How to Mute Zoom Without Muting Computer (Easy Steps)

When you attend a Zoom meeting, there is a moment where you want to mute the zoom. However, you do not want to mute the computer. How to do that? You are able to do that after reading the explanation below. Also, we will give you some other explanation related to muting and unmuting zoom.

The Method to Mute a Zoom Meeting Without Muting Computer

If you want to mute a Zoom meeting but you do not want to mute your computer, it is easy to do. After you have launched the meeting, the thing that you have to do is to go to the mute or unmute option. It can be found on the bottom left side of the screen. There, you have to click on the top arrow. From the options, there are the things that you can see on the menu. It is that you have to check the Leave Computer Audio option.

If you do this, you have to make sure that your microphone audio is also muted. By doing it, the Computer Audio will be the only thing that participants hear.

The Meaning of Mute on Zoom

When you use Zoom, you have an option to mute a call either in the form of a button or command. If you mute someone’ call, it means that someone will not be able to be heard by others.

Muting can also be useful when you do not want others to hear you and the background sound from you. So, whatever sound which comes from your background or whatever you say there, there will not be heard by others.

This mute option is important when there is a moment where you have to explain something by yourself as a monologue. For example, when you want to present something in the meeting, it will be better if you mute other participants so that you will focus on your explanation without having to be distracted by the sounds from others.

The Steps to Mute Yourself as The Host in Zoom Meeting

If you want to mute yourself when you become a host in a Zoom meeting, you are able to do that by seeing at the bottom left side of the Zoom video screen. There, you will be able to find the Mute option beside the Start Video option. If you click on it, you will see a red line appear across it. It means that you are now muted. Now, there are no participants who can hear you. You can make them hear you again by unmuting yourself.

Do you want to edit your audio settings? If you want, you are able to do that by clicking on the small top arrow icon. If you want, you are also able to mute yourself from the Participants section. It can be found on the right side of the screen.

The Mute Button on Zoom

If you want to mute or unmute yourself in the Zoom app when you are holding a zoom meeting, you can do that by using Alt+A shortcut on Windows. If you use Mac, you can use Shift+Command+A. So, these shortcuts are only able to be used if you use a PC.

Can we mute ourselves temporarily with a button? Yes, you are able to do that by long pressing the Space Bar key so that you are able to mute or unmute yourself temporarily. By using these shortcuts, you are able to mute or unmute whenever you want without having to use your mouse.

Muting All Participants When We Become a Host in Zoom Meeting

When you are using the Zoom app, there will be a Mute All option that you can find at the bottom of the screen. If you click on it, it will permit you to be able to mute all participants.

When you click on the Mute All option, you will see that there is a window which pops up. In the pop up window, you will be asked to confirm your choice. If you want to activate the Mute for all, then you have to click on Yes.

You will also see that there is a three-dot menu. It can be found at the bottom right in the Participants section. What is the function of it? It can be used to control the mute settings for people who are joining the meeting.

If you click on the three-dot menu, you will see that it will expand and there are various mute or unmute options. Here, you are able to select to mute participants upon entry into the meeting room yourself and enable the option to permit participants to be able to unmute themselves.

As a host, you are also able to mute all participants by using shortcuts. There are keyboards shortcuts that you are able to apply in Zoom to mute and unmute all participants except you as a host. What are the shortcuts? You are able to see in the list below.

  • Alt+M

This shortcut can be used to mute or unmute in Windows.

  • Command+Control+M

This shortcut can be used to mute all participants except the host. You can use this shortcut on Mac.

  • Command+Control+U

This shortcut can be used to unmute audio for all participants except the host. This shortcut can be used on Mac.

The Steps to Mute Certain Participant on Zoom

If you want to mute certain participants on Zoom, you are able to do that easily. The thing that you have to do is to go to the Participants section which can be found on the right side of the Zoom meeting screen. Then, you have to run the mouse pointer over the name of the participant that you want to mute. There will be a Mute button and the thing that you have to do is simply to click on it. If you do this, the certain participants that you are muted will find themselves muted.

Now, you are able to do that if you think that you need to mute certain participants when you are holding a Zoom meeting.

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