How to Get Unlimited Money in Sims 4

As a player of the game known as the Sims 4, one of the things that you want to have a lot is money, just like in real life. So, how do you get unlimited money in this game? Check out the information below to find out the answer to the question.

If you want to get the unlimited money in Sims 4, you could use any of these following cheats:

    • Rosebud: This one is able to be used if you want to add 1,000 simoleons to your household funds.
    • Motherlode: This one is able to be used if you want to add 50,000 simoleons to your household funds.
    • Money X: This one is able to be used if you want to replace X with the value of the simoleons that you would like your household to have. For instance, if you enter Money 10,000, then you will get 10,000 household funds. However, it should be noted that it works both ways. Basically, if you have 50,000 simoleons and you type 10, you will get only 10 simoleons.
    • Household.autopay_bills [true]: This one is able to be used if you want to turn the household bills off.
    • Household.autopay_bills [false]: This one is able to be used if you want to turn the household bills on.
    • FreeRealEstate [on]: This one is able to be used if you want to make all neighborhood lots free.
    • FreeRealEstate [off]: This one is able to be used if you want to return the original prices.
    • Kaching: This one is able to be used if you want to add 1,000 simoleons to your household funds.
    • Money [#]: This one is able to be used if you want to make your household simoleons an exact number.

In order to use these cheats, firstly, hold Ctrl +shift + C while you are in the game and the cheat console will be opened. Next, type the cheat code that you want into the text field. Remember that some cheats need a shift and click approach and for these, typing testingCheats [true/false] is needed.

How to Get Unlimited Money in Sims 4

Cheats are so popular in the Sims 4. Aside from the money cheats above, you might also want to check out some other cheats below:

    • cheat need > disable need decay: This one is able to be used if you want to stop your sims needing anything.
    • cheat need > make happy: This one is able to be used if you want to fulfills all needs and makes sim happy.
    • add to family: This one is able to be used if you want to add a random citizen to your family.
    • cas.fulleditmode: This one is able to be used if you want to edit any sim in Create-A-Sim mode.
    • Shift + Click anywhere on the ground: This one is able to be used if you want to get the option to instantly teleport your sim so that there will be no need for your character to wait to go to the car pool.
    • bb.moveobjects.on: This one is able to be used if you want to ignore the placement rules like a renegade builder.
    • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: This one is able to be used if you want to get the access to all catalog items that you would ordinarily have to unlock.
    • bb.enablefreebuild: This one is able to be used if you want to build on restricted lots.
    • sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor: This one is able to be used if you want to make a sim or ghost pregnant and in labor.
    • sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester1: This one is able to be used if you want to make a sim or ghost pregnant. In their first trimester, feel free to cycle the trimesters by choosing between 1, 2, or 3.
    • pregnancy.force_offspring_count [simID] [count]: This one is able to be used if you want to change the count to reflect the amount of kinds you want to have all at once.
    • death.toggle true: This one is able to be used if you want to save a sim from death forever.
    • sims.add_buff buff_death_electrocution_warning: This one is able to be used if you want to cause death while using an electric item.
    • sims.add_buff buff_death-elderexhaustion_warning: This one is able to be used if you want to cause death after exercising.
    • sims.add_buff buff_modified: This one is able to be used if you want to cause death by embarrassment.
    • sims.add_buff buff_motives_hunger_starving: This one is able to be used if you want to die by malnutrition.
    • sims.add_buff Ghostly: This one is able to be used if you want to temporality turn your ism into a ghost.
    • stats.set_skill_level skill_dog [#]: This one is able to be used if you want to maze out tour pet training skills.
    • stats.set_skill_level major_vet [#]: This one is able to be used if you want to maze out your vet skill.
    • season.set_season [#]: This one is able to be used if you want to change the season. type in 0 if you want summer, 1 if you want fall, 2 if you prefer winter, and 3 if you want spring.
    • weather.start_weather_event weather_cloudy_cool: This one is able to be used if you want to set the weather to cloudy and cool.
    • weather.start_weather_event weather_cloudy_warm: This one is able to be used if you want to set the weather to cloudy and warm.
    • weather.start_weather_event weather_heatwave: This one is able to be used if you want to cause a heatwave.
    • weather.start_weathher_event weather_rain_heavy_warm: This one is able to be used if you  want to set the weather to heavy rain while warm.
    • weather.start_weather_event weather_rain_light_cool: This one is able to be used if you want to set the weather to light rain while cool.
    • weather.start_weather_event weather_rain_storm_cold: This one is able to be used if you want to cause a thunderstorm.
    • weather.start_weather_event weather_snow_heavy_freezing: This one is able to be used if you want to set the weather to heavy snow and freezing.
    • weather.start_weather_event weather_snow_light_freezing: This one is able to be used if you want to set the weather to light snow while freezing.
    • weather.start_weather_event weather_snow_thundersnow: This one is able to be used if you want to cause a thunderstorm while it snows.

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