How to Fix Vudu Network Error Code 28

Network Error Code 28 is displayed while you are trying to stream content on Vudu. It is most likely an indicator for a problem with your internet configurations or with the Network configuration for the TV. Also, this Error might indicate an error with the DNS configurations for the network.

How to Fix Vudu Network Error Code 28?

Here are some methods you can try to fix network error code 28?

Method 1: Changing DNS Settings

If the device which you are trying to use Vudu on is using incorrect DNS configurations, it might cause errors with some software. Thus, in this method, we are going to be using Google’s default DNS settings for the device.

Here are some steps to do that:

    • At the first step, you have to right-click on the Network icon on the bottom-right of the taskbar.
    • After that, you are able to select Open Network & Internet Settings.
    • Now, you are able to click Change adapter options on the window which pops up.
    • Please right-click your network adapter and choose Properties.
    • In this step, find Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), highlight it and also click Properties
    • The next step is to choose the ‘Use the following DNS Server addresses’ box.
    • Afterward, you are able to type in the Preferred DNS Server box and in the Alternate DNS Server box
      Change DNS Server Address
    • You must click on the “Apply” option, and click “OK”.
    • Lastly, launch Vudu and check to see if the error persists.

Method 2: Disable your firewall

Here are steps to disable your firewall:

    • At the first step, you have to click on Start and choose Settings.
    • After that, you are able to go to Update and Security.
    • Then, you need to click on Windows Security.
    • Now, you are able to open Firewall and Network Protection.
    • Please click on your currently active network,
    • In this step, you only need to scroll down and toggle the switch to turn off Windows Firewall.
      own the button for Windows Defender Firewall.
    • Please close the Settings window.
    • If you are using a third-party antivirus with a firewall, you have to disable that as well.
    • The next step that you have to do is open Vudu and check for any improvements.
    • If the app works without any error, you have to add the application to the whitelist.

To add Vudu to the exception list:

    • At the first step, you have to press Windows Key + R to open Run.
    • After that, you are able to type control and click OK.
    • Then, you must click on System & Security.
    • Please click on Windows Defender Firewall.
    • From the left pane, you are able to click on Allow an app or feature through the Windows Defender Firewall option.
    • The next step is to click the Change settings button. It may need administrative access.
    • Now, you are able to scroll down and click on Allow another app button.
    • In the Add an app window, just click the Browse button
    • Navigate to the Vudu installation directory and then choose the Vudu.exe file.
    • Afterwards, you have to click Open and then click Add.
    • After adding, ensure you check both the Public and Private box.
    • In this step, you only need to click OK to save the changes.
    • Lastly, close the Control Panel window.

Warning: Ensure you enable Windows Defender Firewall before launching the Vudu app. If everything went right, you must be able to use the app without the error.

Method 3: Reset your internet modem

Here are steps to reset your internet modem:

    • Firstly, unplug the power cable from the modem. Also, you have to unplug it from the wall outlet.
    • If the modem has any batteries, you have to remove the batteries as well.
    • Please wait for a minute and then leave the modem idle in the meantime.
    • Now, you have to reinsert the batteries (if available) and connect the power cable.
    • Please wait for several minutes after connecting the power to complete the reset process. The modem lights must be solid.
    • The last step, you only need to connect your device to the internet. Check if the Vudu application is working without any problems.

For those who are using a modem with a separate WiFi router, ensure you reset the WiFi router as well.

Method 4: Opening Ports

    • Firstly, press “Windows” + “I” to open settings and then click on “Update & Security”.
    • After that, choose the button of Windows Security and click on the option; Firewall and Network Security.
    • Then, choose the “Advanced Settings” button from the list.
    • A new window will open up, you are able to Click on the “Inbound Rules” option and select “New Rule“
    • Now, you have to choose “Port” and click on “Next”.
    • Please click on “TCP” and select the “Specified Local Ports” option
    • Please enter the following Port Numbers with commas to separate them: “843, 13207, 13217, 13227, 13237, 13247, 13257”
    • In this step, you only need to click on “Next” and select “Allow the Connection.“
    • Afterwards, choose “Next” and ensure all three options are checked
    • You have to click on “Next.” And write a “Name” for the new rule.
    • Please choose “Next” after writing a name and click on “Finish.“
    • You need to repeat the above process for “Outbound Rule” and then check to see if the error persists.

Method 5: Reinstall Vudu

Here are steps to reinstall Vudu:

    • The first thing that you have to do is to click on Start and choose Settings.
    • After that, you have to go to Apps.
    • Please search for Vudu in the installed apps tab.
    • Now, you are able to choose Vudu and click on Uninstall.
    • The next step that you have to do is to confirm the action by clicking on Yes.
    • Now, you are able to download and install the app from the Microsoft Store.

As we said before, the Vudu failed to connect error code 28 occurs if the antivirus or firewall is blocking the connection. By following the steps in this page you are able to fix the error and get back to binge-watching your favorite shows on Vudu.

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