When you start playing the game of Illusion Connect, of course you want to use the best character. You will want a powerful lineup that can help you get to the late game, and also can defeat all the bosses that lie ahead easily. For that reason, we are going to share Illusion Connect tier list.
Illusion Connect Tier List (2021)
Here is a list of Illusion Connect Tier:
SS Tier Characters
These SS tier characters are always super powerful. They can become vibrant early on in the game, hence their place on the Illusion Connect SS tier list. Characters like Miyuki are amazing for decreasing opponent rage very often, thus leaving them unable to cast their skills, whereas Yuffie, Kasumi, Nicola, and Phoebe are great damage dealers and more. As for Anna, she is the best healer in the game of Illusion Connect at the moment. Also, her kit is extremely powerful.
- Yuffie
- Miyuki
- Kasumi
- Anna
- Nicola
- Phoebe
S Tier Characters
These S tier characters are pretty amazing since they are able to give quite a lot to the team. Among them, there are two characters who currently have Awakening available, Hersey and Maki. They are able to work super well as the attackers, so if you get them, ensure you keep them. Aside from that, they are able to work super well in certain teams. For example, Charlotte and Vivian can be pseudo-tanks on the Light team, Nefir can be supported on a Sorcerer team, and Fenebeth is the only anti-healer in the game.
While for the two SR units, Pan is able to do critical hits up to 1mil and Rikia is a terrific constant AoE damage dealer, CC-inflicting unit and debuff-remover.
- Nefir
- Hachi Shiki
- Charlotte
- Gemmy
- Vivian
- Maki
- Selena
- Kiraya
- Rikia
- Pan
- Hersey
- Fenebeth
A Tier Characters
The characters like Rotania, Gagaku, Eileen, and the rest are powerful when you reach a certain point with them. Also, they are able to be quite difficult to get, however will give a lot when you have upgraded them. For instance, a maxed-out Rotania can be quite difficult to get, unless you are lucky. Nina and Victoria will need a lot of Arcana grinding for shards.
The SR units in this list, Ann and Annie are really powerful from multiple perspectives. Annie is able to be a very efficient tank on a Sorcerer team, and also is very easy to star up since she is only SR. While for Ann, she is ableto give powerful buffs for the team, since she is the only SR unit that does that.
- Rotania
- Gagaku
- Eileen
- The Enforcers
- Saya
- Nina
- Victoria
- Edward
- Angela
- Ann
- Annie
A- Tier Characters
These A- characters are able to work very good in certain situations, however are not often good at 3* or 4*. Some of them are going to start to shine once they are 5* (like Gigi for instance), while others are able to become viable quite early on, or act as a replacement unit (Chiyo, Rie). If you are able to invest in them, then you are going to find them useful in a team or two definitely, so it is going to pay off.
Among these characters here, we suggest you investing in Diamond, Chiyo, Rie, Amon, Hotaru and possibly Camille. But, do so only after you have maxed out your main team or if you want to use them as a filler.
- Annis Dora
- Brooke
- Ming
- Diamond
- Diana
- Barinas
- Gigi
- Hotaru
- Sachiko
- Camille
- Beatrice
- Amon
- Chiyo
- Rie
B Tier Characters
These B tier characters fall somewhere in the middle. They are able to be good fairly early on in the game. But, without a team specifically build around enabling them, they will fall to meta units (like Sorcerers or Attackers) very easily. Alice, Mary, Jasmine and Shanti are able to be used as fillers or buffers until you get better ones, as they have a fairly low cost and are really cost-effective for that reason.
- Yume
- Jasmine
- Carol
- Frantiva
- Alice
- Mary
- Polly
- Shanti
C Tier Characters
These C tier are the characters you will most likely never use in the game of Illusion Connect, so we strongly advise against upgrading them soon. They are not really terrific, since there are a lot of better alternatives.
- Nanalie
- Loro
- Tiffany
- Mei
- Harto
- Mia
- Flora
- Penny
- Bontenmaru
How To Reroll
Talking about Illusion Connect tier list, now we want also to share a way to reroll. Fortunately, doing a reroll in the game of Illusion Connect is an extremely simple process. Here is how to do it in steps:
- When making your initial account, choose the ‘Guest’ option. If you have already made a bound account, do not worry. You are able to still reroll, it will only make binding your account a bit more challenging
- Please go through the tutorial until you get to the point that you are able to do a 10x summon. If you obtain the character you want, great! You do not need to reroll. If you don’t, skip to the next step.
- Please tap your character profile at the top left of the screen and choose ‘Switch Account’
- Choose confirm.
- Then, tap the subsequent drop-down menu, and choose ‘New account’
- You have to choose ‘More options’ and ‘Guest’
- Now, simply repeat this process continually until you get the character, or characters you want. When that happens, do this final step.
- Please go back to your character profile page, tap on ‘Account’, and then choose ‘Bind Account’ and choose the account you want to bind it to. This will make sure you do not lose your character going forward.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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