How to Get / Turn on Voice Chat on Roblox

The upcoming feature that will be released by Roblox in the near future is called voice chat. Even though it has not been released yet, the information about it, including about how it works and how to get or to turn it on has been leaked by Bloxy News to public and everyone has been talking about it.

How the Voice Chat Works

If it is your first time hearing voice chat, you will have to know how does this feature works in the platform first. According to Pro Game Guides, it allows everyone to communicate in real time with the other people on Roblox using a microphone. As reported by KreekCraft, a Proximity Chat feature will be used by Roblox for all voice chat purposes.

How to Get Turn on Voice Chat on Roblox


There are several requirements to get or turn on the feature called voice chat on Roblox. According to the leaked images, the players must be at least 18 or older to be able to use this feature. It means everyone under the age of 18 will be restricted from getting access to this feature. The main reason of it is due to the safety and security of those users who have not reached 18.

It is also a must for you to verify your age. You can do it by uploading the Photo ID to a portal called Veratad portal provided by Roblox. For those who are not familiar with this portal, it refers to a global identify and age verification software. This one is widely used by a lot of companies around the globe. The main function of this software is to confirm the authenticity of a Photo ID. With it, there will be no fraud. The team guarantees that all photo identification that is stored in a state of the art data center facility is safe and is monitored 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Actually, Veratad does not belong to Roblox. It is the one that is trusted by Roblox to keep the identities of the user safe and secure.

When uploading, feel free to use a file from your device or take a picture of your Photo ID with a mobile device. The easiest and the most recommended one is to capture a Photo ID with a mobile device as the camera has an automatic scanning functionality. Even though there is no confirmation as of now, it seems like the users have to provide government identification that will be placed in the Veratad system.

If you do not meet one more requirement mentioned above as you are under 18 and or you do not upload the Photo ID to a portal provided by Roblox, it is almost certain that all voice chat features will be disabled and restricted from your account.

Method to Get or Turn on Voice Chat

In order to get or turn on voice chat on Roblox, you will have to follow several steps, as follows:

    1. The first thing that you need to do is to log in to Roblox.
    2. After logging in, the next thing that should be done is to go to Settings or the Cog wheel that is located in the top right corner.
    3. Then, press the Privacy tab to bring up a list of options.
    4. On this page, you should be able to find a Voice Chat that allows you to toggle feature off and on. In order to turn the feature on, all the thing that should be done is to toggle it until it appears green.Get or Turn on Voice Chat
    5. Once the featured enabled, go back to the Account Info tab where you will be able to see much of the general account information.
    6. When the voice chat feature launches officially, it seems like a Verify Age button will be seen on the Account Info page.
    7. Please press Verify Age to upload Photo ID. Aside from that, you can also scan the identification with the mobile device. All identification should process via Veratad’s age or ID software.  Verify Age to upload Photo ID
    8. After passing the Verify Age page, you will have to wait to get a confirmation email that confirms the voice chat was successfully enabled.
    9. If the process is successful, you should be able to communicate with the other Roblox users in most Roblox experiences.

About Chat Feature

Communication is important while playing the game with the other players. Fortunately, Roblox has a chat feature. If you want to start chatting with the other players, first of all, press the / key on the keyboard. Following the step will open the chat window, if it is enabled by the developer. Besides, there will be also a chat bar where you are able to enter anything that you would like the other players to know. Doo not forget to press Enter on your keyboard after entering the next into the bar so that it can be sent and the other players can receive it. Actually, it is not the only way that you can do. In addition, you can also pull up the chat window or bar by clicking the chat icon that is found in the upper left corner of the screen. Keep in mind that the chat will be restricted to what is allowed by the privacy mode or filter of the account.

If you are eager to disable the in game chat, there is a possibility for you to do it by logging into the account as the first step. After logging in to your account, it is time for you to head over to Account Settings page. if you have no idea, it can be done by clicking on the gear icon, the one that is located in the upper right corner of the page. The last thing that you have to do is to click on the Privacy tab and select No one under “Who can chat with me?”. Just like that, the chat feature will be disabled.

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