FFXIV Weaver Leveling Guide

Weaver is one of the crafting classes which are especially focused on making armors. Well, this page will inform you about the FFXIV Armorer leveling guide. For those who want to get this information, make sure you will read this article until the end.

Weaver Leveling Guide

Level 1-15

At level 5, you will need three pairs of Hempen Breeches. Each consists of 1 Wind Shard, 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Hempen Yarn, 2x Undyed Hempen Cloth and 1 Leather. The next class quest needs 12x Undyed Hempen Cloth. The recipes are 1 Lightning Shard and 2 Hempen Yarns. Finally, at this level, you have to deliver two items: a Cotton Scarf and Cotton Shepherd’s Slops. The former is made of 1 Wind Shard, 1 Lightning Shard, 2x Undyed Cotton Cloth, and 1 Cotton Yarn. To craft the latter, you will need 1 Wind Shard, 2x Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Cotton Yarn, and 1 Undyed Hempen Cloth.

Level 15-20

At these levels, we highly recommend two worthwhile choices. A Drag of a Doublet needs an Initiate’s Doublet Vest. The item consists of 1 Wind Shard, 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Cotton Yarn, 1 Hard Leather, and 1 Brass Ingot. To complete the second one, Better Shroud Than Sorry, you will need a Cotton Kurta. Its recipe is 1 Wind Shard, 3x Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Lighting Shard, and 1 Cotton Yarn.

Level 20-25

At level 20, you are going to start looking at a certain type of level quests, called triple turn-ins. These tasks will let you get three times the value for a single allowance. They require more crafting, however more often than not, it’s worth it. They do not have the highest singular rewards, but the quantity usually defeats quality in this case.

Need to know that the level 25 class quest is the first one which needs a high-quality product. Probably, you already had a significant amount of Control in your crafting gear. From now on, you will also need it for your class advancement assignments. Its objective is an HQ Undyed Velveteen. It can be made with 1 Cotton Yarn, 2 Lightning Shards, and 1 Dew Thread.

Level 25-30

In this tier, we suggest you skip the triple levels, because they are a bit annoying. There is one level quest that we believe is better than the others. It is called the Pantser Corps. To complete it, you have to bring Initiate’s Slops. They are able to be crafted with 1 Wind Shard, 2x Undyed Cotton Cloth, 1 Lightning Shard, 1 Cotton Yarn, and 1 Beast Sinew. For the next class quest, you will need HQ Velveteen Gaiters. You are able to synthesize them using 3 Lightning Shards, 1 Undyed Velveteen, 2 Wind Shards, 1 Undyed Cotton Cloth, and 1 Rubber.

Level 30-35

This tier features another single level quest; By the Seat of the Pants. To complete it, you need to craft Linen Chausses out of 3 Wind Shards, 3x Undyed Linen, 4 Lightning Shards, and 1 Linen Yarn. Also, you are able to consider triple levels. Man in Ul’dah is the right option. It needs Velveteen Work Gloves which consists of 3 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Velveteen, 3 Lightning Shards, 1 Dew Thread, and 1 Cotton Ball. For your information, a lot of this tier’s levels take place in Costa Del Sol. To complete the level 35 quest, you have to craft an HQ Linen Shirt. The required materials are 1 Undyed Linen, 1 Linen Yarn, 4 Lightning Shards, 3 Wind Shards, and 2 Aldgoat Leathers.

Level 35-40

This tier will offer a great triple level, A Leg Up on the Cold. Its objective is making Linen Tights which consists of 2x Undyed Linen, 4 Lightning Shards, 3 Wind Shards, and 1 Linen Yarn. If you prefer a single level quest, you are able to go with The Wages of Sin. To complete it, you need to deliver a Linen Coatee of Crafting. This item is made of 4 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Linen, 4 Lightning Shards, 2 Linen Yarns, and 1 Electrum Ingot. For the next quest, you will need high-quality Woolen Tights. You are able to make them with 4 Wind Shards, 2x Undyed Woolen Cloth, 5 Lightning Shards, and 1 Woolen Yarn.

Level 40-45

For these level quests, we suggested sticking to the ones which use lower tier materials. The items are easier to craft. You are able to get the components cheaper and more conveniently. The best triple is named Party Animals. It will ask you to bring a Linen Deerstalker. This chestpiece can be made with 1 Undyed Linen, 1 Undyed Velveteen, 5 Lightning Shards, 4 Wind Shards, and 2 Linen Yarns.

The level 45 quest needs three high-quality items. Woolen Beret is made of 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, 1 Woolen Yarn, 1 Apkallu Down, 5 Lightning Shards, 5 Wind Shards, and 1 Chocobo Feather. The next item, Woolen Gown, consists of 2x Undyed Woolen Cloth, 5 Lightning Shards, 5 Wind Shards, 1 Woolen Yarn, 1 Undyed Linen, and 1 Mythril Ingot. Eventually, a pair of Woolen Gaskins can be made with 5 Lightning Shards, 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, 5 Wind Shards, 1 Dew Thread, and 2 Toad Leathers.

Level 45-50

This is the last level range when you depend on levequests so heavily. Now, a lot of them are located in Mor Dhona. Unfortunately, both triples in this tier are bad, thus we are forced to stick with singles. Its objective is Full Moon Fever has Felt Chausses. The item consists of 2x Undyed Felt, 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, 6 Lightning Shards, 5 Wind Shards, and 1 Woolen Yarn. The other viable choice is called Glad As a Hatter. It needs crafting a Felt Hat. You are able to craft with 6 Lightning Shards, 2x Undyed Felt, 5 Wind Shards, 1 Undyed Woolen Cloth, and 1 Woolen Yarn.

Level 50-60

Getting experience after level 50 changes a lot. After all, it used to be the game’s level cap. Fortunately, several great new ways of progressing crafters and gatherers have been introduced when it has been increased. We have already mentioned them earlier. Apparently, there are new, higher-level quests.

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