There are a lot of Pokemons in the popular game known as Pokemon Go. One of the most popular Pokemons in this game is called Houndoom. If you ever heard about this Pokemon but you have zero knowledge about it, you do not have to feel bad as you will be able to explain it to the other ones after reading this post. The information here includes its evolution.
The Evolution of Houndoom in Pokemon Go
The Dark and Fire type Pokemon called Houndoom evolves from another Pokemon in the game known as Houndour. Just like Houndoom, Houndour is also a Dark and Fire type. In a lot of biomes, Houndour is pretty rare despite having some potential. It is the reason why its evolution, Houndoom, is the best option for a Fire or Dark attacker. This one is worth holding onto and evolving in case you find a high level one as it has the ability to help out in a few raids. With that being said, it might be a better idea to hold onto your stardust because it has been known that it is not going to be a good long term investment.
Aside from Houndour and Houndoom, there is another Pokemon included in the Houndour family. The name of the Pokemon in Mega Houndoom. Mega Houndoom is included as Dark/Fire type Pokemon. It explains why it is weak against Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water moves.
Once again, Houndoom is the evolution of Houndour and Mega Houndoom is the evolution of Houndoom. A Houndour is able to be evolved into Houndoom by spending 50 Candy. If you want to evolve a Houndoom into Mega Houndoom, you will need to prepare 200 Mega Energy for the first time with an addition of 40 Mega Energy when you evolve it for every other time.
About Houndoom
- Main Type: Dark
- Second Type: Fire
- Number: #229
- Region or Origin: Johto
- Category: Dark Pokemon
- Height: 1.4 m
- Weight: 35 kg
- Pokemon Family: Houndour family
- Buddy Distance: 3 km
- Buddy Type: Medium
- Attack: 224
- Defense: 144
- Stamina: 181
- CP Range: 31 – 2,635 2,668
- Level 50: 2,979 3,014
- Hp Range: 17 – 154 155
- Level 50: 164 165
- Stardust Cost: 50,000
- Candy Cost: 50
- Capture Rate: 15%
- Flee Rate: 6%
- Dodge Type: Jumping
- Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female
- Standard Pokedex Description:
In a Houndoom pack, the one with its horns raked sharply toward the back serves a leadership role. These Pokémon choose their leader by fighting among themselves. – Houndoom’s cry
Houndoom is included in the Dark, Fire type Pokemon. This one is originally from the Johto region. As one of the Dark and Fire type Pokemon, it should not be surprising that it is resistant to Dark (deals 63% damage) and Fire (deals 63% damage) with the addition to Ghost (deals 63% damage), Grass (deals 63% damage), Ice (deals 63% damage), Steel (deals 63% damage), and Psychic (deals 39% damage). On the contrary, it is weak against Fighting (deals 160% damage), Rock (deals 160% damage), Water (deals 160% damage), and Ground (deals 160% damage). If you want to win a battle against Houndoom, you can use one of the Pokemon from Fighting, Rock, Water, or Ground type. Below is the list of the strongest Pokemon that can be used to challenge this Pokemon and every list is the same as Mega Houndoom:
- Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere is 100% effective to make a damage.
- Rampardos with Smack Down and Rock Slide is 97% effective to make a damage.
- Urshifu (Single Strike) with Counter and Dynamic Punch is 97% effective to make a damage.
- Urshifu (Rapid Strike) with Counter and Dynamic Punch is 97% effective to make a damage.
- Kingler with Bubble and Crabhammer is 95% effective to make a damage.
- Landorus (Therian) with Mud Shot and Earthquake is 93% effective to make a damage.
- Landorus (Therian) with Rock Throw and Earth Power is 93% effective to make a damage.
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch is 93% effective to make a damage.
- Landorus (Therian) with Mud Shot and Earth Power is 92% effective to make a damage.
- Breloom with Counter and Dynamic Punch is 91% effective to make a damage.
- Kyogre with Waterfall and Hydro Pump is 90% effective to make a damage.
- Kyogre with Waterfall and Surf is 90% effective to make a damage.
- Excadrill with Mud Slap and Earthquake is 89% effective to make a damage.
- Rhyperior with Mud Slap and Rock Wrecker is 89% effective to make a damage.
- Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch is 89% effective to make a damage.
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Focus Blast is 89% effective to make a damage.
- Urshifu (Rapid Strike) with Waterfall and Dynamic Punch is 89% effective to make a damage.
- Urshifu (Single Strike) with Counter and Close Combat is 89% effective to make a damage.
- Urshifu (Rapid Strike) with Counter and Close Combat is 88% effective to make a damage.
- Landorous (Therian) with Rock Throw and Earthquake is 88% effective to make a damage.
- Groudon with Mud Shot and Earthquake is 87% effective to make a damage.
- Blaziken with Counter and Focus Blast is 87% effective to make a damage.
- Urshifu (Rapid Strike) with Rock Smash and Dynamic Punch is 87% effective to make a damage.
- Urshifu (Single Strike) with Rock Smash and Dynamic Punch is 87% effective to make a damage.
- Rhyperior with Smack Down and Rock Wrecker is 87% effective to make a damage.
- Machamp with Karate Chop and Dynamic Punch is 86% effective to make a damage.
- Excadrill with Mud Slap and Drill Run is 86% effective to make a damage.
- Sirfetch’d with Counter and Close Combat is 86% effective to make a damage.
- Inteleon with Water Gun and Surf is 86% effective to make a damage.
- Landorus (Therian) with Rock Throw and Focus Blast is 85% effective to make a damage.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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