Best Things to Compost in Minecraft

In Minecraft, a composter is a block which changes food and plant material into bone meal. Also, it serves as a job site block of farmer villager. Talking about composter, you may wonder what the best things to compost in this game are. So here, we will give you some explanation about it.

The Best Things to Compost

According to Minecraft Wiki, there are a number of items that can be used as compost. In the list below, you are able to see the blocks and items which can be used as compost and how they are to add a level of material to the composter.

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Compost in Minecraft
30% 50% 65% 85% 100%
Dried Kelp Cactus Beetroot Bread Cake
Beetroot Seeds Dried Kelp Block Apple Baked Potato Pumpkin Pie
Grass Sugar Cane Cocoa Beans Cookie  
Leaves Melon Slice Carrot Hay Bale  
Kelp Tall Grass Flowers Mushroom Blocks  
Melon Seeds Weeping Vines Ferns Nether Wart Block  
Nether Wart Vines Melon Warped Wart Block  
Pumpkin Seeds Twisting Vines Lily Pad    
Seagrass Nether Sprouts Mushrooms    
Saplings   Potato    
Sweet Berries   Mushroom Stem    
Wheat Seeds   Pumpkins    
Grass Block   Sea Pickles    

Average number of items required to fill a composter

~23.33 14 ~10.77 ~8.24 7

You can see in the table which is shown above that there are a number of items that can be used in a composter. It also shows the percent chance for an item to add a level of compost and the average number of items which are needed to fill a composter.

The pieces which are smaller such as individual pieces of melon, wheat, melon slices and etc can produce more compost than the blocks or other items which are able to be made from them.

As you may know that the composter is able to be filled with compost which is done by adding items which are compostable. If you successfully add an item, you will see that there is a green particle which appears.

In the table above, you can see the supported items which have different levels of compost ability. The items which have a higher percentage have more chances to add another layer of compost. For your information, each layer of compost has an appearance like podzol.

If the composter reaches the 7th layer of compost, the compost will be able to change appearance and it indicates that bone meal can be gathered by using the composter a final time.

The Usage of Composter

You are able to use composters to recycle food and plant items into bone meal. However, you cannot do that with bamboo, dead bushes, poisonous potatoes, meat and fish. If you want to recycle food and plant items, you need to use ant of a selection of items on the composter.

You may want to know how to use a composter. If so, we have some steps that you are able to follow below.

The Steps to Use a Composter

The steps to use a composter below will help you. So, if you want to use a composter, but you still have no idea how to do that, you are able to follow the steps that we provide below.

  • The first thing that you have to do to use a composter is to choose the composter in your hotbar. If you find that there is no composter in your inventory, then you are able to make one quickly by crafting it. Then, if you have a composter, you have to position your pointer which is the plus sign on the block where you want to put the composter. In your game window, you will see the block is highlighted.
  • Here, we have the tutorial of game control to put the composter depending on the version of Minecraft. You can check them below.
  • If you are a Java Edition (PC/Mac) user, you have to right click on the block.
  • If you are a Pocket Edition (PE) user, you have to tap on the block.
  • If you are a Xbox One, you have to press the LT button on the Xbox controller.
  • If you are a PS4 user, you have to press the L2 button on the PS controller.
  • If you are a Nintendo Switch user, you have to press the ZL button on the controller.
  • If you are a Windows 10 Edition user, you have to right click on the block.
  • If you are a Education Edition user, you have to right click on the block.
  • In this step, the thing that you have to do is to add compostable items to the composter. Below, we also have the game control to put a compostable item in the composter depending on the version of Minecraft that you use.
  • For Java Edition (PC/Mac) users, you have to right click on the composter.
  • For Pocket Edition (PE) users, you have to tap on the composter.
  • For Xbox One users, you have to press the LT button on the Xbox controller.
  • For PS4 users, you have to press the L2 button on the PS controller.
  • For Nintendo Switch users, you have to press the ZL button on the controller.
  • For Windows 10 Edition users, you have to right click on the composter.
  • For Education Edition users, you have to right click on the composter.

If then you see the green particles, a new layer is made in the composter. 7 compost layers will need to be created to fill the composter.

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  • If you have had the 7 layers in the composter, the composter will now be ready. It means that you are able to collect the bone meal out of it. How to collect the bone meal?
  • For Java Edition (PC/Mac) users, you must right click on the composter.
  • For Pocket Edition (PE) users, you must tap on the composter.
  • For Xbox One users, you must press the LT button on the Xbox controller.
  • For PS4 users, you must press the L2 button on the PS controller.
  • For Nintendo Switch users, you must press the ZL button on the controller.
  • For Windows 10 Edition users, you must right click on the composter.
  • For Education Edition users, you must right click on the composter.
  • Now, you will see the bone meal which pops out of the composter and you can pick up the bone meal to add it to your inventory.

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