How to Level Up Battle Pass Halo Infinite

You may want to level up Battle Pass in Halo Infinite. But, how to level up battle pass in Halo Infinite? You are able to read the way to level up battle passes in this game here.

Leveling Up Battle Pass Halo Infinite

There are two Battle Passes in Halo Infinite. The first one is the free version where it can be accessed by everyone and the second one is the paid premium version where it costs £7.99 or around $10. These Battle Passes consist of 100 tiers and each tier asks you to get 1000 XP to complete it. If you are able to complete the tiers, you will get goodies and the premium pass which will make you get armour, shaders, XP boosts, challenge swaps and more at every level. The basic will only give you challenge swaps and the odd armour piece or shader sometimes.

How to Level Up Battle Pass Halo Infinite-

If you want to level up in Halo Infinite, you have to complete Daily and Weekly Challenges. After the latest update of the game, you will also get a 50 XP for completing the Play 1 Game Daily Challenge. Here are several ways to level up Battle Pass Halo Infinite according to Pure Xbox website.

    • Daily Challenges
      Daily challenges are the easiest and fastest challenges to complete. Each day, you will begin with the same simple challenge such as completing any four PvP matches. When you continue to do these, you will find that they will get more difficult where they require you to win matches. If you get into the further daily challenges that you get on any given day, you will get more XP and the whole thing resets again for the next day.
    • Weekly Challenges
      The scale of weekly challenges is larger. So, it can give you more XP than your daily challenges. On your game manu, you will find a set of four that you have to complete at any given time. It is important for you to grind on and focus on digging into these weekly challenges so that you can maximise the advantage that you will get. Talking about weekly challenges, it is important for you to know that if you can complete all of the weekly challenges, you will get an Ultimate Reward every week.
    • XP Boosts
      Do you want to maximise your XP gains? If so, you can use XP boosts. XP boosts are available as rewards on the premium battle pass. You can also buy them in the shop for 200 credits. When you activate XP boosts, it will last for 60 minutes and it will double your XP gains for that time. It is important for you to know that after you activate the timer, it is not able to be stopped, even when you are not playing. So, before you activate it, you have to make sure that you are ready to use it for an hour. Also, you have to make sure that you focus on completing weekly challenges so that you can get the maximum amount of XP.
    • Buying the Premium Pass or Battle Pass Levels
      If you have a battle pass, you are able to get more XP per match that you play. However, if you have a lot of budget, you are able to buy each level one at a time and you can buy it for 200 credits each. There are 100 levels, so it would require you around 2,000 credits where it costs around $200.

Tips to Level Up Fast in Halo Infinite

According to GamesRadar, here are some tips to level up fast in Halo Infinite.

    • First, you have to focus on specific challenges. As you know that some challenges are very specific. You have to check before every game and then you must see what things which are feasible after you are in the match. Let’s take an example. Let’s say that there is a challenge about sniper rifle headshots. Then, you have to see whether there is one on the map that you can use. If you find it, you can prioritise to get it as soon as possible.
    • You have to play as much as possible. You may find that performance does not do anything for progression. However, there is always at least one challenge that will give you XP for playing or winning matches. It means that if you keep playing, you will get some XP.
    • You need to use challenge swaps smartly. If you want, you are able to purchase one-use Challenge Swap tokens from the store that permit you to exchange one challenge for another random one. However, you are also able to get them for completing stages of the Pass itself. Since they are rare enough, you may be able to use them when you really need it. Let’s take an example again. There may be one challenge which requires you to hijack multiple aircraft. Meanwhile, other challenges only ask you to complete a few matches. So, you have to make sure that you do not waste the swaps that you have.

About Halo Infinite Battle Pass

As explained on Windows Central website, 343 Industries has said that the price of Halo Infinite battle passes is $10 each. It provides premium battle pass unlocks together with the existing free rewards.

Microsoft permits players to buy the Season 1 Heroes of Reach premium battle pass for 1,000 credits where it is the same as $10 via the in-game store. You can also get the battle pass via a 2,800 credit “Premium Pass Bundle” and 100 XP grants to fast-track the first 25 tiers from day one.

What about the rewards in Halo Infinite Battle Pass? Here are some of them.

    • Tier 1: FUI epic backdrop (Free)
    • Tier 1: Mark V (B) epic armour kit (Premium)
    • Tier 2: UA / Type B1 rare helmet attachment (Premium)
    • Tier 3: UA / DO-01-CCR Breaching Kit epic chest (Premium)
    • Tier 3: Challenge Swap (Free)
    • Tier 4: UA / P1DA Bracer rare wrist (Premium)
    • Tier 5: Blue rampage epic coating (Premium)
    • Tier 5: Challenge Swap (Free)
    • Tier 6: Bryce rare visor (Free)
    • Tier 6: Challenge swap (Free)
    • and many more.

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