Congratulations, if you already have Klee in Genshin Impact. As the new five star character in Gneshin Impact, people are spending Primogems to try and unlock her for themselves. In this page, we are going to discuss Klee’s build, Klee’s abilities, best team composition, and more.
Best Genshin Impact Klee build
Klee is a primary DPS. There is no changing that. However, how you play her does affect which build is best for you.
Weapon Options
For Klee, only select whatever weapon increases elemental damage the most. If you have some good weaponry, Eye of Perception is not bad if you discover yourself by using Klee’s basic attacks. For your information, Skyward Atlas is the best choice, but also the rarest of the rare.
- Skyward Atlas (Rich Choice)

This will be able to increase Elemental DMG Bonus by 12/15/18/21/24 percent. Normal Attacks have a 50 percent opportunity to obtain the favor of the clouds. This seeks out nearby opponents actively to attack for 15 seconds, dealing 160, 200, 240, 280, 320 percent ATK DMG. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.
- Eye of Perception (Basic Attacks)

Normal and Charged Attacks have a 50% opportunity to fire a Bolt of Perception, dealing 240, 270, 300, 330, 360 percent ATK as DMG. This bolt is able to bounce between opponents a maximum of four times. This effect will occur once every 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 seconds.
Artifacts Options
Once again, you have a choice to make. Are you using Genshin Impact Klee as a quick swap character? Or do you hang around long to get some normal and charged attacks in?
- Crimson Witch of Flames (Pyro Buff)

Pyro DMG Bonus + 15 percent. Increases overloaded and burning DMG by 40%. Improves Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%. Using an Elemental Skill improves two piece Set effects by 50% for 10 seconds. Max three stacks.
- Gladiator’s Finale (Generic Damage Buff)

ATK + 18 percent. We do not suggest you to use the four artifact buff since it does not apply to Genshin Impact Klee.
- Wanderer’s Troupe (Charged Attack Buff)

Elemental Mastery + 80. Improves charged Attack DMG by 35% if the character utilizes a Catalyst or Bow.
- Resolution of Sojourner (Charged Attack Buff)

ATK + 18 percent. Increases Charged Attack Crit Rate by 30%.
Genshin Impact Klee Abilities

As a caster, Klee’s attacks are a bit less predictable than traditional characters. Klee’s normal attack is a bomb throw. While klees’s charged attack is a pyro laser beam with an explosion. As far as area control is, Genshin Impact Klee is certainly up there. Jumpy Dumpty is her basic ability, subpoena a bear that bounces twice before exploding into a field of mines that will explode on contact with foes. Also, she has two charges to use at once. Sparks & Splash, her ultimate, creates holographic pyro flowers show in the middle air periodically, blasting foes in a similar manner to her basic attack however from multiple angles at once. After you unlock both of her passives, her charged attacks become much more powerful with a chance to have them cost no stamina, deal 50% more damage. Also, also give elemental energy to all party members.
Kaboom (Basic Attack)
- Normal Attack
Throws things which go boom once they hit things. Do this up to three explosive attacks, dealing AOE Pyro DMG.
- Charged Attack
Uses a certain amount of Stamina and deals AOE Pyro DMG to opponents after a short casting time.
- Plunging Attack
Gathering the power of Pyro, and Genshin Klee plunges towards the ground from middle air are going to damage all opponents in her path. Makes AOE Pyro DMG upon impact with the ground.
Jumpy Dumpty (Basic Ability)
- Jumpy Dumpty
Once thrown, Jumpy Dumpty will bounce thrice. It will deal AOE pyro DMG with every bounce. On the third bounce, the bomb splits into lots of mines. The mines are going to blow up after contact with opponents or after a short period of time, dealing AOE Pyro DMG. Just starts with two charges.
Sparks & Splash (Ultimate)
- Klee’s Blazing Delight
With this ability, summons Sparks ‘n’ Splash to attack nearby opponents constantly, dealing AOE Pyro DMG.
Pounding Surprise (Passive 1) – Ascension 1
- Once Jumpy Dumpty and Normal Attacks deal DMG, Genshin Impact Klee has a 50% opportunity to get an Explosive Spark. This Spark is created by the next Charged Attack, that costs no Stamina and deals 50% DMG.
Sparkling Burst (Passive 2) – Ascension 4
- Once Klee’s Charged Attack results in a CRIT, all party members obtain two Elemental Energy.
All Of My Treasures! (Passive 3) – Unlocked
- This will show the nearby resources location to Mondstadt on the map.
Gensin Impact Klee is a top tier primary DPS at the moment which is terrific news if you do not have Diluc.
Top Tier Team
- Main DPS: Klee
- Secondary DPS: Razor
- Healer: Qiqi
- Support: Venti
Budget Team
- Main DPS: Klee
- Secondary DPS: Razor or Xiangling
- Healer: Barbara
- Support: Fischl
- Level 1 – Chained Reactions
The attacks and skills will have an opportunity to summon sparks that bombard opponents, dealing DMG equal to 120% of Sparks n Splash’s DMG.
- Level 2 – Explosive Frags
Being hit by Jumpy Dumpty’s mines will decrease the opponent DEF by 23% for 10 seconds.
- Level 3 – Exquisite Compound
Improves the level of Jumpy Dumpty by three. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
- Level 4 – Sparkly Explosion
If Genshin Klee leaves the field, her departure will trigger an explosion which deals 555 percent of her ATK as AOE Pyro DMG.
- Level 5 – Nova Burst
Improves the level of Sparks ‘n’ Splash by three. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
- Level 6 – Blazing Delight
While under the effects of Sparks ‘n’ Splash, other members of the party are going to regenerate Energy continuously. After the Sparks ‘n’ Splash is used, all party members are going to obtain a 10% Pyro DMG Bonus for 25 seconds.
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