How to Dress Up as a Guest in Roblox

Do you miss a guest feature in Roblox? If you miss this feature and you want to dress up like a guest on this platform, you are able to do that. You just have to choose clothes in the avatar shop to make your avatar look like a guest.

Dressing Up Like a Guest in Roblox

If you want to dress up like a guest in Roblox, you have to choose the suitable clothes from Roblox Avatar Shop. You have to choose the clothes which were worn by a guest in Roblox in the past. A Youtube channel named GeraldPlayzYT on his video entitled How to Dress Up As A Guest in Roblox which was uploaded on March 12th, 2021, he shows how to dress up like a guest in Roblox.

If you watch the video, you are able to see that he chooses body parts which are the same as a guest. He changes the right and left arms. After that, he chooses black shirt and also black pants. Don’t forget, he also added a black cap with an ‘R’ logo on it. After the avatar wears the suitable clothes like a guest, then he changes the color of the skin to be white.

How to Dress Up as a Guest in Roblox

About Guest Feature in Roblox

The guest feature in Roblox was removed so that now people cannot be a guest in Roblox anymore. The removal of the guest feature actually gives an advantage to the developers of Roblox where a lot of people create a Roblox account to be able to enjoy Roblox experiences. If people do not sign up, people are not able to enjoy Roblox.

In the past, this Guest feature was created to enable newcomers in Roblox to test Roblox before they create an official account. For the first time, this feature was introduced on September 26th, 2008. After that, on October 2nd, 2017, this feature was officially removed.

In the past, if you hover the mouse over a guest image when seeing game servers, the name used to come up as A Friendly Guest. It was altered to A Roblox Player before the Guest feature was deleted. Let’s say that you joined a game and you did not log into your account. If so, you would be labeled as a Guest.

According to Roblox Wiki, you had the ability to be a guest in Roblox and you could do that by using glitches or using trustworthy unofficial extensions. It enabled you to play as a guest. However, in early November 2018, the glitches were patched.

The Appearance of a Guest in Roblox

If you want to have a style like a guest, you need to know the appearance of a guest when this feature was not removed yet. You need to know what kind of  shirt and pants and also accessories that the guest wears so that you can make sure that the style of your avatar is the same as a guest.

In 2008, guests were introduced for the first time. At that time, they had the classic noob colours. They had yellow head and arms, blue torso and green-yellow legs. Then, guests had the similar appearance as the Roblox account including hats. So, it enabled guests to technically try accessories and had the Roblox account’s gears.

Roblox then added Gender options. With the gender option,  it permitted guests to be able to appear as BillyBloxxer or BettyBloxxer. The appearances of guests were the same as the Roblox user, but there was a difference, namely different hats depending on the gender selected. For BillyBloxxer, the hat was the Red Roblox Cap. Meanwhile, BettyBloxxer, the hat was the Pinktastic Hair.

On July 12th, the look of the guests were altered for the first time since 2011. The male guest namely BillyBloxxer put on clothes including a Roblox Jacket, black jeans and also the True Blue Hair. Meanwhile the female guest namely BettyBloxxer, was the same as the male guest, but this guest had the Lavender Updo Hair. How about DefaultGuest? It had the same look as both the other guest types, but it was bald.

On September 13th, 2016, a change was done again to the appearance of guests. The guests wore  the Robloxian 2.0 package and the DefaultGuest wore the Roblox “R” Baseball Cap. After that, exactly sixteen days later, guests had R15 bodies.

Then, there was a new logo which was introduced by Roblox. By introducing the new logo, the shirts of the guests were also altered. The shirt became the new Roblox Logo Jacket on January 16th, 2017. On July 1st, 2017, guests sometimes could be seen with grey skin and a random torso colour because of the default clothing update in Roblox.

The Removal of Guest Feature in Roblox

According to Roblox Wiki, on October 2nd, 2017, Guests feature were not supported anymore. Nevertheless, sometimes, guests were able to join the game if you used a glitch. By using a glitch, people were allowed to play as a guest and it could be done until November 2018.

Knightgaladeld said that the reason for deleting guests in Roblox was to increase the number of users in Roblox.

Things to Know About Roblox

Are you a new player in Roblox? If so,  you may not know about the existence of guest features in Roblox in the past. Don’t worry because now there are other features that you can enjoy more in Roblox. Or, if you want to have the same style as a guest, you can have it by wearing the same clothes as a guest as explained earlier.

Now, you can read more about Roblox itself. Roblox is an online gaming platform where in this platform people cannot only play games but they are able to create games based on what they want. In 2004, this platform was made by two people namely David Baszucki and Erik Cassel. And then, in 2006, they released this platform.

According to Wikipedia, Roblox started to grow fast in the second half of the 2010s and then by the pandemic, the growth of this platform has been sped up.

This platform is free to play by anyone. However, it is important to know that even though this platform is free to play, in this game there is a currency named Robux where it can be used by players buy anything in the platform such as buying access to certain games, buying clothes, buying accessories, buying game passes, uploading audio and many more.

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