How to Make Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft No Mods or Addons

A lot of Minecraft players are wondering whether creating the Infinity Gauntlet can be performed without mods or always with mods. There are a number of mods that provide the ability to add the Infinity Gauntlet into Minecraft. At a glance, we think that creating the Infinity Gauntlet should use the Minecraft mods.

In fact, there are a lot of content creators that share a guide of creating the Infinity Gauntlet without mods on their YouTube channel. They kindly give tips and tricks to create the Infinity Gauntlet without mods. So, is it possible to create Infinity Gauntlet without mods?

Creating the Infinity Gauntlet Without Mods?

Until now, you may know that to create the Infinity Gauntlet, you will need the Minecraft mods that work to add the Infinity Gauntlet and also Infinity Stones. Surprisingly! Many content creators of Minecraft seem to provide a basic way to create Infinity Gauntlet without mods.

Generally, they will use the Minecraft Infinity Gauntlet Command to create the Infinity Gauntlet. It means that you should master the Infinity Gauntlet command if you want to create the Infinity Gauntlet without mods.

When you are looking for tutorial videos of creating the Infinity Gauntlet without mods, you will find a lot of results. Each content creator will share their own way of creating the Infinity Gauntlet without mods.

To ease you creating the Infinity Gauntlet without mods, we’ll take a YouTube video owned by Neil Angelo channel that shares a tutorial video entitled ‘(Remake) How To Make A Working Infinity Gauntlet In Minecraft! (No Mods!)’ that you can access here.

How to Make Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft No Mods or Addons

Based on this video, to create the Infinity Gauntlet without mods, you should use the Infinity Gauntlet command block. You can go to the ‘Chat and Command’ menu. On the command block, you can type ‘/give @p command_block’.

After that, type ‘/gamerule commandblockoutput false’. Another command that you can input is /gamerule sendcommandfeedback false’. You can then need a command block for a redstone comparator, a redstone repeater, a redstone torch, some redstone, any block you want, and a chocobo.

Afterwards, you may need to add the yellow shocker bus. It should be yellow, as if  it is not yellow, then the network and an anvil will not appear. You can then put the Yellow Shulker Box into crafting grid and then give it a name with Infinity Gauntlet.

You can then put a redstone comparator in a flat area. Then, a command block here and a red star either another one. With a bunch of command blocks, you can break that quickly. You may need a bunch of command blocks to get the block.

Now, you already have six command blocks that point up to the sky. After you place the command blocks in order, it’s for command time.

You can choose one command block by typing ‘/clear @p shulker_box 4 0’. You can also set the ‘Block Type’ tab into ‘Repeat’ option and the Redstone bar into the ‘Always Active’ option. You can then see the command block turning into ‘purple’ color.

Then, choose another command block and show the command block. Type ‘/effect @p speed 100000 2 true’. If the command is not working, you can put the bones and let the knee chest for a while. You definitely can put the chest  anywhere and  put the bones inside.

You can continue to put anything in another command block. Choose one command block and type ‘/effect @p clear’. If it is not working, you can zoom in and open the command and type ‘/effect @p haste 1000000 2 true’. You can also choose the ‘Impulse’ option on the Block Type tab.

If you want, you can add more command blocks by typing ‘/effect @p haste 1000000 100 true’. Moreover, you can also add effect at feat resistance by typing ‘/effect @p resistance 1000000 2 true’.

To slash the effect, you can type ‘/effect @p jump_boost 1000000 2 true’. To add strength, you can type ‘/effect @p strength 1000000 100 true’. The next command block, you can add the regeneration command by typing ‘/effect @p regeneration 10000000 100 true’.

Well, you will get some following results, here are they:

    • Speed III – 1666 : 27
    • Haste – 16666 : 27
    • Strength – 16666 : 28
    • Jump Boost III – 16666 : 28
    • Regeneration – 166666 : 28
    • Resistance III – 16666 : 28

After you get the result, you can go over to the game with survival mode. Now, you can use your Thanos hand to break the ground and see if the Infinity Gauntlet will work well on your hand. You will do super fast in mining and breaking the ground. It looks like a jump booster.

Your hand also shows off the regeneration and resistance. In addition to proving your strength on the land, you can also attempt to jump into water. Let’s see whether your Infinity Gauntlet is working or not if you use it under water.

Okay, that’s what you should do if you want to create the Infinity Gauntlet without mods or addons. Make sure that you follow the instructions that we have explained above. But if you still need this tutorial clearly, you can watch the tutorial video on YouTube here.

How to Create an Infinity Gauntlet with Mods?

Certainly, the easiest and fastest way to create and add the Infinity Gauntlet into Minecraft is by using the mods. In fact, there are a number of mods that work to add the Infinity Gauntlet into Minecraft.

However, not all mods will effectively work to add the Infinity Gauntlet into Minecraft. So, make sure to choose the greatest mod that promisingly will add the Infinity Gauntlet into Minecraft.

One of the mods that can work to add the Infinity Gauntlet is Lucraft Core Infinity Gauntlet mod. If you want to prove whether this mod is worthy to add Infinity Gauntlet or not, you can try to download the Lucraft Core Infinity Gauntlet mod here.

The file of the Lucraft Core Infinity Gauntlet mod comes in the WinRAR file. So, you need to extract the file before you can use it. Good Luck, Dude!

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