CallMeCarson Steam Profile

You may have tried to find the Steam profile of CallMeCarson, but you may not find it. So, what is the Steam Profile of CallMeCarson? Well, sometimes finding someone’s profile is not easy even though he is very popular. But how about CallMeCarson? Let’s find out some information about him here.

Steam Profile of CallMeCarson

When we tried to find the Steam Profile of CallMeCarson, it seems that it is hard enough to find it. Even the other people are also the same. However, when we tried to find it in his Twitch account, we found that his Steam account is Real callmecarson!!! at The profile of his Steam is an orange face with sunglasses. It has a smiley face with the left eyebrow lifted up.

Steam Profile of CallMeCarson

His Steam account has got 5 awards including Jester (x4), Whoa (x1), Wholesome (x1), Hot Take (x1) and Hilarious (x1). The total of awards that this account got is 8 with 1,200 Steam points.

How about his Badge in Steam? He has four badges including Community Contributor with 80XP which was unlocked on January 6th, 2021; Pillar of Community with 100 XP which was unlocked on October 2nd, 2019; Adept Accumulator with 153 XP which was unlocked on November 15th, 2020; and Years of Service with 150 XP which was unlocked on February 13th, 2020.

His groups in Steam are 15 groups and some of them are QueOta, 100%hs,, wAFFaimers, Astralis 4 majors, ATK, FaZe, Mad Loins CS, FISH123, TwitterPEEK and some more. He has 13 friends on Steam and now he is in Level 4.

Social Media of CallMeCarson

He has two Twitter accounts and those are @CallMeCarsonYT and @carsonkingyt. In his Twitter account named @CallMeCarson, he has more than 1.5 million followers and he follows more than 2.3k people. He created this Twitter account in February 2014.

His another Twitter account, @carsonkingyt, has more than 436k followers and he only follows one account. This account was created in December 2019. In the description of this account, it is written that @carsonkingyt is his private account.

How about his Twitch account? His Twitch account is CallMeCarsonLIVE. Now, this account has 1.4 million followers. There are a lot of videos that we created on Twitch including I’m in the OTV Rust Server, Fall Guys for Thankmas – charity to donate, Carson’s 8ball Tournament FINALE, Minecraft Let’s Play ft.

Pewdiepie, Highlight: Beating Minecraft by myself for the first time and many more. On the About section in his Twitch account, he shares the link to his social media such as Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Steam, and Discord. There, you can also find some FAQ, and also equipment that he uses to play games.

In addition, he also has an Instagram account named callmecarsonyt. On his Instagram, he has more than 2.3 million followers and he follows more than 1k people.

On May 11th, 2012, he created a Youtube account and the name of his channel is CallMeCarson. Until now, his videos on Youtube have been watched more than 359 million times in total. There are a lot of videos that you are able to watch on this Youtube channel including:

  • I Hosted a Terrible Online Gameshow which was uploaded on August 27th, 2020. The duration of the video is 47 minutes and 41 seconds and it has been watched more than 6 million times.
  • The Best Commercials Ever Made which was uploaded on August 18th, 2020. The duration of the video is 22 minutes and 20 seconds and it has been watched more than 5 million times.
  • Best of CallMeCarson (2020 Edition) which was uploaded on April 23rd, 2020. The duration of the video is 2 hours, 2 minutes and 4 seconds and it has been watched more than 13 million times.
  • Funny Gaming Moments which was uploaded on February 29th, 2020. The duration of the video is 12 minutes and 42 seconds and it has been watched more than 5 million times.
  • These Quizzes Actually Drove Us Insane which was uploaded on November 29th, 2019. The duration of the video is 15 minutes and 15 seconds and it has been watched more than 9 million times.
  • Invading Discord Servers 3 which was uploaded on November 2nd, 2018. The duration of the video is 10 minutes and 2 seconds and it has been watched more than 7 million times.

As you are able to see that his videos are always watched by million people. It seems that his videos are interesting.

About CallMeCarson


CallMeCarson or Carson King is an American Youtuber. Besides, he is also a comedian, gamer and Twitch streamer. Formerly, he was known as TheBlueCrewPros. He was born on May 10th, 1999 and in 2012, he created his channel on his birthday. In his channel, he usually creates videos with his friends and usually he records themselves on Discord or in a video game such as Minecraft.

He began to gain fame for his videos entitled Invading Discord Servers and DeviantArt is NOT Safe. Invading Discord Servers video has been watched more than 3 million times and it was uploaded on May 28th, 2018.

The duration of the video is short because it is just 5 minutes and 46 seconds. Meanwhile, his video entitled DeviantArt is NOT Safe which was uploaded on May 10th, 2018 has been watched more than 6 million times. The duration of the video is just 7 minutes and 51 seconds.

Mainly, he uploads videos with his friends to his main channel. There, usually they review images, videos or games with commentary while using the voice chat software named Discord.

On his second channel named CallMeCarsonLIVE, there are videos of him and his friends playing a variety of games such as Roblox, Minecraft, Portal, UNO, Gang Beasts, Human: Fall Flat and many more.

Then, on his third channel named CallMeCarson VODS, there are full and unedited archives of past livestreams from his Twitch channel. How about his fourth channel? On his fourth channel named CallMeCarson Plus, there are short videos, TikToks and bits.

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