With actionable formative and summative assessment, Get More Math has become a great, powerful digital software for learning math. This software is such a terrific vehicle to keep the student’s skills fresh, praise them for their hard work by sending them messages or even reward them with extra game credits to promote their perseverance.
If you are a teacher and currently looking for the great digital math practice tool, Get More Math can be a perfect option for you. However, you may need to see reviews about Get More Math from people who have used it before. So, let’s dive into our post to find out what people say about the Get More Math software!
How Does Get More Math Software Work?
Get More Math offers a wide variety of skills that provide several different question types, so the teachers do not need to look for multiple resources for mainstream kids. This software also offers the game credit to play the games.
The games at Get More Math provide healthy brain breaks, but due to they are fairly basic, the fame will not need to drive student engagement. However, there’s no accessibility items for kids with vision and language needs.
At Get More Math, there is also a ‘wining feature’ that is the mixed review section. However, the students cannot forget material if regularly assigned in Mixed Review to practice current topics and also review old skills.
It’s important to note for you as a teacher, if your students have not mastered a topic yet, the activity must be used as-is without a teacher present that may aim to help reteach and intervene as the students get stuck.
How to Teach the Students Using Get More Math?
To teach the students with Great More Math, the flexibility to determine point values and adjust daily goals is really necessary. It means that the teacher can use the point as a warm-up or pretest if they can assign low points to skill and make a short practice set.
To encourage in-class practice or use fewer questions with greater points as a ticket out, the teachers can assign point values a bit higher in a practice set. Since there is not a hint or help feature, the students must be assigned work only once the lesson has been taught. However, teachers may need to be careful about assigning a practice set or mixed review as homework.
Furthermore, teachers will be able to see and assign work from a comprehensive skills library that covers grades four through geometry and algebra. As a teacher, you can also challenge the students to answer multiple-choice and constructed-response questions in the Assigned Work mode, while they work toward the daily goal and get points.
However, the students will be able to use the ‘raise your hand’ function and after being notified on the dashboard, the teacher can invite a student to join for help or send off a message which gives a student a little boost.
The students can then continue to gain points once you have clicked the class over into Mixed Review mode. Moreover, the students need to prove that they have retained previously taught content to obtain their points for game credits.
Additionally, the teachers can also see the time since the last correct answer was given and the current question for each teacher that can easily determine when to intervene.
Pros and Cons of Get More Math
Just like most online learning software and platforms, Get More Math also has pros and cons that are always side by side. As we’ve explained, Get More Math claims to give the teachers easiness to teach math with adaptive digital resources.
Well, here are pros and cons of Get More Math:
- Pros
Get More Math software provides an extensive skill list and diverse review that helps make “I forgot” a thing of the past. - Cons
Games that are available at Get More Math are basic, without explanations. Of course, the students need to depend on their teachers to relearn forgotten material.
- Pros
Teachers’ Review about Get More Math
Once we’ve taken a little research to find out the Get More Math review, based on the teacher’s opinion, we finally obtained the review regarding Get More Math from an intermediate school teacher on commonsense.org.
At that page, an instructional coach on campus named Kristin K. has reviewed Get More Math software. She said that the teachers at Westbrook Intermediate Friendswood, United States have often used this too as independent practice of a skill which was just learned.
Kristin said that the best part of Get More Math was that it allows the teachers to view what specifically students were struggling with and which students must be pulled for small groups. In this case, the teachers frequently pulled small groups, while the rest of the students worked on Get More Math.
Furthermore, the teachers used Get More Math to spiral previously learned material. The teacher also found that this program really reduced the amount of time which the teachers needed to review before a test and also gave them overall confidence in their math ability.
As an instructional coach, Kristin also measured the impact of Get More Math that had on student achievement that was profound. Reportedly, the percentage of student mastery increased on almost every exam that is given from the previous year.
Aside from an increase in scores, the students were more confident in their math ability. With the use of Get More Math, the students did not complain about having spent time using this software. One thing which makes Get More Math different is the simplicity of using this software in the classroom.
Of course, every teacher will have questions and Get More Math customer support will immediately respond and will contact them through an email, text or phone call. So far, Get More Math made it easy for students to modify skills which were assigned to students and monitor the progress of the students throughout the year.
Based on some teachers’ opinion, they really loved this software that was not based around a game, but it still had a ‘brain break’ incentive for students which kept them engaged. The point is, some teachers at Westbrook Intermediate Friendswood, United States said that Get More Math is currently reliable digital math practice software to use at school.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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