Hex by 80purppp Roblox ID

You may want to use Hex song by 80purppp in Roblox. If you want to use it, you need to know the Roblox ID for this audio. What is the Roblox ID for this audio?

Roblox ID for Hex by 80purppp

If you want to use an audio in Roblox, you need to know the Roblox ID. Roblox ID of an audio can be found in Roblox Audio Library. To access it, first, you have to enter the name of the audio in the search bar and then choose In Creator Marketplace. After that, you will be given the results and then you have to choose Audio in the drop down menu or in the options which can be seen in the left side. Then, you will be given the results of the audio that you are looking for. Then, you have to click on the audio and then you will be able to see the Roblox ID of the audio in the URL where it is in the form of a line of numbers.

If you search Hex by 80purppp in Roblox, here are some results that you will get.

    • 80purppp – hex
      This audio was uploaded by @MexicanBuilder and it was updated on July 19th, 2021. This audio has been favorited 32 times and the Roblox ID is 7121813756.
    • 80purppp – Hex (slowed + reverb)
      This audio was uploaded by @kh0mzky and it was updated on June 7th, 2021. This audio has been favorited 41 times and the Roblox ID is 6921559910.
    • Purppp – hex (louder)
      This audio was uploaded by @RDSGUEST and it was updated on October 19th, 2021. The audio has been favorited 2 times and the Roblox ID is 7783017793.
    • 80purpp – hex
      This audio was uploaded by @Viibrate and it was updated on July 31st, 2021. This audio has been favorited 8 times and the Roblox ID is 7181313371.
    • Hex – 80purpp
      This audio was uploaded by slittapes and it was updated on April 24th, 2021. The audio has been favorited 6 times and the Roblox ID is 6718892465.

Hex by 80purppp Roblox ID

Things to Know About Audio in Roblox

In Roblox, users are able to use audio to make their experiences immersive and dynamic. Audio can be used in Roblox for narration, background music, sound effects and more. The format of audio that you can use in Roblox is mp3 or OGG. If you try to upload audio in another format, it may run the risk of error where the audio will not work properly.

In Roblox, you are able to upload audio. To upload audio, you have to follow the steps below.

    • The first thing that you have to do is to log into your account on Roblox.
    • After you log into your Roblox account, the next thing that you have to do is to click on the Create which can be found in the blue bar at the top of the screen.
    • Then, the Audio needs to be clicked.
    • Here, you have to click on the Browse and then you need to choose an audio file that you want to upload to Roblox.
    • After that, you need to click on the Estimate Price. It must be clicked to determine the Robux cost that you have to pay for uploading the audio.
    • After you make your selection, then click on the Purchase for XR$ to end your purchase.

When you upload an audio, you have to make sure that the audio file is less than 7 minutes and it must be smaller than 20.0 MB. Also, the audio must be clear and easy to understand. You have to upload an audio which is not sped up, slowed down or had its volume excessively altered.

Another thing that you have to consider when you want to upload an audio in Roblox is that you have to make sure that you have enough Robux because as you have read in the steps of uploading an audio above that you have to pay for certain amount of Robux when you upload and audio.

If your audio is 0 to 10 seconds, the Robux that you have to pay is 20 Robux. If your audio is 10 to 30 seconds, you have to pay 35 Robux. However, if the length of your audio is 30 seconds to 2 minutes, the Robux that you have to pay is 70 Robux. If the length of the audio is 2 minutes to 7 minutes, the Robux that you have to pay is 350 Robux.

Well, if you have uploaded the audio, then you are able to customize the audio file further on the Configure page. To find this page, the thing that you have to do is to click on the gear-icon which is able to be found on the right of the file which is uploaded in the Audio tab of your Create section.

In the Configure page, there are a number of options as you are able to see below.

    • Name
      Here, you are able to change the name of the audio file.
    • Description
      This is the summary of the audio file.
    • Turn comments on/off
      Here, you are able to choose whether or not this item is open for comments.
    • Genre
      You are able to classify your audio to help people to find it.
    • Make Free
      You are able to choose whether or not this item is freely available to all users. If you do not check it, the audio will only be able to be used by you.

Same as other objects in Roblox, all audio are also given a unique ID which is able to be found in the URL of the audio page. However, unlike other objects, the ID of the audio does not need to be subtracted and are given directly. The ID of the audio is used when creating Sound objects.

Now, the question is, can Roblox audio be downloaded? As explained on the Roblox wiki, Roblox does not provide a built-in feature for downloading any audio from the Library. However, there are third party tools such as the BTRoblox browser extension that you can use for downloading the audio.

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