How to Drop Your Hair in Roblox

In Roblox, there are a lot of items that you can wear in the body of your avatar such as hair, hat, clothes, and many more accessories. You may think of dropping your hair in this gaming platform, but you do not know how to do it.

Dropping Hair in Roblox

I tried to search information about how to drop hair in Roblox from some online sources. Instead of finding the way to drop hair, I found the guide to drop items in Roblox from some online sources, one of them is NSNHVERICATION website. When you are playing a game in this online gaming platform and then you have to drop any item, you can do that by using one button of your keyboard.

    • The first thing that you have to do to drop an item in Roblox is to choose the item that you want to drop.
    • After that, you have to press Backspace button on your keyboard. You can find this button on the right side of the keyboard.
    • After you press the button, then the item that has been chosen will be dropped.

I also found the guide to drop hats in Roblox. You cannot drop hats by using the steps above because the formula is different. Let’s say that your avatar is wearing a hat and then you want to drop that on the plane. So, you can do that by press the ‘=’ button on your keyboard.

How to Drop Your Hair in Roblox

How to drop items in Roblox on mobile? If you are playing Roblox on your mobile phone, you are able to do that similarly as you do in PC as explained above where you have to press the backspace and then drop the item. However, of course, you have to touch the backspace, you have to make your keyboard in your mobile phone appear. To do that, you have to open your chat box like you begin chatting with others. Then, you will see that the keyboard appears. Now, you are able to press backspace.

Now, how about dropping hats in Roblox when we are playing it on mobile phone? Same as dropping hats in PC, you are also able to drop your hats on mobile by typing on the chatbox and then press ‘=’ in the chat. Then, you will see that they hat is dropped.

It is important to know that dropping items on the floor in Roblox is able to be done if the game permits it. There are a lot of games modify theit scripts and do not use this feature. If it happens, then you cannot drop items in Roblox by using the steps above.

Wearing More Than One Hair in Roblox

Is it possible to wear more than one hair in Roblox? Yes, it is. You are able to wear more than one hair in Roblox by following the steps below.

    • The first thing that you have to do is to open up Roblox and then you have to login to your profile.
    • After that, you have to go to the Avatar Editor and then select one hair that you want to have.
    • In this step, you have to open up your inventory and then go to your hairstyles.
    • The thing that you have to do here is to choose one that you like and then click on. When it opens, you have to copy the ID from the link which can be found in the address bar.
    • Then, you have to go back to Avatar and then go to Hair. You have to scroll down and then click on Advanced.
    • You have to paste the ID in the second asset ID. You are allowed to put as many in these empthy fieds as you like.

You are able to have up to 10 different hairstyles to put on your avatar at one time technically. But, if you put a lot of hairstyles on your avatar, it will make your avatar not look good.

Editing Avatar in Roblox

In Roblox, you are able to customize your avatar by editing it. How to do that? If you want to edit your Roblox avatar, you have to firstly tap Avatar which can be found on the navigation menu. Do you want to add an item to your avatar? Follow the instructions below.

    • When you are on the Avatar Editor page, you have to tap on any of the available pull-down menus. Then, you have to choose a category such as hair, face, hat or any other category.
    • If there are a number of items for a given part, you have to scroll down until the item that you want is located.
    • After you choose the item, then you have to tap on the item icon which will highlight it in green.

Do you want to add more than the soft-limit of a given item? You can tap Advanced in the lower right corner as we have explained in the Wearing More Than One Hair in Roblox above.

Now, how to remove an item? You are able to follow the instructions below carefully.

    • When you are on the Avatar Editor page, you have to tap on Recent. Alternatively, you can choose the applicable category such as hair, hat, face or any other category.
    • The next thing that you have to do, under the Recent pull-down menu, currently worn items should be among the first listed. If instead choosing the applicable category, you have to scroll down until you find the item that you want to remove.
    • In this step, you have to tap on the green highlighted item icon.

For your information, if you have added or removed an item and you find that your avatar is not correctly displaying it, you have to tap the Redraw link that you can find underneath the picture of your avatar.

Well, that’s the information that I found related to add and remove hair and other items in Roblox. Unluckily, I could not find the way how to drop hair in Roblox. You are able to try to ask about how to drop your hair in Roblox to other players in some forums.

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