Nvidia Filters Warzone

To enhance your experience in Call of Duty, the Nvidia filters can be a right option for you, as it will be able to improve the visibility in Warzone. If you use the Nvidia graphics card to play Warzone, you will get the best out of your Warzone visuals.

If you are a PC player, you will have loads more settings to select from, from keybinds to graphics. Many players who play Warzone will have an impressive amount of customization available. So, you can adjust the graphics settings as you want, making Verdansk’84 sharper than they ever dreamed.

To ease you using the Nvidia filters for Warzone, we have some recommendations of Nvidia filters Warzone. In fact, not all Nvidia filters will be great to use for Warzone play. So, let’s see the top Nvidia filters for Warzone!

Nvidia Filters Warzone

Top 3 Nvidia Filters for Call of Duty: Warzone

To access the Nvidia feature called ‘Filters’, you need to hit ALT + Z with Nvidia GeForce Experience installed. With the use of Nvidia filters, it’s possible for you to to improve your overall visibility and overlay any game with a selection of filters.

So, here are some recommended Nvidia filters that you can use to play Call of Duty: Warzone:

    1. JGOD’s Filter

JGOD is a Call of Duty content creator who has been popular since sharing the best filter to use in Warzone. He shows how to adjust the Nvidia filter on YouTube videos in JGOD Channel entitled ‘New Graphic & NVIDIA Settings Warzone Season 3 | Settings I Use to Make it Look Better 1.36 Update’ that you can watch here.

JGOD also released hos Nvidia filters for Verdansk 1984 at the beginning of Season 3. Well, his filters still do a great job to bring vibrance to the map. We think JGOD’s filters are such an excellent option for you to apply on your Warzone play. But, all those settings are also down to your own preferences as well.

If you are interested to use JGOD’s filters for you Warzone gameplay, you can adjust some following settings:


    • Sharpen: 36 percent
    • Clarity: 49 percent
    • HDR Toning: 49 percent
    • Bloom: Zero percent


    • Tint Color: Zero percent
    • Tint Intensity: Zero percent
    • Temperature: Zero percent
    • Vibrance: 30 percent


    • Exposure: Zero percent
    • Contrast: Nine percent
    • Highlights: Two percent
    • Shadows: -100 percent
    • Gamma: Zero percent
    1. ModernWarzone’s Filter

The second option of the Nvidia filter that you can try to use on your Warzone play is ModernWarzone. He has been breaking Call of Duty: Warzone news since the game was released last year. Just like JGOD, ModernWarzone is also a popular Call of Duty content creator who always shares about something new for the game.

To know about ModernWarzone’s filter, you can watch his video entitled ‘Call of Duty Warzone – Best NVIDIA Filters + Graphics Settings Season 3 Update’ that you can watch here. Aside from getting the tips and tricks of playing Call of Duty, you can also visit his website at ModernWarzone.com.

To use the ModernWarzone’s filter on your Warzone play, you may need to adjust some following settings:


    • Sharpen: 51 percent
    • Clarity: 100 percent
    • HDR Toning: 11 percent
    • Bloom: Zero percent


    • Sharpen: 70 percent
    • Film Grain: Zero percent


    • Tint Color: 35 percent
    • Tint Intensity: 30 percent
    • Temperature: 14.6 percent
    • Vibrance: 100 percent
    1. IceManIsaac

The last  Nvidia filter that you can use for your Warzone play is IceManIsaac. He is a competitor for NRG and also a content creator for Call of Duty: Warzone. Since he shared the best Nvidia filter for Warzone, he has been rapidly popular over the last year.

In his video entitled ‘THE *NEW* BEST LOOKING FILTERS!!! Advanced Graphics Settings For Warzone Season 3! [Warzone Academy]’ that you can access here, you can see how he adjusted the settings to get the best Nvidia filter for his Warzone play. He has posted the Nvidia filter settings in the past and then released it in time for the beginning of Season 3 in April.

So, let’s adjust your Nvidia settings to apply the IceManIsaac’s Nvidia filter for your Warzone play, here are they:


    • Exposure: Zero percent
    • Contrast: 15 percent
    • Highlights: -50 percent
    • Shadows: 100 percent
    • Gamma: 11 percent


    • Tint Color: 12 percent
    • Tint Intensity: 13 percent
    • Temperature: Zero percent
    • Vibrance: 52.8 percent


    • Sharpen: 20 percent
    • Clarity: Seven percent
    • HDR Toning: 61 percent
    • Bloom: Zero percent

Okay, those are the top 3 Nvidia filters that you can use to play Call of Duty: Warzone. So, make sure to use one of them if you want to get the best Warzone visuals.

Why Should You Use an Nvidia Filter on Warzone?

You will have an excellent advantage over players who do not use the Nvidia filters. As we’ve mentioned, if you use Nvidia filters in your Warzone play, you will get your Warzone visuals look more gorgeous.

If you enable the cross-play feature on your console, you should be careful as the PC players may only spot you when you hide in the dark. Finally, Call of Duty: Warzone has nerfed the notorious Roze skin that was popular at hiding in the shadows.

There are at least 3 preset spots to save custom settings. It is commonly good to only have one global preset for Warzone, however some players prefer to have multiple. So, it is such a good idea to have separate presets for Warzone and also regular multiplayers, because each game mode will look a bit different from one another.

Before you apply any Nvidia filters, it’s better for you to set the in-game brightness settings to 50. Well, it will be reliable to go as high as 60. But, you must be aware that it will make certain colors look washed out in some locations.

To use the Nvidia filter in Warzone, you need to open the GeForce Experience overlay. You can press ALT + Z, as the default bind. After that., you can click the game filter located on the left-hand side of the overlay. Instead, you can also hit ALT + F3 to go straight to the Nvidia Filters menu.

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