Easiest Way to Fix PS4 Error Code CE-33992-6

If you visit PlayStation site and you are looking for some information about CE-33992-6, you will find an advice that you have to check the status of PSN if you face this error. You are able to check the status of PSN services by accessing the status page on a connected device.

If you find that PSN services are showing as green and you still get this error code, the connectivity issue may be related to your home network. It is recommended for you to use a minimum download of speed of 5 mbps. If the speeds are slower than this, you are able to try connecting to an alternative connection with a download speed of 5 mbps or more.

PS4 Error Code CE-33992-6

Checking PlayStation Server Status and Update

CE-33992-6 error can happen because of ongoing server maintenance. So, you have to check whether the server is under maintenance or not by accessing PlayStation site in the status page as recommended by PlayStation itself. If you find that it is under maintenance, you are able to try again later.

However, if you find that the server is up, you are able to sign in to PSN and then go to Test your connection. If you find that it is failed, you have to check for System Software Update if there is an available update. If you find that the update is not available, you have to try to verify it by accessing safe mode and then choose the Update System Software.

  • You have to turn off the PlayStation 4.
  • Then, you have to connect your PlayStation 4 DualShock 4 controller by using the USB cable.
  • Now, you need to press and then hold the power button for about seven seconds and then if you see the second beep, it is the indicator to release the power button.
  • In this step, you have to press the PS button on the controller.
  • Here, you have to be able to access the safe mode. You have to choose Update System Software.

choose Update System Software

  • If you find that there is an update which is available, you have to update it and then wait until the process is completed.
  • After that, you have to try playing again.
  • If you find that there is no update which is found and then you see that the error is still happening, you are able to do another method as you can see below.

Checking Internet Connection

This error can also happen because of your home network setting or internet service provider. How to test it? You are able to follow the steps below.

  • The first thing that you have to do is to shut down and then remove the PS$ and the router modem from the power source for at least 60 seconds. After that, you need to check whether the CE-33992-6 error is fixed.
  • You have to make sure that your console gets the right amount of Wi-Fi signal. You have to use cable if you can.
  • You are able to connect to the modem directly. If you do that, it will increase the stability and speed of your connection. You are able to try it and it may fix this error.
  • You are able to run the speedtest.net in your computer or to your phone and benchmark your internet speed. If you see that the connection is slow, you are able to call your internet service provider (ISP. Or, you are able to try another effort as explained below.
  • If there is someone who is using your internet network and he or she is using downloading or uploading a large amount of file, it may be the cause of slow connection.

Checking For Email Verification

This error can also happen because the account that you are using is not verified. Or, it can be because there is a pending verification which requires to be confirmed. So, you are able to try to check your email address which is linked to the account that you are using to verify any pending confirmation.

Fixing Other Error Codes in PS4

CE-33992-6 is not the only error code that appears in PS4. There are the other error codes that you may face so that you need to know about it. When you experience it, you will be able to fix it by yourself. Here are some other error codes in PS4 that you need to know.

  • CE-34878-0 Error Code

This is one of the most repeated error in Sony environment. If you find this error in your PS4, you are able to try to fix it by closing the application and then install the latest system software and game updates. Then, you are able to restart and see whether the issue is still there or not. If you have changed the system hard drive, you must reinstall the original hard drive. If the error is still there, you must make a back up of the saved data and navigate to Settings and then choose Initialization and choose the option Initialize PS4.

  • CE-30002-5 Error Code

When you are trying to use a game stored on an external hard drive and then you experience this error, you are able to format the disk and try to install the content on it again to fix it. However, if you find this error when you are updating the system software, you are able to go to the PS4 system to Notifications and you have to delete any update notification. Then, you have to turn off the PS4 system, hold down the power button until you hear 2 beeps. After that, you connect the controller via the USB cable and then you have to press the PS button. You have to choose option 3, Update system software and then you have to Update from Internet. If you still see the error, you have to continue to choose option 5, Rebuild Database and then try again.

  • CE-32889-0 Error Code

If you find this error in your PS4 when you are using a game or an application, you have to check the internet connection. You are able to go to the Settings and then choose Network and select Test Internet Connection.

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