How to Unlock Ranked in Valorant Fast

Competitive or also known as ‘Ranked’ mode is one of the Valorant game modes. This mode uses the same in-game format and rules as Unrated where two teams of five players will choose their agents. One team begins on Attack and the other on Defense.

The ‘Ranked’ mode is a new feature  which came with Valorant’s 1.02 update. Certainly, this Ranked mode is locked for new players. It means that you need to unlock the Ranked mode first to play on. It will need a number of efforts in order to unlock the Ranked mode. So, how to play in Ranked mode?

How to Unlock Ranked in Valorant Fast

Unlocking Ranked Mode Fast, Here’s How!

In order to unlock the Ranked mode, you should complete 20 unrated matches in standard mode and another five replacement matches first. By playing in those matches, you will receive your first rank.

If you have received your rank, the ‘Ranked’ mode for tactical shooter will be automatically unlocked. Then, you can start climbing up the ranks that it offers. From there, you have to take advantage of this chance in order to play the game well in this mode.

At least, there are eight ranks which you can achieve in the particular playlist as they unlock it. Each rank has three tiers that you should progress to accomplish in the ranked mode. Certainly, you will own the ability to play with four other friends in this playlist.

Keep in mind, each member of the party should be within two ranks of each other. Well, this way is to avoid players being in matches in which the skill level is too high or low for them. In this case, your rank will not be shown in-game, if you don’t play any matches in the ‘Ranked’ mode for 14 days.

But, you do not have to worry, as your rank will be returned after you’ve played your first match back. Need to know, your progress that you make through the ranks of the ranked mode in the closed beta won’t carry over to the full Valorant version when it launches. So, if you really want to play Ranked mode well, make sure you meet all requirements.

How to Play Ranked Mode in Valorant Fast?

To play ranked mode in Valorant, you may need to complete about 20 standards mode matches first. After the ranked mode is unlocked, you should complete five placement matches. Those matches will grant you your initial ranks.

The five matches will also give you all about your personal performance and winning. Afterwards, you need to win your matches if you want to reach through the ranks fast. That’s so simple, isn’t it?

In this case, wins will earn you moving up the ranks faster while losses. Until a certain extent, your bad performance will hurt your overall ranking.

Moreover, if you want to play with your friends, they also should complete 20 standard mode match completions. Your party should also be within two rankings or six tiers of your as host. However, it will help to ensure that everyone in a match is relatively in terms of rankings. Also, there’s no super players who can invade and decimate the map.

If there is a friend in your party reaching two tiers above you, they will automatically optimize your match to support similar premade sizes in the opposing team.

You may also find a lot of players who end up in the lower ranks at first. However, it’s perfectly normal, unless you are an exceptional player who has unusual high-performance scores in the placement matches. Make sure to always get used to the idea of beginning from the bottom and working your way up.

Ranked Mode Gameplay

In Ranked or competitive mode, two teams of five players choose their agents. In this case, one team begins on Attack and the other on Defense.

If you want to win a round, the attacking team should defeat all enemy Defenders or detonate the spike. Meanwhile, the defending team should defeat all enemy attackers and prevent the spike from being planted or also defuse the spike. However, killing all enemy attackers will no longer be enough to win the round, so the defusing will be required.

You will have 30 seconds to purchase weapons and utility, set up any utility and get into position, before each round begins. Additionally, each round will last 100 seconds that is reset to 40 seconds if the spike is planted.

In this case, the game will be split into two halves: once 12 rounds, the teams are going to swap sides. The first team to reach 13 rounds will also win the game. In competitive mode, it has a different system to solve 12-12 games, going into Overtime instead of Sudden Death.

In Overtime, teams will play 2 rounds, one on defense and one on attack. The players who are in every round will get 5,000 credits and also have their ultimate points set to being 3 short of what they have to use. Of course, they will win the game if a team also wins both those rounds.

The competitive mode also has an additional feature called remaking. It works where the teams will have the option to call for a remake by typing or remake in chat if one or more players are disconnected at the beginning of the first buy phase through the entire first round.

The vote of this remake will last during the buy phase duration that it was called in and should be unanimous to pass. In this case, a successful remake is going to end the game. It is along with all players not getting any XP or MMR adjustment from the match.

Additionally, the match will not display in match history. Well, all disconnected players will accept full MMR loss and receive a leaver penalty. This is equivalent to disconnecting from a full match. To note, there are also slight differences with surrendering, meaning the competition will require a unanimous vote instead of the usual 80%  from Unrated to Surrender.

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