Fix Sorry There Was a Socket Open Error Epic Games Launcher

‘Sorry There Was a Socket Open Error’ is an error message that commonly happens when launching Epic Games launcher. If this is your first time experiencing this error, you may be surprised, as you do not know how to fix this error, right?

However, you do not have to worry, as this issue can commonly be fixed easily, as long as you know the right way to do it. So, if you are looking for the guide to fix the ‘Sorry There Was a Socket Open Error’, you can dive into our post to get the guide. Here you go!

What Causes of a Socket Open Error?

A socket open error when launching Epic Games launcher can occur if there is no response from either the client’s end or the server.  It is known that a socket definitely helps to make a two-way communication bridge between two programs running on the network.

Afterwards, an FTP server will respond to the socket when a client is creating a connection request on the server’s machine and port. Basically, when the server accepts the connection request, the client will communicate with the server after the connection is successfully accepted on his end.

Fix Sorry There Was a Socket Open Error Epic Games Launcher

Fixing ‘Sorry There Was a Socket Open Error’ in Epic Games Launcher, Here’s How!

After taking a little research, we finally found three smart ways to fix the error message commonly occurring in Epic Games Launcher that says ‘Sorry There Was a Socket Open Error’ from

Here’s the troubleshooting you can take to fix ‘Sorry There Was a Socket Open Error’ message in Epic Games:

Solution 1: Check the Epic games server status

Before you try to fix the error issue in Epic Games, it’s highly recommended for you to check the server status of Epic Games. The most common error cause happens on some launchers is because of server maintenance at regular intervals.

To check the server status of Epic Games, you can visit Epic Games Server Status page here. Aside from that, you can also check the Epic games server status on Twitter providing the information for any updates on the server maintenance.

Solution 2: Run Epic Games as an administrator

Another solution you can take is to run Epic Games as an administrator. To do so, you can do the following steps:

    • First, go to the desktop and then right-click on the ‘Epic Games’ launcher shortcut.
    • Then, you need to choose ‘Run as administrator’ from the right-click menu.
    • You can now check if you can login and launch the Epic Games.

So far, this way will really help you to skip User Access Control (UAC) to bypass the restriction set by the feature and also get rid of the socket open error in the Epic Games launcher.

Solution 3: Create an Xbox profile

The last solution you can take is to create an Xbox profile. Here’s how to do so!

    • First, you need to go to the Xbox Website.
    • Then, log into your Microsoft account.
    • After you are logged in, you will be required to create an Xbox profile.
    • Make sure to follow on-screen instructions to create a Xbox profile.

However, this way should help fix the ‘Sorry There Was a Socket Open Error’ message when you are trying to access Epic games.

It’s important to note, if you have an existing Xbox profile and still face the issue, you can double-check your Xbox profile credentials. Furthermore, you can also use incognito mode to try to log into the Xbox manually.

Alternative to Fix Various Gaming Issues on Epic Games

It’s important to note, some PC issues may be hard to fix, particularly when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing windows files. Well, if you are having issues to fix this error, your system will be partially broken.

Therefore, many experts suggest you to install Restoro, a tool that will be able to scan machines and identify what the fault is. Furthermore, Restoro will fix common computer errors that are known to cause issues during gaming sessions such as broken or corrupted DLLs, common registry values which may get damaged and system files which have to run along with the game components, but cease to respond.

If you are interested to use Restoro, you can download this software in easy steps, as follow:

    • First, you can download the Restoro PC Repair tool here. Make sure to download Restoro which comes with Patented Technologies.
    • Then, you can click ‘Start Scan’ to locate broken files which are causing the problems.
    • Last, you can click ‘Repair All’ to fix issues that affect your computer’s security and performance.

However, if you really love to play online games with Epic Games launcher, you may frequently experience the socket open error. This way actually prevents you from logging into the launcher.

Even though it mostly happens with Fortnite games, it can also happen with other Epic Games occasionally. That may be one of the primary reasons why you face the socket open error issue and you cannot log into.

How to Allow Epic Games Through the Firewall?

If Epic Games servers are running, it might be the firewall blocking the launcher, so you cannot login. Of course, you may need to add it to the exceptions list and allow Epic games through the firewall. To do so, you can follow these instructions below!

    • First, go to the taskbar and then click on the ‘Window Security’ icon in the system tray.
    • Then, you can click on ‘Firewall & network protection’ on the Windows Security screen.
    • After that, you can click on ‘Allow an app through the firewall’ in the new window.
    • You can then click on ‘Change Settings’ in the Allowed applications.
    • Under Allowed apps and features, you need to look for ‘UnrealEngineLauncherProxy’.
    • If you cannot find it, you can click on ‘Allow another app’.
    • An ‘Add an app’ window will open and you need to click on ‘Browse’.
    • Make sure to choose the Epic games launcher and then click on ‘Add’.
    • You can now check both the Private and Public boxes beside the ‘UnrealEngineLauncherProxy’ option.
    • Last, you can press ‘OK’ to save the changes.

That’s it! you can now check if Epic Games is still down and prevents you from logging in.

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