Homework and Remembering Grade 4 Answer Key

Are you trying to solve problems in Homework and Remembering of Math Expressions Common Core Grade 4? If so, you may find some difficulties and you need the answer key. Here, I will inform you where you are able to get the answer key, but first you need to note that this answer key is for you to learn, not for cheating.

Where to Find Homework and Remembering Grade 4 Answer Key?

You are able to find the answer key for Homework and Remembering Grade 4 answer key of Math Expressions Common Core at this site https://www.rcsdk8.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/homework_remembering_te_grade_4-1zwawpi.pdf. If you access it, you will be able to see the answer key for grade 4 volume 1.

Below, I typed a number of questions and also the answer keys of that Homework and Remembering Grade 4 Math Expressions Common Core according to that site.

Some Answer Keys for Homework and Remembering Grade 4



Here, you are required to write the number of tens and the number of ones in each number.

  1. 56

5 tens
6 ones

2. 708

0 tens
8 ones

3. 6,170

7 tens
0 ones

Here, you are required to write the number of thousands and the number of hundreds in each number.


4 thousands
9 hundreds

5. 316

0 thousands
3 hundreds

6. 2,057

2 thousands
0 hundreds



Here, you are required to multiply or divide.

    1. 8 x 3 = 24
    2. 40 : 4 = 10
    3. 27 : 9 = 3
    4. 7 x 6 = 42
    5. 2 x 8 = 16
    6. 6 x 5 = 30

You are required to use the diagram to be able to complete Exercise 7 – 10.

Write two related multiplication problems for the diagram.

    1. 8 x 4 = 32
    2. 4 x 8 = 32

Write two related division problems for the diagram.

    1. 32 : 4 = 8
    2. 32 : 8 = 4
    3. Marcus says this place value drawing represents the number 4,083. Owen says it represents 483. Which student is correct? Explain the error.

Answer: Owen is correct. The place value drawing shows 4 hundred boxes, 8 quick tens and 3 ones, which represents 483. Marcus mistook the hundred boxes for thousand bars.



You are required to read and write each number in standard form.

    1. 90 + 2    92
    2. 2,000 + 800 + 50 + 7         2,857
    3. 600 + 80 + 9         689
    4. 3,000 + 80 + 5     3,085

You are required to read and write each number in expanded form.

    1. 48           40 + 8
    2. 954         900 + 50 + 4
    3. 6,321     6,000 + 300 + 20 + 1
    4. 4,306     4,000 + 300 + 6
    5. 1,563     1,000 + 500 + 60 + 3
    6. 2,840     2,000 + 800 + 40

You are required to read and write each number in word form.

    1. 300 + 20 + 5         three hundred twenty-five
    2. 5,000 + 700 + 40 + 8         five thousand, seven hundred forty-eight
    3. 9,000 + 400 + 6                   nine thousand, four hundred six

You are required to read and write each number in standard form.

    1. seventy-six         76
    2. three hundred one         301
    3. four thousand, two hundred sixteen      4,216
    4. five thousand, one hundred forty-two  5,142

You are required to write the value of the underlined digit.

    1. 287         80
    2. 8,792     8,000
    3. 7,812     800



You have to multiply or divide.

    1. 6 x 4 = 24
    2. 45 : 9 = 5
    3. 3 x 7 = 21
    4. 56 : 8 = 7
    5. 6 x 6 = 36
    6. 48 : 6 = 8
    7. Grace read six books over the summer. Her sister read three times that number. How many books did Grace’s sister read over the summer?

Answer: 18

You have to write the number of thousands and the number of hundreds in each number.

    1. 5,812

5 thousands
8 hundreds

    1. 7,026

7 thousands
0 hundreds

You have to make a place value drawing for each number, using ones, quick tens, hundred boxes, and thousand bars.

    1. 603
    2. 3,187

For these questions, there is no answer key.

    1. Mr. Thomas writes 4,964 on the board. Amy says the value of the underlined digit is 9. Chris said the value is 900. Which student is correct? Explain.

Answer: Chris is correct. The underlined digit is in the hundreds place of the number. So, it has a value of 9 hundreds, or 900.



You have to round each number to the nearest ten.

    1. 46           50
    2. 381         380
    3. 4,175     4,180
    4. 5,024     5,020

You have to round each number to the nearest hundred.

    1. 789         800
    2. 971         1,000
    3. 2,759     2,800
    4. 3,148     3,100

You have to round each number to the nearest thousand.

    1. 6,578     7,000
    2. 4,489     4,000
    3. 8,099     8,000
    4. 2,761     3,000

You have to compare using >, <, or =.

    1. 4,538 < 4,835
    2. 3,554 > 3,449
    3. 1,289 < 1,298
    4. 7,235 > 6,987
    5. 4,004 < 4,034
    6. 5,609 > 5,059

Now, you have to solve the questions below.

    1. When you round a number, which digit in the number helps you decide to round up or round down? Explain your answer.

Answer: You look at the digit in the place to the right of the place to which you are rounding. If the digit is 5 or greater, round up. If the digit is less than 5, the digit in the place to which you are rounding does not change.

    1. When you round a number, what should you do with the digits to the right of the place to which you are rounding?

Answer: Write zeros in all the places to the right of the place to which you are rounding.



You have to find the unknown number.

    1. 4 x 8 = 32
    2. 42 : 7 = 6
    3. 63 : 7 = 9
    4. 8 x 5 = 40
    5. 9 x 9 = 81
    6. 60 : 6 = 10
    7. 21 : 7 = 3
    8. 10 x 10 = 100

You have to write the number of tens and the number of ones in each number.

    1. 607

    0 tens
7 ones

    1. 9,324

    2 tens
4 ones

You have to read and write each number in standard form.

    1. 40 + 3    43
    2. 500 + 70 + 9         579
    3. 1,000 + 200 + 50 + 8         1,258
    4. 8,000 + 70 + 7     8,077
    5. Sara is thinking of a number. When she rounds her number to the nearest hundred, she gets 700. What is the greatest number Sara can be thinking of? Explain.

Answer: 749; The number 749 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700. The number 750 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800. So, 749 is the greatest number Sara could be thinking of that rounds to 700.

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