In the stage of breeding, you may need to feed Axolotls with tropical fish. In Minecraft, tropical fish are described as common passive mobs that can be found in lush caves and oceans. There are at least 2700 naturally occurring variants of tropical fish.
After you know that Axolotls really need tropical fish to breed, you definitely have to feed them with a bucket of tropical fish at least. Feeding Axolotls with tropical fish is a bit complicated. If you do not know how to feed them, you can find the guide of feeding Axolotls with tropical fish in our post below!
Feeding Axolotls with Tropical Fish, Here’s How!
Before you can feed Axolotls, you definitely should get the tropical fish first. Luckily, finding tropical fish is not hard to find, as you will likely find a new one within the ocean at some point, as they naturally spawn over 2,700 variants. So, it will make it easier for you to find the new one.
Reportedly, tropical fish will spawn in groups of eight at 24 to 64 blocks away from you. They will likely spawn, as long as the ocean is warm or lukewarm, since they do not spawn in frozen bodies of water naturally.
Just like in real life, tropical fish also travel in schools. If you want to catch them, you may need to create a bucket with iron ore and fill it with water. After you have obtained your buckets that are filled with water, it’s a great time for you to set out and find a school.
Once finding a school, you can use the water bucket on the school of tropical fish. Afterwards, the fish will be caught in the bucket and you can head back to your Axolotls and surprise them with a treat. After you already have a bucket of tropical fish, you definitely can use it to feed Axolotls.
In the case of feeding Axolotls, you can use tropical fish buckets to lead them around. They will follow you as long as you are holding a tropical fish bucket. By feeding them with tropical fish, it will lead them to start breeding.
To place two adult axolotls in the same place, you may have to approach an Axolotl. Then, you can lead it in a direction to get both Axolotls in the same place that will be ready for breeding.
The point is, when you feed Axolotls with tropical fish, it will allow them to breed and also speed up the growth of baby axolotl. Each use of a tropical fish bucket on a baby axolotl, it will speed its growth rate by 10%. If you have friendly Axolotls, it will help you a lot in the game, since they will supply not only the removal of mining fatigue and health regeneration, but also it will assist you in the battle.
How to Spawn Tropical Fish in Minecraft?
In Bedrock Edition, tropical fish will spawn underwater at 12-32 blocks away from you. In the group of 3-5 for the same preset pattern and in the groups of 1-3 for a random pattern, they will spawn only in warm, lush caves, lukewarm and deep lukewarm ocean biomes.
The tropical fish can only spawn at Y levels between 50 and 64 in warm, lukewarm ocean and also deep variants and they should be on the surface. While the tropical fish that spawn in luse caves will spawn on any Y levels, but it requires underground.
In Java Edition, with random patterns in warm oceans or lukewarm and lush caves, the tropical fish will spawn in groups of 8 at 24 to 64 blocks away from you. They will only spawn at Y levels between sea level and 13 blocks below sea level in ocean biomes.
Talking about tropical fish’ behavior, they tend to swim in schools of fish with a maximum of nine tropical fish per school. You may also gather a fish by using a water bucket on it, giving you a bucket of fish. Wel, fish that are placed with buckets will not despawn naturally. When the bucket is used against a block, it will empty the bucket and place water with that fish swimming in it.
You should know that tropical fish cannot survive out of water. They will flop around for a while outside of water for a while until they finally suffocate and die. In Bedrock Edition, the tropical fish will rotate when flipping. In cauldron water, they cannot swim or even breathe.
Tropical fish have a weakness to weapons which have the Impaling enchantment that also affects turtles, squid, guardians, dolphins, elder guardians.
In addition, tropical fish will drop a bunch of items in the game, including:
- 1 tropical fish.
- 1 bone meal (5% chance) (In Java Edition only)
- 1–2 bones (25% chance) (In Bedrock Edition only)
- 1–3 when killed by a player or tamed wolf.
It’s important for you to learn about the varieties of tropical fish, so you can spot them in their place easily. Some tropical fish varieties do not follow the normal naming system, instead they reference real-life fish species.
In Bedrock Edition, there are 22 uniquely-named tropical fish, while in Java Edition, those unique fish are limited to the 22 common varieties. Here’s a list of tropical fish’ varieties in Minecraft:
Name | Type |
Anemone | Orange-Gray Stripey |
Black Tang | Gray Flopper |
Blue Tang | Gray-Blue Flopper |
Blue Dory | Gray-Sky SunStreak |
Butterfly Fish |
White-Gray Clayfish |
Cichlid | Blue-Gray Sunstreak] |
Clownfish | Orange-White Kob |
Cotton Candy Betta Candyfloss Betta |
Pink-Light Blue Spotty Rose-Sky Spotty |
Dottyback |
Purple-Yellow Blockfish Plum-Yellow Blockfish |
Emperor Red Snapper | White-Red Clayfish |
Goatfish | White-Yellow Spotty |
Moorish Idol | White-Gray Glitter |
Ornate Butterflyfish
Ornate Butterfly |
White-Orange Clayfish |
Parrotfish |
Cyan-Pink Dasher Teal-Rose Dasher |
Queen Angelfish Queen Angel Fish |
Lime-Light Blue Brinely
Lime-Sky Brinely |
Red Cichlid | Red-White Betty |
Red Lipped Blenny | Gray-Red Snooper |
Red Snapper | Red-White Blockfish |
Threadfin | White-Yellow Flopper |
Tomato Clownfish | Red-White Kob |
Tomato Clown | Red-White SunStreak |
Triggerfish | Gray-White Sunstreak |
Yellowtail Parrotfish Yellowtail Parrot |
Cyan-Yellow Dasher
Teal-Yellow Dasher |
Yellow Tang | Yellow Flopper |
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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