How to Fix DayZ Error Code 9

The latest update of DayZ comes with an error. It is such an unfortunate because a lot of players have been interrupted when playing the game. The kind of error code that get the players complained is error code 9. What is the error code 9 in DayZ?

The error code 9 in the game called DayZ is the kind of error that occurs due to the existence of the server connection issues. it results in the game being unable to look for the servers and results in an empty server list. This error has actually been around for quite some times. It always occurs whether it feels like it. Once again, it just fails to find the server or the server list is blank.

How to Fix DayZ Error Code 9

The one who reported the error code 9 in DayZ for the very first time is called PSU. Upon hearing the complaint, the official Twitter account of DayZ tweeted that as of now, there is no fix that can fix the error while they are actually working on the fixes. As to why this error code occurs, they said that it is due to the unexpectedly high amount of private servers. Here are the full tweets tweeted by the official Twitter account of DayZ on August 8, 2019:


We are currently experiencing issues with our server backend due to the unexpected high amount of private servers (visible as Error code: 9).
To be able to allow you guys to play, we sadly cannot switch all private servers live as off now. Our team is working additional hours to get this fixed as fast as possible, but it might not be resolved this week.

While waiting for the official fixes to fix the error code 9 from the developers of DayZ, you can try these following methods to try to solve the issue:

Method 1: Restarting DayZ

One of the most common methods to fix the errors such as error code 9 in DayZ is to simply restart the game. Trying this method might work to fix the error code 9 in the game as it helps clearing any processes that may have been interfering with the game.

Method 2: Restarting the system

If the previous method is not working, you can try the next method, which restarting the system altogether. By doing this method, you will be able to clear out any applications or process that are running in the background that may have slowed down or affected the game.

Method 3: Checking for updates

Apparently, the developers of the game known as DayZ is aware of the existence of the error code 9 in the game. It is stated that they are working on the fixes so that the players will be able to play the game without getting the error. To be the first one to get the update or the newest information, you are suggested to check out the official Twitter account of the game at @dayz.

Method 4: Reinstalling DayZ

It the previous methods mentioned above fail to fix the error code 9 in DayZ, it is better for you to go ahead and reinstall the game altogether. By reinstalling the game, the error might be solved. The first thing that you should do to reinstalling the game is to uninstall it. After uninstall the game, it is time for you to install it again.

Aside from the error code 9, there are some other error codes that usually happen when playing DayZ. Some of these error codes include:

    • Error code: 0x00010001 – SERVER_UNREACHABLE
      Message: Could not reach the server.
    • Error code: 0x00010002 – ALREADY_CONNECTING
      Message: The client is already joining a server.
    • Error code: 0x00010003 – ERROR_MSG_SHOWED
      Message: Please confirm the error on screen.
    • Error code: 0x00010004 – INCORRECT_CLIENT_STATE
      Message: The client is already connected or is connecting to a server.
    • Error code: 0x00010005 – INVALID SESSION
      Message: Invalid session
    • Error code: 0x00010006 – VERSION_MISMATCH
      Message: Your currently installed game version is not compatible with this server.
    • Error code: 0x00010007 – VERSION_MISTMATCH_RB
      Message: The current game version (client) is not compatible with this server.
    • Error code: 0x00010008 – VERSION_MISMATCH_AB
      Message: The current game version (client) is not compatible with this server.
    • Error code: 0x00010009 – DLC_CHECK_FAILED
      Message: This server is running Livonia DLC that is not owned.
    • Error code: 0x0001000A – EMPTY_PASSWORD
      Message: Password cannot be empty.
    • Error code: 0x0001000B – PASSWPRD
      Message: Server is password protected.
    • Error code: 0x0001000C – BE_LICENCE
      Message: Server is using Be and it has not yet been agreed to.
    • Error code: 0x00020001 – WRONG PASSWORD
      Message: Cannot join the session. Wrong password entered.
    • Error code: 0x00020002 – WRONG VERSION
      Message: Bad version, server rejected the connection.
    • Error code: 0x00020003 – CONNECT_ERROR
      Message: Connecting failed.
    • Error code: 0x00020004 – SESSION_FULL
      Message: Maximum number of players has been reached.
    • Error code: 0x00020005 – FILE_PATCHING
      Message: The server does not accept the client’s current file Patching setting.
    • Error code: 0x00020006 – ALREADY_CONNECTED
      Message: Client is already connected to a server.
    • Error code: 0x00020007 – HOST_ADDRESS
      Message: Unable to resolve host address.
    • Error code: 0x00020008 – NET_CHANNEL
      Message: Client failed to create NetChannel to the server.
    • Error code: 0x00020009 – CONNECT
      Message: Connecting failed.
    • Error code: 0x0002000A – REQUEST_PLAYER
      Message: Failed to request player.
    • Error code: 0x0002000B – CREATE_PLAYER
      Message: Failed to create player.
    • Error code: 0x0002000C – TIMEOUT
      Message: Timed out, no response from server.
    • Error code: 0x0002000D – UID
      Message: Server failed to find Player UID.
    • Error code: 0x0002000E – NET_CHANNEL_SERVER
      Message: Server failed to create NetChannel to client.
    • Error code: 0x0002000F – ACTIVATE
      Message: Server failed to activate session.
    • Error code: 0x00020010 – SERVER_LOCKED
      Message: This server is locked.
    • Error code: 0x00020011 – SERVER_SHUTDOWN
      Message: Server is shutting down.
    • Error code: 0x00020012 – BUILD-SMALLER
      Message: Client is an older build than the server. Please update your game.
    • Error code: 0x00020013 – BUILD_GREATER
      Message: Client is newer build than the server. Please wait until server is updated.
    • Error code: 0x00020014 – VERSION_SMALLER
      Message: Client is an older version than the server. Please update your game.
    • Error code: 0x00020015 – VERSION_GREATER
      Message: Client is a newer version than the server. Please wait until the server is updated.

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