The game known as Final Fantasy XIV or FFXIV has a lot of relic weapons. In the game, relic weapons refer to the specialty weapons that have a pretty appearance and usually have a unique glowing animation. Once you have successfully upgraded the weapon a few times, you will be rewarded with the best weapon in Shadowbringers as appreciation of your hard work. The thing is, it requires a lot of work.
Almost every weapon upgrading step is related to joining in the instanced Shadowbringers area that has a unique battle system. The name of the area is The Bozjan Southern Front. Even though there are some other methods to get the weapon upgrade materials, it will be needed for you to rank up in Bozja if you want to upgrade your weapon past a specific point.
The method to get the best weapon in the expansion consists of a lot of steps. Keep in mind that you will need to start from the beginning if you want to get each weapon and then repeat most of these steps.
Step 1: Making Resistance weapons
- Firstly, you have to complete the Shadowbringers main scenario quest.
- The second quest that should be completed is the side quest called The City of Los Angels.
- Aside from these two, it will also be needed for you to complete a few other quests, including Hail to the Queen, Path to the Past, The Bozja Incident, and Fire in the Forge.
Step 2: Augment your Resistance weapons
- The first thing that you have to do is to complete the Vows of Virtue, Deeds or Cruelty main scenario quest.
- After completing this quest, it is time for you to complete a couple of side quests, which are A Sober Proposal and Where Eagles Nest.
- Once you are done completing everything, prepare your Resistance weapon from step one.
- When it is ready, it is time for you to go to Zlatan in Gangos and accept the repeatable quest called For want of a Memory.
- Lastly, get and turn in 20 Tortured Memories of the Dying, 20 Sorrowful Memories of the Dying, and 20 Harrowing Memories of the Dying.
Step 3: Making recollection weapons
- First of all, complete the previous steps included above.
- Next, start the repeatable quest known as The Will to Resist from Zlatan in Gangos.
- Afterward, turn in six Bitter Memories of the Dying.
Step 4: Getting Law’s Order weapons
- First and foremost, complete every step above.
- Then, hit Resistance Rank 10 in Bozja.
- After hitting it, it is time for you to complete the Bozja dungeon, Castrum Lacus Litore.
- The fourth step is to complete a few side quests, including A Sign of What’s to Come, Fit for a Queen, and In the Queen’s Image.
- Do not forget to accept the repeatable quest called Change of Arms from Zlatan in Gangos.
- When everything is done, get and turn in 15 Loathsome Memories of the Dying to Zlatan.
Step 5: Augmenting your Law’s Order weapons
- After completing everything above, the next thing to do is to accept The Resistance Remembers side quest.
- In the next step, turn in the 18 Haunting Memories of the Dying and 18 Vexatious Memories of the Dying.
- The third step is to accept the repeatable quest named A New Path of Resistance.
- Finally, collect and turn in the 15 Timeworn Artifacts.
Step 6: Getting your blade’s weapon
- You will need to complete the Futures Rewritten main scenario quest after you are done with everything above.
- The second one to complete is A New Playing Field side quest.
- Thirdly, start the What Dreams are Made of side quest from Gerolt in Gangos.
- Please also accept Spare Parts, Tell Me a Story, and A Fond Memory quests.
- After that, gather the 30 Compact Axles, Compact Springs, A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm, A Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift, Bleak Memories of Dying, and Lurid Memories of the Dying, and turn them in.
- Then, complete A Done Deal quest.
- Next, start the Irresistible quest.
- The last one is collecting and turning in 15 Raw Emotion.
Talking about the Shadowbringers relic weapons in Final Fantasy XIV, you may be wondering what they look like. For those who are looking for the FFXIV Shadowbringers Relic Weapon gallery in order to find the images of all of these weapons, there is a good video on Youtube that you can watch. This one was shared by Desperius FFXIV on July 4, 2021. It seems like a lot of people find it useful as it has been seen 350.601 since the first time it was released and has 4.1k likes.
In order to find that video posted by Desperius FFXIV, here is step by step to follow:
- First and foremost, you go to Youtube.
- On the homepage, go to the search bar and enter the keyword that you are looking for. As you are looking for the video about Shadowbringer relic weapons by Desperius FFXIV, you can enter something like “Shadowbringer relic weapons by Desperius FFXIV”.
- Do not forget to press Enter to get the results shown.
- Apparently, it is shown first and you can just click on the video to play it.
If you want to see a particular weapon and do not want to play the whole video, you can check out the time when the one that you want to check out shows up. Below are the details:
- 0:00 Intro (ShB Spoiler)
- 0:46 Dark Knight
- 1:38 Warrior
- 2:29 Astrologian
- 3:24 Paladin
- 4:39 Bard
- 5:50 Black Mage
- 7:06 Gunbreaker
- 8:33 Machinist
- 10:04 Red Mage
- 11:31 Dragoon
- 13:31 White Mage
- 15:18 Samurai
- 17:11 Dancer
- 18:44 Monk
- 20:25 Summoner
- 22:06 Scholar
- 23:24 Ninja
In case you do not feel like wanting to watch a video, you can just open this link to be able to find the FFXIV Shadowbringers Relic Weapon images visit link here.
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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