Are you looking for command list for Minecraft? If so, you come to the right site because here, we are going to give you a list of commands for Minecraft. Are you ready to use command in Minecraft? So, here they are.
The Most Beneficial Minecraft Commands
Commands in Minecraft are also called console commands. Those are advanced features which are activated by typing certain strings of text. Here are the most beneficial Minecraft commands that you can use.
- /help
It shows a list of all console commands or will give you information on how to use a specific command.
Syntax: /help [<command>]
- /gamemode
This command will set the game mode of the specified player.
Syntax: /gamemode <mode> [player]
- /tp
It functions to teleport specified entity or entities to specified destination.
- /tp <destination>
- /tp <location> [<rotation>]
- /tp <targets> <destination>
- /tp <targets> <entity>
- /tp <targets> <location> facing <facingLocation>
- /tp <targets> <location> facing entity <facingEntity> [<facingAnchor>]
- /tp <targets> <location> [<rotation>]
- /time
This command functions to check or change the time of day.
Syntax: /time <add|query|set> <value>
- /weather
This command is to set the weather.
Syntax: /weather <clear|rain|thunder> [duration]
- /give
It can give an item to a player.
Syntax: /give <player> <item> [<count>]
- /locate
This command is for locating the closest structure of specified type.
Syntax: /locate <structureType>
- /enchant
This command is for enchanting a player item.
Syntax: /enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]
- /xp
This command is for adding, setting, removing or checking a player’s XP.
- /xp [add|set] <players> <amount> [points|levels]
- /xp query <player> <points|levels>
The Other Minecraft Command List
Besides the most beneficial commands above, there are the other commands for being used in Minecraft. Those are listed below.
- /advancement
This command is to give, remove or check player advancements.
- /ban
This command is used to add player to banlist.
Syntax: /ban <name> [<reason>]
- /ban-ip
This command is used to add IP address to banlist.
Syntax: /ban-ip (<address>|<name>) [<reason>]
- /banlist
This command is used to show banlist.
Syntax: /banlist (ips|players)
- /bossbar
This command is used to make and modify bossbars.
- /clear
This command is used to clear items from player inventory.
Syntax: /clear [<targets>] [<item>] [<maxCount>]
- /clone
This command is used to copy blocks from one place to another.
Syntax: /clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [maskMode] [cloneMode] [TileName] [dataValue|state]
- /data
This command is used to get, merge, modify and remove block entity and entity NBT data.
- /datapack
This command is used to control loaded data packs.
- /debug
This command is used to begin or stop a debugging session.
Syntax: /debug (start|stop|report)
- /defaultgamemode
This command is used to set the default game mode.
Syntax: /defaultgamemode <mode>
- /deop
This command is used to revoke operator status from a player.
Syntax: /deop <player>
- /difficulty
This command is used to set the difficulty level.
Syntax: /difficulty [<difficulty>]
- /effect give
This command is used to add status effect(s).
Syntax: /effect give <entity> <effect> [<seconds>] [<amplifier>] [<hideParticles>]
- /effect clear
This command is used to remove status effect(s).
Syntax: /effect clear <entity> [<effect>]
- /enchant
This command is used to enchant a player item.
Syntax: /enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]
- /execute
This command is used to execute another command.
- /fill
This command is used to fill a region with a specific block.
Syntax: /fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <block> [destroy|hollow|keep|outline|
- /forceload add
This command is used to force a chunk to be loaded constantly.
Syntax: /forceload add <x1> <z1> [<x2> <z2>]
- /forceload remove all
This command is used to remove all force-loaded chunks.
Syntax: /forceload remove all
- /forceload query
This command is used to tell you if specified chunk is force-loaded.
Syntax: /forceload query [<x1> <z1>]
- function
This command is used to run a function.
Syntax: /function <function>
- /give
This command is used to give an item to a player.
Syntax: /give <player> <item>[<NBT>] [<count>]
- /kick
This command is used to kick a player off a server.
Syntax: /kick <player> [reason …]
- /kill
This command is used to kill entities such as players, items, mobs and many more.
Syntax: /kill [<target>]
- /list
This command is used to list players on the server.
Syntax: /list [uuids]
- /loot
This command is used to drop item from an inventory slot onto the ground.
Syntax: /loot <target> <source>
- /me
This command is used to show a message about the sender.
Syntax: /me <action …>
- /pardon
This command is used to remove entries from the banlist.
Syntax: /pardon <player>
- /particle
This command is used to make particles.
Syntax: /particle <name> [<pos>] [<delta>] <speed> <count> [<mode>] [<viewers>]
- /playsound
This command is used to play a sound.
Syntax: /playsound <sound> <source> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume]
- /publish
This command is used to open single-player world to local network.
Syntax: /publish [port]
- /recipe
This command is used to give or take player recipes.
Syntax: /recipe <give|take> [player] <name|*>
- /reload
This command is used to reload loot tablets, advancements and functions from disk.
Syntax: /reload
- /save-all
This command is used to save the server to disk.
Syntax: /save-all [flush]
- /save-off
This command is used to disable automatic server saves.
Syntax: /save-off
- /save-on
This command is used to enable automatic server saves.
Syntax: /save-on
- /say
This command is used to show a message to multiple players.
Syntax: /say <message…>
- /schedule function
This command is used to delay the execution of a function.
Syntax: /schedule function <function> <time> [append|replace]
- /schedule clear
This command is used to clear a scheduled function.
Syntax: /schedule clear <function>
- /seed
This command is used to show the world seed.
Syntax: /seed
- /setblock
This command is used to change a block to another block.
- /setworldspawn
This command is used to set the world spawn. Syntax: /setworldspawn [<x> <y> <z>]
- /stop
This command is used to stop a server.
Syntax: /stop
- /summon
This command is used to summon an entity.
Syntax: /summon <entity_name> [<pos>] [<nbt>]
- /tag add
This command is used to add an entity tag.
Syntax: /tag <target> add <name>
- /time
This command is used to change or query the world’s game time.
Syntax: /time <add|query|set> <value>
On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…
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