click on another thread instead.

  1. East Brickton Weebly

The second East Brickton forum can be found at Weebly that you can access here. The main point of this forum is to inform a lot of players on the development progress of Roblox East Brickton. The aim of this forum is to encourage people to get good at playing this game.

East Brickton Weebly

This forum also provides the information on Twitter @marcus760rbx. If you cannot find the information about the guides of how to play East Brickton, you can follow the Twitter account instead. They generally share numerous tips and tricks on tweets.

  1. Trello

Trello can be a right option for the East Brickton forum you can choose. On Trello, there are tons of topics and sub-topics which inform Roblox gameplay. Fortunately, you can find East Brickton information through this site. You can access Trello here.


After clicking on the link, you will be taken into East Brickton topics. Here, you will find a number of sub-topics related to the information you are looking for. They show you the main priority of East Brickton and the things that you should do in East Brickton.

Here are the subtopics about East Brickton that you will find on Trello:

    • Main Priority
    • To Do List;  working on ATM, working on hospital, add vest in the game and many more
    • Original Factions; Eastside Hustlers (blood), Westside Rollerz, Barrio 37, Carmello Mafia (Italian mob), The Orochi (Asian mob), and Moscovy Bratsva (Russian mob)
    • Suggestions things to do
    • Twitter Suggestions
    • Finished actions
    • Dumb ideas
    • Known bugs

That’s a very complete topic and subtopic about East Brickton, isn’t it? So, if you want to get a lot of information for East Brickton gameplay, you definitely can visit the Trello forum by clicking on the link that we have mentioned above.

About East Brickton

East Brickton is a roleplaying Roblox game which was created on June 13, 2018 and has been updated on August 11, 2021. This game has more than 60K favorites and has been visited by 3.9 million times. The server of this game provides up to 85 players.

In the game of East Brickton, you are allowed to create and customize your own characters, as well as your character destiny. It means that you could be either a criminal or also a detective. Whatever the character you choose in the game, you surely have to get good.

East Brickton also allows you to fight other players. However, you’re not allowed to fight other players if there is no roleplay season behind the action, as it could be either gang retaliation, disagreements and other in-game conflicts.

In this game, you will rob other players once per in-game day. In this case, robbing will cause instant bans including robbing gas station clerks. If there’s a player who has been robbed, the player should comply with the robber’s request and roleplay Fun Fear appropriately.

Additionally, you should not  rob any items inside of another player’s trunks and save them. You can not also hold other players at gunpoint and force them to withdraw cash from an ATM.

Here are tips and tricks to play East Brickton easily:

    • You need to get a job to earn money in order to purchase guns or any other in-game stuff. You can apply for some job positions including Fast Food employee, club security, club Dj and many more.
    • Make sure to have  a gun that you can use to shoot other players. You can also shoot them while running, but your crosshair will be invisible.
    • You have to save yourself if the snowstorm occurs in your city, make sure to stay inside the building to avoid the snowstorm.
    • Keep your character healthy. Alternatively, you can lose weight by going to a gym and choosing a treadmill.