How Many Trees Are on the Bloxburg Map

Are you looking for trees on the Bloxburg map? If you are looking for them and you wonder how many trees on the Bloxburg map are, let’s find out the answer by reading this article.

The Number of Trees in Bloxburg

In your garden in Bloxburg, you are permitted to grow as many trees as you want and according to the Marifimines site, here are lists of some of the trees.

    • The Spherical Tree
      It costs $120 and the selling price is $168.
    • The Pine Tree
      It costs $225 and the selling price is $315.
    • Apple Tree
      It costs $345 with a growing time of around 120 minutes.
    • A Lemon Tree
      It costs $360 with a growing time of around 120 minutes.
    • Orange Tree
      It costs $410 with a growing time of around 144 minutes.
    • The Exotic Tree
      It costs $450 with a selling price of $791, but in the Welcome to Bloxburg wiki, the selling price is $630.

And here are some other trees in Bloxburg according to the Welcome to Bloxburg Wiki.

    • Rough Tree
      It costs $75 and the selling price is $105.
    • Stack Tree
      It costs $135 and the selling price is $189. The level is 3.
    • Organic Tree
      It costs $380 and the selling price is $532. The level is 4.
    • Large Organic Tree
      It costs $565 and the selling price is $791 and the level is 4.
    • Pear Tree
      It costs $480 and the selling price is $672. The harvest price is $263 and the post-harvest price is $487. The product is pear and the level is 6. The growing time is around 96 minutes.

How Many Trees Are on the Bloxburg Map

The Things to Do to Level Up Your Gardening Skills

As explained on the Marifimines site, gardening in Bloxburg is one of the skills that the players can have. After the player water, fertilize, and store items in their garden, gardening can flourish. Then, your question may be, what do we have to do to level up our gardening skills?

To level up, the players can buy cheap plants and planters. Another way to level up is to buy expensive plants which automatically increase the value. Is there another way to level up? You are able to plant as many trees as possible. If you do not want to wait, you are able to use currencies to speed the process of the growth.

The List of Plants on Bloxburg

In Bloxburg, plants are usually used as decoration in homes. Besides, players also can sell a plant that they have planted to get a profit. Can a player make a tree farm? Of course, a player is able to make a tree farm and for your information tree farms are an alternative way to get money besides jobs as explained on the Welcome to Bloxburg Wiki.

According to the Welcome to Bloxburg Wiki, here is the list of plants in Bloxburg.

    • Short Grass
      It costs $6 and the selling price is $8. The growing time is 6 minutes, 30 seconds.
    • Tall Grass
      It costs $13 and the selling price is $17. The growing time is 12 minutes, 30 seconds.
    • Natural Plant
      It costs $15 and the selling price is $21. The growing time is 14 minutes, 40 seconds.
    • Compact Bush
      It costs $20 and the selling price is $28. The growing time is 9 minutes, 5 seconds.
    • Mushrooms
      It costs $25 and the selling price is $35. The growing time is 23 minutes, 20 seconds.
    • Tall Natural Plant
      It costs $25 and the selling price is $35. The growing time is 23 minutes, 20 seconds.
    • Wild Flowers
      It costs $30 and the selling price is $42. The growing time is 27 minutes, 30 seconds. The product is Wildflower Bouquet.
    • Rough Tree
      It costs $75 and the selling price is $105.
    • Round Bush
      It costs $35 and the selling price is $49. The level is 1.
    • Small Cactus
      It costs $40 and the selling price is $56. The level is 1.
    • Daisies
      It costs $45 and the selling price is $62. The level is 1 and the growing time is 36 minutes, 20 seconds. The product is Daisy Bouquet.
    • Large Round Bush
      It costs $75 and the selling price is $105. The level is 1.
    • Blossom Cactus
      It costs $45 and the selling price is $62. The level is 2.
    • Carrots
      It costs $63 and the selling price is $87. The level is 2. The product is carrot.
    • Medium Cactus
      It costs $70 and the selling price is $98. The level is 2.
    • Tulips
      It costs $85 and the selling price is $118. The level is 2 and the product is Tulip Bouquet. The growing time is around 59 minutes, 45 seconds.
    • Spherical Tree
      It costs $120 and the selling price is $168. The level is 2.
    • Large Cactus
      It costs $115 and the selling price is $161. The level is 3.
    • Sunflowers
      It costs $120 and the selling price is $168. The level is 3 and the product is a Sunflower Bouquet.
    • Stack Tree
      It costs $135 and the selling price is $189. The level is 3.
    • Rough Cypress
      It costs $180 and the selling price is $251. The level is 3.
    • Pine Tree
      It costs $225 and the selling price is $315. The level is 3.
    • Lilies
      It costs $140 and the selling price is $196. The level is 4 and the product is Lily Bouquet.
    • Fine Cypress
      It costs $300 and the selling price is $420. The level is 4.
    • Apple Tree
      It costs $345 and the selling price is $482. The harvest price is $282 and the post-harvest price is $285. The product is apple and the level is 4. The growing time is around 120 minutes.
    • Organic Tree
      It costs $380 and the selling price is $532. The level is 4.
    • Exotic Tree
      It costs $450 and the selling price is $630. The level is 4.
    • Large Organic Tree
      It costs $565 and the selling price is $791 and the level is 4.
    • Watermelon Plant
      It costs $185 and the selling price is $259. The harvest price is $185 and the post-harvest price is $129. The product is Watermelon and the level is 5. The growing time is around 99 minutes.
    • Orange Tree
      It costs $410 and the selling price is $574. The harvest price is $367 and the post-harvest price is $317. The product is orange and the level is 5. The growing time is around 144 minutes.
    • Pear Tree
      It costs $480 and the selling price is $672. The harvest price is $263 and the post-harvest price is $487. The product is pear and the level is 6. The growing time is around 96 minutes.
    • Lemon Tree
      It costs $360 and the selling price is $503. The harvest price is $338 and the post-harvest price is $267. The product is Lemon and the level is 7. The growing time is around 120 minutes.
    • Noobish Hedge Sculpture
      It costs $600 and the selling price is $420. The level is 8 and the growing time is around 168 minutes.

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