If you are looking for some information about how to draw Among Us character Vent, you have to read this entire article. Here we are going to inform you some information about that. So, do not hesitate to keep reading the text until the end.
Drawing Among Us Character Vent
On YouTube, you will be able to find a number of videos which can help you to draw Among Us character Vent. Here are some videos you can watch to help you drawing Among Us character Vent:
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us – Vent – Easy Pictures to Draw” that was published by EasyPicturesToDraw on December 4, 2020. Currently, the video has 274,911 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us Character in Vent | Dibujos De Among Us” that was published by Wow Rainbow on December 2, 2020. Currently, the video has 42,959 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us Character Out Vent | Dibujos De Among Us” that was published by Wow Rainbow on December 4, 2020. Currently, the video has 452,137 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us Character in Vent – Easy Step By Step Tutorial” that was published by Quick Doodle on November 11, 2020. Currently, the video has 124,961 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us Venting – Front – Easy Pictures to Draw” that was published by EasyPicturesToDraw on March 27, 2021. Currently, the video has 3,254 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us Character Out Vent” that was published by GuuhMult on February 9, 2021. Currently, the video has 10,882 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us Character In Vent | Easy Step By Step Tutorial” that was published by Creative Fun Learning on November 29, 2020. Currently, the video has 2,545 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw an Imposter Venting – Easy Pictures to Draw” that was published by EasyPicturesToDraw on April 28, 2021. Currently, the video has 6,644 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us Character in Vent Report | Dibujar De Among Us” that was published by Wow Rainbow on December 5, 2020. Currently, the video has 6,745 views.
- The video entitled “How to Draw Among Us Imposter Venting” that was published by Possible Art on November 10, 2020. Currently, the video has 15,671 views.
Feel free to watch any tutorial video to draw Among Us character Vent that you want. If the list is not enough, you are able to go to YouTube to find more. Please watch the video carefully if you want to be able to draw Among Us character Vent. You are able to watch the video first until the end, and then start to draw or you are able to watch the video and pause at between. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the video creator by leaving a comment on the comment section under the video.
Usage of Among Us Vent
When an Impostor or Engineer is close to a vent, then the vent button becomes usable. If clicked, an animation will show the player jumping into the vent, an action visible to any other Among Us players who are able to see the vent in their vision. The vent opening and closing are able to be seen even outside of vision on The Skeld and MIRA HQ, however the player who vented cannot be seen. When in the vents, arrows are displayed, and will point in the directions of connected vents. Hiding in the vents will pause the Impostor’s kill cooldown until exit.
Also, engineers are able to travel through vents. But, depending on the lobby options, they are only able to stay in the vent for a limited time and have to wait several times for the ability to become available again. That is because it is very impossible to be killed while in a vent. The engineers cannot travel through vents while Comms Sabotaged is active.
The Impostors and Engineers are going to be prevented from using or travelling to any vent which is in use by a Crewmate completing Clean Vent, and anyone who is currently in the vent will be forced out of it when a Crewmate begins the task. The Engineers with Clean Vent will not be able to enter the vent they have the task in until they complete the task. If an Engineer or Impostor enters a vent which is connected to a vent a Crewmate is using to complete Clean Vent, then the arrow pointing to that vent will be marked with a red X.
Usage of Venting More Accurately – Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Here are some factors you need to note while performing Among Us Character Venting:
- Firstly, you have to make sure that there are no cameras while hopping in and out of the vents.
- Neither sabotage nor the kill button works while hidden in vent. It means that the imposter has to come out to play the game.
- For more secure playing, the imposters are highly recommended to close the door while venting to keep their identity secret from the crewmates.
About Vents in Among Us
As we know that Vent is an ability in the game of Among Us. It is only usable by living the Impostors or Engineers as a way to travel and hide around the map. Now, we are going to explain what vents are. For your information, Vents are objects in the game of Among Us usable by living the Impostors and Engineers through the vent ability and by Crewmates when completing Clean Vent. Need to know that Vents appear as rounded, rectangular grates on MIRA HQ, The Skeld, and The Airship. Apparently, the grates have 5 vertical slits across the middle and a screw hole in each of the four corners. On Polus, vents will appear as dark holes in the ground with small cracks extending from them.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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