During Turkey Day, you may need to help Franklin to cook four dishes. One of the Franklin dishes is Pumpkin Pie. Of course, he will ask you to find the pumpkin as an ingredient to cook the Pumpkin pie. Certainly, you should get the pumpkin as soon as possible around your island.
Keep in mind during Turkey Day, you should get one Orange Pumpkin and Other Pumpkins, the color will be randomly selected from yello, white or green. Then, where can you find Yellow Pumpkins? If you do not know where the yellow pumpkin can be found, let’s see our post below!
Getting Yellow Pumpkin, Here’s How!
During Turkey Day, the Yellow Pumpkin can be obtained through exchanging ingredients. To do so, you can attempt to trade Yellow Pumpkin with your villagers who already have the Yellow Pumpkin in their homes. Each Yellow Pumpkin will cost around 350 Bells.
However, you cannot plant the Pumpkin Starts to harvest Yellow Pumpkin during Turkey Day, as you can buy the Pumpkin Starts randomly, not Yellow Pumpkin specified. Aside from that, planting the Pumpkin Starts will take a while until you can harvest the Yellow Pumpkin and give it to Franklin.
Through Pumpkin exchanging with your villagers, it may also take you a while. However, you have to gather the Yellow Pumpkin that you need. If you find a villager that has the Yellow Pumpkin, you can start trading it until the villager is willing to trade Yellow Pumpkin with you.
After getting Yellow Pumpkin, you can return to Franklin and give it to him. Then, Franklin will start cooking the Pumpkin Pie. If you help him cook four regular dishes, aside from Pumpkin Pie, Franklin will then grant you non-craftable Turkey Day themed items, along with eight Turkey Day themed DIY recipes.
How to Cook Pumpkin Pie During Turkey Day?
For helping Franklin, you have to look for the ingredients that will be needed for cooking Pumpkin Pie. There are at least 3 ingredients to cook Pumpkin, here are they:
- 1 Orange Pumpkin
- 1 Yellow, Green or White Pumpkin
- Secret Ingredients: Mean two pumpkins which are not the same colors as the ones that you have submitted for the main recipe.
For more information, the secret ingredients here are not set as it will always be the color of the pumpkin that is used for the required ingredients. For instance, if the yellow pumpkin is set as an ingredient to cook Pumpkin Pie, the secret ingredients will be white pumpkin and green pumpkin.
To cook Pumpkin Pie, you can start giving the ingredients of Pumpkin Pie to Franklin. You can give the ingredients to Franklin at the plaza from 9 A.M to 12 midnight on Turkey Day. Once given the ingredients, Franklin will then start cooking the Pumpkin Pie and be served on the table.
In the case of adding the secret ingredients, Franklin will have to create a batch of Pumpkin Pie before you obtain the option to add a Secret Ingredient. So, if you want to help Franklin cook the dishes, make sure you know well what the ingredients you have to get.
Cooking Four Dishes with Franklin
Franklin will task you to collect the ingredients that he needs to cook dishes. There’s a total of four dishes that have different ingredients for each. If you help him gather the ingredients to cook dishes, Franklin will reward you with Turkey-Day theme items.
The four dishes that Franklin will cook are Clam Chowder, Pumpkin Pie, Gratin and Fish Meuniere. Sure, each dish will need certain ingredients that you need to look for by doing it a certain way.
How to cook other dishes with Franklin? Let’s see the Franklin recipes below!
- Clam Chowder Recipe
Aside from Pumpkin Pie, Franklin will also cook Clam Chowder during Turkey Day. This is a miscellaneous furniture item that can be placed on either the ground or on top of a tabletop. When you eat the Clam Chowder, you will get five energy points that can relocate trees or break the rocks.
There are two ingredients to cook Clam Chowder, here are they:
- 3 Manila Clams
- Secret Ingredient: 1 Scallop
To cook Clam Chowder, you should gather the manila clams and scallop. You can get it through exchanging items. You may also need to turn down Pascal while looking for the scallop when he appears from the ocean. However, if you do not want to turn him down, you do not have to, as he will only pop up once a day. So, you can give him the first Scallop and dig up another one for Franklin.
During Turkey Day, if you successfully gather the Clam Chowder ingredients, you will earn Turkey Day Rug, as a reward.
- Gratin Recipe
Franklin will also cook Gratin, a miscellaneous furniture item that can be placed on either the ground or on top of the tabletop. To cook this edible item, you will need three ingredients, here are they:
- 1 Round Mushroom, 1 Skinny Mushroom, 1 Flat Mushroom, Oyster (Northern Hemisphere), Squid, or Sea Urchin (Southern Hemisphere)
- 1 Potato, Carrot, or Mussel
- Secret Ingredient: 1 Dungeness Crab
If you eat Gratin, it will give you five energy points that can relocate trees and break rocks. During Turkey Day, if you successfully gather the Gratin ingredients, you will earn Turkey Day Flooring, as a reward.
- Fish Meuniere Recipe
Franklin will also cook the dish called Fish Meuniere. To cook this meal, you should capture one Sea Bass and one random fish depending on which hemisphere you love in. In this case, Franklin will also use either Olive Founder, a Dab or a Red Snapper in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, Franklin will need either a Red Snapper or an Olive Flounder.
To cook this dishes, you will need three ingredients, here are they:
- 1 Sea Bass
- 1 Flour, Olive Flounder, Red Snapper, or Dab (Northern Hemisphere)
- Secret Ingredient: Barred Knifejaw
During Turkey Day, if you successfully gather ingredients for cooking Fish Meuniere, you will earn Cornucopia, as a reward.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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