Floor Spread Crossword Clue

n case you’re playing crossword, there will be plenty of clues in which you cannot find the answer easily. In other words, you will find the tricky clues with the hard answers at all. Well, one of the clues that you may ever get when playing crossword is “Floor Spread”. Even though it’s just two words, unfortunately, you cannot find the answer easily.

Don’t worry! This post actually shows the right answer to the clue of “Floor Spread”. So let’s see the answer below!

Floor Spread Crossword Clue

What is the answer for the clue of “Floor Spread”?

To get the answer for the clue of “Floor Spread”, the most effective and efficient way to solve your problem is to look for the answers online. By online search, we guarantee that there are many posts which usually provide the crossword clues and answers. Whatever the crossword clues you confront, searching for the answer online is the best way for you.

Here, we are going to give you the answer to the clue of “Floor Spread”. For the answer to this clue, we just easily found 3 letters for it.

The answer of Floor Spread crossword clue is MAT.

Mat can be defined for any meanings, here they are:

  • A small flat piece that can be used to protect a surface from anything hot or rough.
  • A flat piece that can be used for wiping one’s feet or as a decoration.
  • A thick tangled mess.
  • A thin surface layer or superficial cover to protect, cover or decorate the rooms with mats.
  • A thin or thick pad to protect athletes.
  • A material which will be needed for a crafting recipe.

More definition for Mat

  • Framing piece
  • Tangle
  • Unkempt hair
  • Welcome …. (a thin or think pad at the entrance to a home)
  • Place for a pion
  • Dull piece of fabric
  • Greene is not part of the agreement with runners.
  • Something which probably helps you to clean your soul.
  • A pad for bath
  • Many more

Where to Find the Crossword Clues and Answers?

You may wonder where to find the crossword clues and answers. However, there are tons of sites which provide the crossword clues and answers. Because there are too many sites, providing the crossword clues and answers, in this case, you should choose the best one. Related to the trusted posts which provide the crossword clues and answers will be shown in the next section.

Thankfully, this post will also show you the recommended crossword clues and answers sites that really help you to get the most correct answers for your crossword play. Here they are:

  1. Dan Word

If you are searching for the crossword clues that you cannot find on some crossword answer site, we recommend Dan Word as the best solution for you. This site will show you the answers for the  clue that you are looking for. To find the answers through the Dan Word site, you can simply type the keyword of the clue on the available bar on the Look for more clues and answers option.

As you’re looking for the answer to the clue of “Floor Spread”, you can then type it on the bar and hit enter. Just about 2 seconds, this page automatically will show the correct answer based on the clues that you’re typing on. Well, you can see the correct answer of Floor Spread crossword clue is MAT.

You can also find more crossword clues on this site. Here are for more clues:

  • Audition tape, e.g.: Demon
  • Male Admirer: Beau
  • Collection of cuttings: Scrapbook
  • A horse’s refusal: Neigh
  • Beat regularly: Throb
  • Many more.
  1. LA Times Crossword and Answers

Aside from Dan Word, you can also find the crossword clues and answers at LA Times Crossword and Answers that you can access here.

If you’re playing the crossword on Los Angeles time and you get hard to find the answer, of course, you can visit this site to find the correct answer. From this page, you will find many answers for the clues which are shown on the Los Angeles Times crossword.

Well, you can also find the answer to the clue of “Floor Spread” on this page. Just like Dan Word’s site, MAT is the answer to this clue. Moreover, you can find tons of clues from this page. Here are for more clues:

  • Slurpee alternative: ICEE
  • Super serve in tennis: ACE
  • Chardonnay for one: Wine
  • Constellation part: Star
  • Chemist’s room for short: Lab
  • Many more.
  1. Ultimate Success Puzzle

If you want to know the deep definition for the answer of a crossword clue, you actually can visit this site to find more. You can access the site here . By using this page, you can see the definition of the answer that you are searching for.

So as with the MAT as the answer to the clue of Floor Spread. You can see the definition of mat, the term of mat and the usage of mat which is shown under the answer bar. However, this page can be also the best crossword clues and answers that you can use. From this page, you can also find more clues and answers that you probably need to answer the crossword that you’re playing on.

The other of Crossword clues:

  • it has a floor but no cei: Ocean
  • sleek, as a floor: Waxy
  • one going from floor to floor: Stair
  • what’s spread on a spread: Data
  • brits’ floor coverings: Linos
  • Many more.
  1. Crossword EG

The last site that you can visit to find the crossword clues and answers is Crossword EG, access it here . If you are looking for the hard answers for any crossword clues, you surely can visit this page. So as with the clue of Floor Spread, you can find the answer to this clue, that’s MAT. We think that this page is one of the trusted sites to find the crossword clues and answers.

Here are for more clues from this page:

  • Toward the floor: LOW
  • Top floor: ATTIC
  • Tool for flooring jobs: TILECUTTER
  • Steps on the floor?: DANCEMOVES
  • Stable floor covering: HAY
  • Many more.

Of course, there are still many sites which provide crossword clues and answers for you. In this post, we just show four sites as the recommended one. If you want more, you can keep searching for other crossword clues and answers provider sites.

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