How to Fix Playstation Error WS-37505-0

When you are trying to launch a PlayStation game, you may get an error message that says ‘An error has occurred. (WS-375050-0).’ Even though this error commonly occurs, it forces you to stop your attempt to play a game. Of course, you may get upset when encountering these issues.

No worries! This error message is not a highly serious problem for you, as there’s a solution to fix this issue. If this is your first time facing this issue, you may not know yet what the solution is to fix this issue. Thankfully, this post will show you a guide to fix the error WS-37505-0 on your PlayStation. Here you go!

How to Fix Playstation Error WS-37505-0

Fixing the Error WS-37505-0 on Your PlayStation, Here’s How!

According to the PlayStation Support Page, the error message of WS-37505-0 refers to a failed connection between your PS4 system and the server. PlayStation Support Team suggests you to check your internet connection to PlayStation network and the game server if you receive the error message of WS-37505-0.

However, the PlayStation Network or the game server is not temporarily available. The basic things you have to do are to:

(1)   Check the status of the game server on the website of the game publisher.
(2)   Check the PSN status page. If you find the servers are active, you can use the Fix and Connect diagnostic tool available at PlayStation Support Page.

Sometimes, some players are not successful in fixing the error WS-37505-0 by only doing the two solutions above. They really need more guides that will lead them to the best solution. Luckily, there are a bunch of blogs that show you some troubleshootings to fix the error.

Here are they:

Fix 1: Test your internet connection on PS4

You can try to test the internet connection on your PS4 by opening the ‘Settings’ in the menu taskbar. Then, you can go to the ‘Network’ option in the settings menu. In the following page, you need to select ‘Test Internet Connection’ from the option lists and also allow the system to complete the process.

Make sure that the ‘Obtain IP Address’, ‘PlayStation Network Sign-in’,’Internet Connection’ tests are all ‘Successful’. You also ensure that ‘NAT Type’ is at least ‘Type 2’ with the ‘Upload’ and ‘Download’ speeds must be ‘1.5mbps’ or higher. You should know that anything higher can really cause problems.

Once configuring the complete settings, you can now proceed to check if the error gets resolved.

Fix 2: Update PS4 System Settings

In addition to testing your internet connection on PS4, you can also try to update  PS4 system settings. To do so, you can start opening ‘Settings’ in the menu taskbar and go to ‘Network’ in the settings menu.

After that, you need to scroll down and go to ‘System Software Update’ and move down to choose ‘Update’. After that, your PS4 will automatically restart and start to update the system. If it is done, you can check to see if this way can solve the error message of WS-37505-0.

Fix 3: Change DNS manually

To change DNS manually, you can go to ‘Settings’ in the menu taskbar and go to ‘Network’ in the settings menu. You can then select ‘Set up Internet Connection’ from the list of options and also choose ‘Use a LAN cable’ from the following options.

After that, you can choose ‘Custom’ from the type of setup and choose ‘Automatic’ as your ‘IP Address Settings. In the following step, you can try to choose the ‘DHCP Hostname’ as ‘Do Not Specify’ and select ‘Manual’ next.

Afterwards, you can set your ‘Primary DNS’ as ‘’ and ‘Secondary DNS’ as ‘’ for ‘Cloudflare DNS’. You can then select ‘Automatic’ as your ‘MTU Settings’ and set ‘Proxy Server’ as ‘Do Not Use’.

Last, you can test your internet connection by following step-by-step that we have mentioned above in the first solution.

Fix 4: Check server status

If none of the aforementioned solutions worked for you, you can try to go to the PlayStation Network Status to check if all the PSN servers are up and running. As an alternative way, you can try to Fix and Connect Diagnostic Tool provided by PlayStation itself.

Moreover, the tool works to diagnose and fix your problems. If the error is caused by a server problem, there’s no option for you, instead waiting for servers to get back up and normally running. Aside from that, you can also go to DownDetector to see the status of a certain game that you’re playing.

Well, those are four troubleshootings that you can take to fix the error message on your PlayStation that says ‘An error has occurred. (WS-375050-0).’

What Causes WS-37505-0 Error on PlayStation?

The WS-37505-0 error code that appears on your PlayStation can be caused by several things, here they are:

    1. Internet connection issue
      In some cases, the internet connection issue is possible where your internet connection is experiencing some issues, but it cannot maintain a proper connection with the PS4 servers. It is highly recommended for you to perform a speed test to verify whether or not your connection is running properly.
    2. DNS Issue
      In certain cases, the DNS configuration that you’re using may not be able to build the connection with PS4 servers. To fix it, you can try and change your DNS address and see if this way can really solve the WS-37505-0 error code on your PS4.
    3. Firewall Blockage
      The Firewall that is installed on your Router should be preventing the console from being able to connect to the PS4 servers. You can try to check the Firewall and allow your PlayStation through it to get rid of the WS-37505-0 error code.
    4. Server Maintenance
      The PS4 servers may be temporarily down that requires service when you encounter the WS-37505-0 error code on your PlayStation. To fix it, you can try to check social media or other sources on the internet to see if the PS4 servers or the game are currently under maintenance.

Those are multiple diagnostics because the WS-37505-0 error code appears on your PlayStation.

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