Google dork is also known as Google Dorking or Google hacking. It is considered a valuable resource for security researchers. For a normal user, Google is only a normal search engine which is used to discover information related to text, images, videos, news, and much more. But, in the world of InfoSec, Google is considered a useful hacking tool.
Google Dorks – Cheat Sheet PDF
For those who want to get a complete list of Google Dorks, simply you are able to download Google dork list by clicking this link;
Below, we are going to share a list of Google Dorks:
- productlist.asp?catalogid=
- cat.asp?cat=
- Category.asp?category_id=
- Category.cfm?category_id=
- category.asp?cid=
- category.cfm?cid=
- category.asp?cat=
- category.cfm?cat=
- category.asp?id=
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- category.asp?catid=
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- Category.cfm?c=
- productlist.cfm?catalogid=
- productlist.asp?catalogid=
- viewitem.asp?catalogid=
- viewitem.cfm?catalogid=
- catalog.cfm?catalogId=
- catalog.asp?catalogId=
- department.cfm?dept=
- department.asp?dept=
- itemdetails.cfm?catalogId=
- itemdetails.asp?catalogId=
- product_detail.asp?catalogid=
- product_detail.cfm?catalogid=
- product_list.asp?catalogid=
- product_list.cfm?catalogid=
- ShowProduct.cfm?CatID=
- ShowProduct.asp?CatID=
- search_results.cfm?txtsearchParamCat=
- search_results.asp?txtsearchParamCat=
- itemdetails.cfm?catalogId=
- itemdetails.asp?catalogId=
- store-page.cfm?go=
- store-page.asp?go=
- Detail.cfm?CatalogID=
- Detail.asp?CatalogID=
- browse.cfm?category_id=
- view.cfm?category_id=
- products.cfm?category_id=
- index.cfm?Category_ID=
- detail.cfm?id=
- category.cfm?id=
- showitems.cfm?category_id=
- ViewProduct.asp?PID=
- ViewProduct.cfm?PID=
- shopdisplayproducts.asp?catalogid=
- shopdisplayproducts.cfn?catalogid=
- displayproducts.cfm?category_id=
- displayproducts.asp?category_id=
- DisplayProducts.asp?prodcat=
- DisplayProducts.cfm?prodcat=x
- productDetail.cfm?ProductID=
- products.php?subcat_id=
- showitem.cfm?id=21
- productdetail.cfm?pid=
- default.cfm?action=46
- products_accessories.asp?CatId=
- Store_ViewProducts.asp?Cat=
- category.cfm?categoryID=
- category.asp?category=
- tepeecart.cfm?shopid=
- view_product.asp?productID=
- ProductDetails.asp?prdId=12
- products.cfm?ID=
- detail.asp?product_id=
- product_detail.asp?product_id=
- products.php?subcat_id=
- product.php?product_id=
- view_product.cfm?productID=
- product_details.asp?prodid=
- shopdisplayproducts.cfm?id=
- displayproducts.cfm?id=
- inurl:”.php?cat=”+intext:”Paypal”+site:UK
- inurl:”.php?cat=”+intext:”/Buy Now/”
- inurl:”.php?cid=”+intext:”online+betting”
- inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”View cart”
- inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”Buy Now”
- inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”add to cart”
- inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”shopping”
- inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”boutique”
- inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”/store/”
- inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”/shop/”
- inurl:”.php?id=” intext:”toys”
- inurl:”.php?cid=” intext:”shopping”
- inurl:”.php?cid=” intext:”add to cart”
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- inurl:”.php?cid=” intext:”View cart”
- inurl:”.php?cid=” intext:”boutique”
- inurl:”.php?cid=” intext:”/store/”
- inurl:”.php?cid=” intext:”/shop/”
- inurl:”.php?cid=” intext:”Toys”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”shopping”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”add to cart”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”Buy Now”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”View cart”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”boutique”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”/store/”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”/shop/”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”Toys”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”View cart”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”Buy Now”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”add to cart”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”shopping”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”boutique”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”/store/”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”/shop/”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”Toys”
- productlist.asp?catalogid=
- Category.asp?category_id=
- Category.cfm?category_id=
- category.asp?cid=
- category.cfm?cid=
- category.asp?cat=
- category.cfm?cat=
- category.asp?id=
- index.cfm?pageid=
- category.asp?catid=
- Category.asp?c=
- Category.cfm?c=
- productlist.cfm?catalogid=
- productlist.asp?catalogid=
- viewitem.asp?catalogid=
- viewitem.cfm?catalogid=
- catalog.cfm?catalogId=
- catalog.asp?catalogId=
- department.cfm?dept=
- department.asp?dept=
- itemdetails.cfm?catalogId=
- itemdetails.asp?catalogId=
- product_detail.asp?catalogid=
- product_detail.cfm?catalogid=
- product_list.asp?catalogid=
- product_list.cfm?catalogid=
- ShowProduct.cfm?CatID=
- ShowProduct.asp?CatID=
- search_results.cfm?txtsearchParamCat=
- search_results.asp?txtsearchParamCat=
- itemdetails.cfm?catalogId=
- itemdetails.asp?catalogId=
- store-page.cfm?go=
- store-page.asp?go=
- Detail.cfm?CatalogID=
- Detail.asp?CatalogID=
- browse.cfm?category_id=
- view.cfm?category_id=
- products.cfm?category_id=
- index.cfm?Category_ID=
- detail.cfm?id=
- category.cfm?id=
- showitems.cfm?category_id=
- ViewProduct.asp?PID=
- ViewProduct.cfm?PID=
- shopdisplayproducts.asp?catalogid=
- shopdisplayproducts.cfn?catalogid=
- displayproducts.cfm?category_id=
- displayproducts.asp?category_id=
- DisplayProducts.asp?prodcat=
- DisplayProducts.cfm?prodcat=x
- productDetail.cfm?ProductID=
- products.php?subcat_id=
- showitem.cfm?id=21
- productdetail.cfm?pid=
- default.cfm?action=46
- products_accessories.asp?CatId=
- Store_ViewProducts.asp?Cat=
- category.cfm?categoryID=
- category.asp?category=
- tepeecart.cfm?shopid=
- view_product.asp?productID=
- ProductDetails.asp?prdId=12
- products.cfm?ID=
- detail.asp?product_id=
- product_detail.asp?product_id=
- products.php?subcat_id=
- product.php?product_id=
- view_product.cfm?productID=
- product_details.asp?prodid=
- shopdisplayproducts.cfm?id=
- displayproducts.cfm?id=
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”shopping”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”add to cart”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”Buy Now”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”View cart”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”boutique
- ” inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”/store/”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”/shop/”
- inurl:”.php?cat=” intext:”Toys”
- inurl:”.php?catid=”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”View cart”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”Buy Now”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”add to cart”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”shopping”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”boutique”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”/store/”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”/shop/”
- inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”Toys”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=” intext:”View cart”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=” intext:”Buy Now”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=” intext:”add to cart”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=” intext:”shopping”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=” intext:”boutique”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=” intext:”/store/”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=” intext:”/shop/”
- inurl:”.php?categoryid=” intext:”Toys”
- inurl:”.php?pid=” intext:”shopping”
- inurl:”.php?pid=” intext:”add to cart”
- inurl:”.php?pid=” intext:”Buy Now”
- inurl:”.php?pid=” intext:”View cart”
- inurl:”.php?pid=” intext:”boutique”
- productlist.asp?catalogid=
- Category.asp?category_id=
- Category.cfm?category_id=
- category.asp?cid=
- category.cfm?cid=
- category.asp?cat=
- category.cfm?cat=
- category.asp?id=
- index.cfm?pageid=
- category.asp?catid=
- Category.asp?c=
- Category.cfm?c=
- productlist.cfm?catalogid=
- productlist.asp?catalogid=
- viewitem.asp?catalogid=
- viewitem.cfm?catalogid=
- catalog.cfm?catalogId=
- catalog.asp?catalogId=
- department.cfm?dept=
- department.asp?dept=
- itemdetails.cfm?catalogId=
- itemdetails.asp?catalogId=
- product_detail.asp?catalogid=
- product_detail.cfm?catalogid=
- product_list.asp?catalogid=
- product_list.cfm?catalogid=
- ShowProduct.cfm?CatID=
- ShowProduct.asp?CatID=
- search_results.cfm?txtsearchParamCat=
- search_results.asp?txtsearchParamCat=
- itemdetails.cfm?catalogId=
- itemdetails.asp?catalogId=
- store-page.cfm?go=
- store-page.asp?go=
- Detail.cfm?CatalogID=
- Detail.asp?CatalogID=
- browse.cfm?category_id=
- view.cfm?category_id=
- products.cfm?category_id=
- index.cfm?Category_ID=
- detail.cfm?id=
- category.cfm?id=
- showitems.cfm?category_id=
- ViewProduct.asp?PID=
- ViewProduct.cfm?PID=
- shopdisplayproducts.asp?catalogid=
- shopdisplayproducts.cfn?catalogid=
- displayproducts.cfm?category_id=
- displayproducts.asp?category_id=
- DisplayProducts.asp?prodcat=
- DisplayProducts.cfm?prodcat=x
- productDetail.cfm?ProductID=
- products.php?subcat_id=
- showitem.cfm?id=21
- productdetail.cfm?pid=
- default.cfm?action=46
- products_accessories.asp?CatId=
- Store_ViewProducts.asp?Cat=
- category.cfm?categoryID=
- category.asp?category=
- tepeecart.cfm?shopid=
- view_product.asp?productID=
- ProductDetails.asp?prdId=12
- products.cfm?ID=
- detail.asp?product_id=
- product_detail.asp?product_id=
- products.php?subcat_id=
- product.php?product_id=
- view_product.cfm?productID=
- product_details.asp?prodid=
- shopdisplayproducts.cfm?id=
- displayproducts.cfm?id=
- trainers.php?id=
- play_old.php?id=
- declaration_more.php?decl_id=
- Pageid=
- games.php?id=
- newsDetail.php?id=
- staff_id=
- historialeer.php?num=
- product-item.php?id=
- news_view.php?id=
- humor.php?id=
- communique_detail.php?id=
- sem.php3?id=
- opinions.php?id=
- spr.php?id=
- pages.php?id=
- chappies.php?id=
- prod_detail.php?id=
- viewphoto.php?id=
- view.php?id=
- website.php?id=
- hosting_info.php?id=
- gery.php?id=
- detail.php?ID=
- publications.php?id=
- Productinfo.php?id=
- releases.php?id=
- ray.php?id=
- produit.php?id=
- pop.php?id=
- shopping.php?id=
- productdetail.php?id=
- post.php?id=
- section.php?id=
- theme.php?id=
- page.php?id=
- shredder-categories.php?id=
- product_ranges_view.php?ID=
- shop_category.php?id=
- channel_id=
- newsid=
- news_display.php?getid=
- ages.php?id=
- clanek.php4?id=
- review.php?id=
- iniziativa.php?in=
- curriculum.php?id=
- labels.php?id=
- look.php?ID=
- galeri_info.php?l=
- tekst.php?idt=
- newscat.php?id=
- newsticker_info.php?idn=
- rubrika.php?idr=
- offer.php?idf=
- “id=” & intext:”Warning: getimagesize()
- “id=” & intext:”Warning: session_start()
- “id=” & intext:”Warning: mysql_num_rows()
- “id=” & intext:”Warning: mysql_query()
- “id=” & intext:”Warning: array_merge()
- “id=” & intext:”Warning: preg_match()
- “id=” & intext:”Warning: ilesize()
- “id=” & intext:”Warning: filesize()
- index.php?id=
- buy.php?category=
- article.php?ID=
- play_old.php?id=
- newsitem.php?num=
- top10.php?cat=
- historialeer.php?num=
- reagir.php?num=
- Stray-Questions-View.php?num=
- forum_bds.php?num=
- game.php?id=
- view_product.php?id=
- sw_comment.php?id=
- news.php?id=
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- news_view.php?id=
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- ogl_inet.php?ogl_id=
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- communique_detail.php?id=
- sem.php3?id=
- kategorie.php4?id=
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- download.php?id=
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- productinfo.php?id=
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- releases.php?id=
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- produit.php?id=
- pop.php?id=
- shopping.php?id=
- productdetail.php?id=
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- product_ranges_view.php?ID=
- shop_category.php?id=
- transcript.php?id=
- channel_id=
- item_id=
- newsid=
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- news-full.php?id=
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- index2.php?option=
- readnews.php?id=
- newsone.php?id=
- product-item.php?id=
- pages.php?id=
- clanek.php4?id=
- viewapp.php?id=
- viewphoto.php?id=
- galeri_info.php?l=
- iniziativa.php?in=
- curriculum.php?id=
- labels.php?id=
- story.php?id=
- look.php?ID=
- aboutbook.php?id=
Features of Google Dorks List
Of course, you should never underestimate the power of Google search. It comes with the best web crawlers. To filter out the needed information, it gives lots of smart search operators and options. This is all that makes Google Dork very powerful.
Here are some features of Google Dorks:
- The links are used to demonstrate Google’s awesome ability to profile web servers.
- The files contain usernames, however no passwords still Google can discover usernames on a website.
- It comes with Google’s collection of sites sharing private directories. The files will vary from sensitive to uber-secret.
- The files carry no usernames or passwords however do have interesting stuff.
- The pages carry firewall logs, network information, IDS logs, honeypot logs, and all the fun stuff.
- Google Dorks are login pages for different services. Consider those as the front door of a website’s private functions.
- This will carry printers, video cameras, and all sorts of cool things which are found on the web with Google.
- These searches are able to find vulnerable servers. These searches are frequently generated from different security advisory posts, and in many cases are products or version-specific.
- Hundreds of vulnerable files which Google can discover on website files containing passwords.
- The searches reveal servers with specific vulnerabilities. Those are found in different methods than the searches found in the Vulnerable Files section.
How to Use Google Dorks?
Here is a simple way to use Google Dorks:
- First of all, you are able to download the file from above. Or you are also able to see the list of Google Dork above.
- After that, you have to select a Google dork which you would like to search for.
- Now, you are able to open and in the search bar paste that code.
- The last step, you have to press enter or hit the search icon. It will show you the results.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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